While the spark for each protest might be different, it is not about left and right but the failure of neoliberalism

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By elboriyorker


33 thoughts on “Capitalism’s Failures Ignited Worldwide Protests”
  1. 🧐🤨🌐🤑⏳️⌛️🔜💸☹️

  2. The U.S. is still asleep. Come back later–when all the Baby Boomers try to retire.

    We're still in the "blame everyone else, but the Fed and the elected officials" phase.

  3. Marx and Engels had the solution. Too bad most people never read any books or learn about economic structures. True communism with a "dictatorship of the proletariat" is the solution. The most advanced nations is where it must begin. So, I'll be waiting for the end of this video to mention the solution to the problem. I won't hold my breath, though.

  4. I've been following the protests for 6 months since they began. Hong Kongers were first pissed off because of an extrajudicial bill in Hong Kong that almost got passed into law. Also, income inequality is high there. You so-called progressives who are trashing this channel in the comments don't know wtf you are talking about. I'm a real progressive and I care about people all over the world, even if you don't. Hong Kong people know how to protest and start a mass movement, even though pussy liberals in the US like you don't bother to form any kind of mass movement. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean that other nations can't! Just because they are, doesn't mean that your shitty government is behind it all.

    Once again to all of you. Fuck. Off.

  5. This piece postures an anti-capitalist, pro-activist, while they are actually acting here as agents of denial and misinformation, which whether intentional or not is a more subtle version of the embedded intelligence existant within even "independent" media. As the American economic swishes glintingly down the toilet of history, every single land on the entire planet with even a small crack of division is seeing the thin tip of a bloody wedge hammered into the rift. Everyone in the world is supposed to have their noses pressed to the show window looking in, not the other way around. Before all these taxpaying "Hoo me?!" bitches wake up crying at Chrystmyth without any presents, their servant Elliot "the Grinch" Abrams is going to SET FIRE TO THE WORLD!!! To say that a fascist coup like perpetrated in Bolivia is "possibly the wave of the future", all hopefully like the entire breakdown of society is desirable is the worst kind of propaganda. This is helpful to hide the US Oligarchs as the last of America's wealth is squeezed out, funneled into offshore accounts and the public sniffs the cat food. This is a distraction. HK is BOTH – real FEAR of Social-Credit techtatorship China, AND manipulation for trade-warring idiot/ military interests, each to their own advantage, in greatly varying degrees…

  6. Capitalism wont change until the biggest capitalist on the planet change, as the USA goes the world goes. Sure capitalism is everywhere, but it is the USA the exports it to other parts of the world and thus exports the pitfalls of capitalism. No person needs a gold plated toilet, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYiR5PizNc4 like in this video. No one needs a private Island, no one needs 5 homes https://www.lovemoney.com/gallerylist/68448/how-many-homes-do-the-worlds-superrich-actually-own
    No one needs 6 or 10 cars, the only reason in the world for a person to have multi-billions of dollars is for power and influence. Yes i have heard its their money, they can do what they want with it, but what if what they want is your home, your money so they can amass more money and more power. Then it becomes a personal issue doesn't it.

  7. STOP buying the corporations garbage with your hard earned wages! without our money they have zero power and they will listen when their cash flow diminishes. As long as we keep giving them the money, they have the power. It is the only way, other than a global revolution, that can stop the sociopaths who use this corrupted capitalist system to keep the rest of us enslaved to their will.

