China the Target of Pentagon’s Massive Military Budget – Horne and Jay – Everything Law and Order Blog

Acting Secretary of Defense justifies the increase in military spending with three words: China, China, China – Historian Gerald Horne joins Paul Jay

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By phillyfinest369


46 thoughts on “China the Target of Pentagon’s Massive Military Budget – Horne and Jay”
  1. I imagine the biggest threat to America in a war with China or Iran would be cyber attacks which could devastate the power grid.

  2. All the money that goes into the military and these wars can be used to vastly reduce poverty, improve education and create jobs. Starting wars like these cost money, lives and resources.

  3. It seems obvious, to me, that the future wars will "exclusively" be space and ciber wars. therefore, I guess that is where the money is intended to go.   Sorry to say, but India already has the technology to destroy any threatening satellite that may be currently flying in our sky; and also,  Rusia already has the technology to crash anyone's Internet system.
    On the other hand, the US has already made too many super-powerful enemies. I am afraid, there is no way out.
    The Trillions invested in the military, will only go to the bank accounts of the shareholders of the weapons making industry. Period.

  4. Democrats Republicans & people of America will not agree that they are under rule by communist China Russia Iran Turkey North Korea 😂😂😂

  5. China holding Treasury Bonds – whatever the size – is IRRELEVANT. the US government is the sole, monopolistic originator of US Dollars. Whenever those T Bonds become available, the Treasury will just do the necessary key strokes to make the US Dollars available to the Chinese.

  6. We are borrowing from China to threaten China. And the irony compounded that China makes essential components to our guided missiles is another WTF in our faux threats.

  7. You can't use nuclear weapons or you lose everything. The greatest danger is a "leader" like Trump who is too stupid to know it. Normally, it's all about keeping everyone scared and under control.

  8. And how about Russia, Russia, Russia? Don't forget she is the top nuclear power nation of this world! The US is building new nuclear weapons to counter Russia. And the US will have to fight on two fronts and be drowned in debts, her economy will collapse!!!

  9. I think it’s to intimidate whom ever they choose to…… it’s unbelievable the saviour of the world 70 years ago has turned into this…. I wish the American people would WAKE UP

  10. Very fine interview, and I agree with both of you, Paul and Gerald. That's in all respects for this video. It's highly doubtful that the US would risk initiating military war against China, and China certainly wouldn't be the initiator.

  11. You cant apply logic to militarism. It is just a ploy to make money. All you have to study is the relationship between US and Japan in 20th century up to WWII. It is a virtual repeat of US desire to keep then Japanese economic interests and now China out of western hemisphere. It is racism. What is scary is the US has shown that it is willing to kill millions and use nuclear weapons to win.

  12. War wont mean an extinction if its china it will mean allot of death maybe allot of radiation but not extinction… might actually be better for mankind overall

  13. Paul, plain and simple. Military spending is a ripp-off… Remember the trillion dollars that could not be accounted for anounced by Rumsfeld the day before 9/11…remember the trillions of dollar that went missing somewhere announced last year. It is a scam and it has always been. Look at what happened to Boeing the last 20 years when Wall Street took over. Now their planes falling like gnats out of the sky

  14. In a complex society with complex interactions add into that mix a petty crook simpleton President and an administration that on any given day changes its allegiance depending what way the money is blowing and you'll have an environment ripe for blunders. We're in the late stages of this paradigm even if the models get it right Climate Chaos changes everything.

  15. The economy is the fundamental basis of military power, but over the past century, American voters and politicians have always chosen financialization and globalization over workers and the real economy.
    The Left forced anti-globalization into the far-left, while the Right never believed the people who tried to warn them like Ross Perot and Pat Buchanan that globalization would be our downfall.
    Is that yesterday's problem now? As the world may finally be beginning to run low on exploitable labor, automation is rendering more labor redundant. How do we avoid creating Luddites fighting progress in the next technological revolution or becoming those Luddites ourselves?

  16. Europeans and Euro Asia have already setup systems to cut the US of financially any day now.
    With Italy joining China's plan and I've heard rumors of France next this could be that chain reaction.
    They are all neighbors and have no clue how to save ponzi scheme capitalism.

  17. This also causes the USA to create institutions, structures of power, AND SOCIAL NARRATIVES that vilify and dehumanize anyone that LOOKS Asian, especially American Citizens, but no one in Western media has cared about that since this policy was vocalized before initiating the Vietnam War.
    The White World needs a Non White Enemy it can go to war with and that leaves Africans or Asians and its clear who the military target is.

