Chelsea Manning Jailed for Refusing to Cooperate with Wikileaks Grand Jury – Everything Law and Order Blog

Chelsea Manning said her testimony before her court martial is all she has to say, standing by her resistance to secret grand juries as her activist ancestors did before her. Kevin Gosztola, Managing Editor of Shadowproof, discusses the case

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By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “Chelsea Manning Jailed for Refusing to Cooperate with Wikileaks Grand Jury”
  1. She's also been under fire on her social accounts. But this jailing her again is even more disgusting. The only good thing about it is that it will help us all in the long run. Deepest respect for her immense sacrifices.

  2. There is no justice in the USA for anyone but the super rich. As for the Prison system it's a racket to be used as cheap labour by the powerful who think themselves invisible?

  3. It's worse then 1984 this is a disgrace when you have a war criminal trying to overthrow a government in Venezuela and a whistle blower that showed the world the war crimes that the U.S. was committed in Iraq this is all about Julian Assange she is a hero and so is Julian free them bought

  4. Of the three branches of power in the US constitution, the judicial branch has been by far the worst branch when it comes to NOT bringing fairness, civility, humanity and 'JUSTICE' to the American society! The unjust judiciary in any society brings corruption, violance

  5. This country does not have any justice period, we have lost it We do not live in a democracy any more, we live a oligarchy dictatorship. The judges are corrupt as hell and many are brought by Rich Corporations period. Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange should be free citizens period.

  6. Kevin Gosztola looks like a 14 yo kid. Thank god Rania Khalek is there to keep their podcast on track every week, he's just too boyish!

  7. Manning is guilty of nothing but telling the truth, like Julian Assange Edward Snowden and many others. The liars and criminals have taken over the Government, (Fake) Media etc. IF You haven't seen it yet, you should. "Collateral Murder" is less than 20 minutes, and should explain everything.

  8. Its Espionage by dual Israeli nationals who have infiltrated the US Government and US Congress that is the problem the American people have! I bet they don't know that there are 89 Dual Israeli Nationals in the US Congress out of 100 members? This may be the reason Benjamin Netanyahu received an unprecedented 29 standing ovations when giving a speech to the US Congress urging them to start a war with Iran. Trump's regime consists of exclusively Dual Israeli Nationals. The United States of America has become the United States of Israel.

  9. Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and Ed Snowden are more than heroes, they're historic figures. They'll be written about and celebrated hundreds of years from now as great defenders of civil and human rights. Those who pursued and prosecuted them will be etched in time as malevolent anti-democratic forces. Their names will be mud, forever.

  10. If these white people are not devils, then I am a saint! How on Gods earth can you justify a person born a male and because they some social experiment you're referring to the person as she/her? Explain that to me, please?

  11. Chelsea Manning's heroic bravery continues to be punished by a system that views truth as the "enemy" — a tendency of societies devolving into fascism… I find it interesting that Chelsea would be called to testify in front of a grand jury after Trump has threatened to revisit her case & impose harsher punishments for what he, of all people, deems "treason"…You will be in my prayers Chelsea — you've got my support & that of many others…

  12. I don't know why any American has any Trust in the Media. Its been blatantly put into US law in 2012, that our Government is enabled by ITSELF to propagandize the population however it pleases, with no oversight. They are brainwashing our young with Zero Sum Competition Social Fracturing. The entire Social Structure has been Propaganda, all the way down the rabbit hole. It relies on parents being too busy to generate income to maintain the household, so they have no idea how effective Personalized Social Media Propaganda is on a developing mind. The Government starts targeting our children for political messaging before their early teens. Our government is one doesn't know how to manage its population without treating it like an Enemy Force.

  13. Notice the reporter "Yes Sir" right there at the end!… When he got back to work his severance pay would be waiting at the door for him!… I'm sure he would play incredulous but I expect even a child to have a better set of social skills and common sense.

  14. It sounds like it was the judge, not Manning who is in contempt. They're running a kangaroo court because the law doesn't support their case against Wikileaks. Free Julian Assange, and release Chelsea Manning.

  15. Well Chelsea thought after she released that info that they may have a grand jury hearing on the war crimes committed.
    Nope, shoot the messengers.

  16. "Damn dog! If you don't speak you go in the cage!" Nice having the freedom OF speech but good luck having the freedom to not speak when they tell you to.

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