  8. The unrest around the world is merely the first grumblings of what will become the largest and most catastrophic social upheaval, in all of human history – with only two outcomes for humans – the fall of global civilisation and the ultimate extinction of our species.
    The nuances of global discontent, being overshadowd (…Or underpinned) by the looming prospect of accelerated global warming and the rammifications of that on global civilisation. Although at present, that of course is largely regarded as 'irrelevant' by both governance and citizenry alike.
    Farmers may well be discontent with bans on pesticides, but that is only due to way in which agriculture has been industrialised, it had to be, to cater for the demand as population increased exponentially over the last century. It is but one of many such nuances of discontent, in this case, the dichotomy being – pesticides-vs-famine – both of which impact human health and/or survival.
    As human population continues to expand – at admittedly, a more linear rate than the latter half of the 20th Century – the demand for food will obviously increase accordingly. Running in parallel to that of course, is the continual rise of the average annual temperature of the biosphere.
    In some regions, agriculture is already under severe stress or impossible, all due to climate or environmental conditions.
    Add to that the countless other anthropogenic vectors of doom and things are going to go way beyond FUBAR pretty soon… And when Arctic temperatures reach a stage where no year long ice coverage can be sustained, we enter the next phase – the tipping point into a hot-house state of biospheric equilibrium. The likes of which the current apex predator – Homo sapiens-'sapiens' has hitherto never experienced. We're talking mid -mesozoic temperatures – ~ 6-12 degrees hotter than today… Doesn't sound much, but at <4 degrees hotter than present, agriculture will be drastically effected at scale.
    We are literally watching the opening act of the Sixth Mass Extinction event. Humans of course, being the only species that actually have an inkling of what is at play and at stake; of course, I refer to the relevant scholars and academics of our species… Everyone else is merely part of the jungle telegraph, with its inherent perversion of the facts.
    Your governance knows all this of course [re: recent Pentagon risk assessment – IPCC – etc…]. Hence the build up of military and militarisation of the law-keeping agencies pretty much everywhere.
    Remember, there have been five major mass extinctions (and many lesser) throughout Earth's history, but no other species has made such an impact on the planet and its habitats, with obvious impact upon the myriad of denizens. Humans are the only species to have created a mass extinction event since the early proterozoic and back then, species were nowhere near as ubiquitious or diverse.
    And of course no species had learned how to play with atoms…
    With that in mind – not to mention the 450+ potential Fukushima Daiichis awaitning in the wings – The culmination of the 6X is very likely to surpass that of the Permian-Triassic [P-T ~250Ma] – aka – 'The Great Dying', whereby around 96% of the planet's biota (terrestrial and marine) went extinct.
    Humans! – Either drunk on hubris, stoned on hopium, or in a coma of faith and mostly oblivious to oblivion.

  9. Ever since at least 1980, We the People of planet Earth have had the capability of providing the highest quality of food, the highest quality of clothing, the highest quality of shelter, the highest quality of healthcare, and the highest quality of education for each and every man, woman and child on the face of the Earth, and to do it in such a way that was in Harmony with Nature.

    We already have gazillions of practical creative solutions that have not been implemented yet.

    What we don't have is enough public servants to make sure they are implemented.

    Here in New York City, we are building a Majority Voting Bloc of at least 1 million individuals (a measly 20% of the electorate) who are well-informed, free of disinformation and misinformation, on all the major issues of today AND devoting their time, energy, resources, and talents to the political process, esp the campaigns.

    That is all we need to win the Mayorship, at least 2/3 of the City Council, at least 2/3 of the Congressional seats, at least 2/3 of the State Senate seats and at least 2/3 of the Assembly seats.

    We will make sure that only the most Loving/most Wise among us become our public servants.

    We will change the laws and implement the gazillions of creative solutions we already have on a grand scale and make NYC a model of what's possible in the world today.

    Then finally we will be in a position to transition to a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom with no need for any government.

    See my group on Facebook: "Creating a Wonderful World. (let's get it done already)".

  10. All -isms, all ideologies, be it Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Zionism, Libertarianism, Anarchism, Liberalism, Feminism, or Nationalism, prevent Lucidity.

    All beliefs, religions, traditions, philosophies, opinions, perspectives, theories, prevent Lucidity.

    They act like a filter, which limits, distorts, shapes and colors all Perceptions.

    Therefore, your brain never Perceives anyone or anything as it actually is.

    Moreover, they invent the illusion of division, separation, and disconnection between the me and the not me, which breeds conflict, violence, and suffering.

    See the danger.

