Captivating Encounter Between Pipeline Employees and Indigenous Land Defenders in Northern BC

Captivating Encounter Between Pipeline Employees and Indigenous Land Defenders in Northern BC

After a Canadian court issued an injunction to force the Wet’suwet’en nation to allow pipeline workers to enter their territory, a neighbouring clan constructs a second checkpoint. This video shows the illuminating encounter that took place when employees from TransCanada arrived at the new checkpoint. Filming by Jesse Freeston.

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25 thoughts on “Captivating Encounter Between Pipeline Employees and Indigenous Land Defenders in Northern BC

  1. Stop doing opponents favors by speaking their language. If they don't even want to bother to learn how to ask permission respectfully they don't want permission bad enough.

  2. Oh say what there….. comments are allowed in here – can't wait to see how long it will last on YouTUBE?

    But the real story should also be on how the Corporate New Imperial Colonist Foot-Soldiers have little grey-matter in their skull…. and it shows!

    This situation is the same as the "Smart Meter" fiasco: Once 'in'…. the consumer is permanently a slave to the Globalist Energy Board of Canada.

  3. in almost all of canada, and all of the united states excepting a small part of nebraska, she might try something like that, and would be wrong – the rcmp would have every legal right to come in and enforce the injunction by force, whether it actually would do it or not. but, british columbia is the exception, and she's actually right; this particular area really isn't under any kind of canadian jurisdiction at all. there is no treaty here whatsoever. these are fully sovereign tribes that the government just planted a flag on to and erected a border around, observing no concept of international law, at all. and, sending the cops in would consequently be an occupation, which the tribes would be justified to carry out virtually any level of force against.

  4. "The corrupt Judge we bought ruled in his illegitimate court that we have authorisation to help ourselves to your land and resources. Its true and right because this Justice wearing his Wig and Cloak says so regardless of how long you and your ancestors have lived on this land. If you give us any shit we will send in our goons armed to the teeth with Tanks and attack Dogs and if you resist you will be beaten, gassed, bitten, grenaded, sprayed with freezing chemical laces water and probably shot.
    Its all lawful and just because our paid Justice said so and gave us this here piece of paper with some fancy squiggles upon it"
    Criminal Oil Goon

  5. Its all part of the game played by the people who stole the lands of the native americans to show how they are playing by the rules… their rules, made up to keep stealing their rights and lands.
    Divest from oil 👍

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