    The brain must be Totally Free in order to Perceive what is…the isness, the fact, the act, the actual…what is actually taking place from moment to moment, free of any interpreter or censor.

    Then and only then is one capable of actually Living Love, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Goodness, Compassion (Passion for All), Beauty, Creativity, Feeling, ExperiencING, Lucidity, Truth, and Wisdom.

    Then and only then is there Communication, Connection, Communion, Relationship with everyone and everything, for the very first time, in each and every moment of daily life.

    So first Inner Total Freedom. Then and only then can there be Outer Total Freedom in the society.

    Only such a brain can usher in a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom.

    Without Inner Total Freedom, you will only be moving from one form of tyranny to another form of tyranny, calling it growth, progress, or evolution.

    See my group on Facebook: "Total Enlightenment NOW!".

  11. We must enter the seats of public service. Voting has never been tried.

    The #1 problem facing humanity today are those people who don't care enough to become well-informed, free of misinformation and disinformation, on all the major issues of today AND are not devoting their time, energy, resources, and talents to the political process, esp the campaigns, to make sure that only the most Loving/most Wise among us become our public servants.

    They have blood on their hands.
    They are complicit in the heinous crimes against humanity and Gaia Mother Earth.
    They can never ever dare speak of Love, Peace, Joy, or Creativity.

    The plutocratic families, the corporate oligarchs, and the international banksters, have got them exactly where they want them…out of their way.

    i've been waking up and mentoring around 10 NEW uninformed/misinformed individuals every week.

    It is imperative that each and every one of us do the same.

    Start with your family, friends, and acquaintances.

    Take them under your wings and help them to become well-informed on all the major issues of today.

    Moreover, inspire them to devote their time, energy, resources, and talents to the political process, esp the campaigns, to make sure that only the most Loving/most Wise among us become our public servants.

    When ready, each one of them will do the same. So on and so forth.

    If you can't do 10, do 5. If you can't do 5, do 3. Just don't do nothing.

    See my group on Facebook: "Creating a Wonderful World. (let's get it done already)".

  12. It was glorious to see farmers in France driving into Paris, on their farm trucks, on the highway!
    Kinda full-circle from the French Revolution over feudal dues.
    Viva la France! 🇫🇷 🇺🇸

  13. Marc Steiner keeps pushing the U.S propaganda on Hong Kong, now saying that all protests on the world are the same. HK protests is a whole different story Marc. You just need to connect the dots. Assuming that you really want to broadcast Real News, learn from the best journalism done today, right here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CUgy-Hzyfo

  14. "Keynes Against Capitalism" a book by James Crotty, retired professor UMass/Amherst, lays out a "Liberal Socialist" solution to this global issue. Keynes recognized the international tension of competing forces and the power of big capital to game and control the world system, and he draws a plan to contain it. Probably Gerald Epstein, who appears often on Real News, can give greater depth and understanding, Epstein is mentioned in the acknowledgement section. Greed is the common core and apathy concerning the social conditions of ones neighbors, and with half of the world surviving on $7.45 a day or less, that includes all of us watching this video.

  15. All this kaos is pretty scary. I was listening to the news this morning and it sounded like a horror movie.

    Many, and I mean many are about to die in those protests if they don't use some reasoning. Pacific protests are a good thing. But when they mix with terrorism are pretty scary.

  16. Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t this been the narrative since the creation of what is known as America? Exploitation, theft, the list goes on and on for a reason. Only the privilege want to maintain it in any form suiting them. A paradigm shift is needed ASAP!!!!

  17. Hong Kong is the way it is because of Capitalism … yet the People are too ignorant to know this.
    Pile on top of this the fact that they have been told, throughout their lives, that China is the enemy and the cause of all that is wrong, then what characteristics would you expect the protests to display?? And yes, the US State Department and the CIA have taken advantage of this ignorance to foment another Color Revolution.

  18. All economic systems that are not sustainable based on a holistic earth friendly will fail-capitalism is getting more and more predatory-it will not last.

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