  18. This is nothing much new, as Paul Jay says. Daniel Elsberg reported that he himself worked on plans to use nuclear bombs against 25 cities in China and another number of cities in Russia. "Global full spectrum domination." has been US policy sense August 6, 1945. Additionally the Pentagon has for decades considered Russia and China to be so close geographically and politically that they constitute one strategic unit so if there is war it will be with both of them.

    No one seems to want to take even a half a step back to see the large view. The US has conducted a war against the rest of the world killing and slaughtering by the tens of millions EVERY SINGLE DAY for the last 75 years. Today it is obvious. In Africa for example the US has personnel in 62 of 64 nations – killing people. We see what is happening in Latin America, add those to Russia/China and a broad view comes into focus – the US is in a full on war with the rest of the world and has been for 75 years.

    The problem is now they can't win. All they can do is trigger nuclear exchange which will destroy civilization if not make humans extent.

    So, yes the carriers @ 14bn a copy are primarily for profit, but that too is hardly news.

    I continue to mention GIANTS: The Global Power Elite, by Peter Phillips. In it he describes a core block of Western capital now 50 trillion dollars which has existed for 500 years according to Thomas Peketty. It exposes where and how the "deep state" and the global financial institutions get their instructions. He shows that the elite already own all key and/or cash flowing businesses most large industries are now monopolies or cartels. Eight families control the global auto industry for example. In order to generate the demanded economic growth the elite look now to public assets and military spending.

    Anyone who has seen the documentary "A Very Heavy Agenda" understands how the Kagan family and a small group of elites actually sit in meetings with generals and devise military strategy. These are our rulers, not presidents.

    The global elite own and operate US power and use entirely for their own purposes.

    Its perfect for them for everyone to attack the government and not them. This core capital has prospered under every form of government making profits greater than economic growth, they have no concern for "America" or the US gov, they will happily move their wealth to China or anywhere else when the US gov does not suit them – they have a 500 year record of success making them one of the most powerful and enduring "institutions" the world has ever known.

    The most powerful force on earth in terms of geopolitics is that core Western capital but no one even considers it when talking about geopolitics. Yet this single commingled block of USD50trillion is behind all US slaughter and the 75 year long, and counting, war for global domination.

    Consider this, the core capital of Western capitalism has been in existence for centuries, under every form of government, the French Revolution changed nothing for the elites they profited throughout without a pause, the US revolution, the same.

    The people who have controlled this block of capital are completely amoral they will adapt and adjust and go on being in control of our lives until we can neutralize their power. This will never be done through the ballot box. Sanders is pathetic in the face of their power, they have manipulated commanding generals, Eisenhower was convinced to slaughter millions to serve their interests.

    Real change which would actually benefit mankind can not happen as long the global power elite own everything, Look what has happened, revolutions have never cost the elites a dime.

  19. I've said for a long time that after screwing over the American middle-class by moving jobs and technology to China that then they'd ask the American poor and middle-class to deal with austerity so that they could fight a rising China – while the corporate elite who caused the problem in the first place get even more wealth transferred to themselves.

  20. If a foreign country dropped a bomb in the middle of the pentagon I’d stand up and cheer…if it took out the CIA and NSA that’d be a bonus.

  21. Its easy for the psychopaths in the WH to threaten the world when they are all beholden to another nation. They use the US as cover. They don't give a rats ass for American citizens.

  22. No it isn't. It's for Israel, as is indicative of the last 40 years of America's Mid-East wars/neocolonialism/removal of sovereign leaders for oil. China is just a boogie man. China has nothing to gain by warring with us. We still owe them a massive fortune. It's just rumors of wars created by Neocons like Bolton to raise funding for Mid East wars. Those wars will gain oil, opium, and continue the Greater Israel Plan. War with China gains nothing. Trump will keep pretending to flex against China (to increase war funing), while he splits the spoils (oil) of his plunder with China itself. Just like how Trump's trade war pretends to be at odds with China's interest, while Trump is also trying to actively create jobs (his words) for the Chinese. It's a false rivalry.

  23. Who are they trying to fool. A war against China or Russia would be the end of civilization. Just keep ripping off the taxpayer.

  24. I'm just thankful for the real news network doing what other media don't do: explaining by cutting through the bullshit.

  25. The need for Simon Bolivar's dream Empire of the South. A Bolivarian Anti-Empire of 700million Americans from the south to fill the power vacuum created by US self destruction.

  26. We pushed the USSR into the ground with military spending. China is not in the same position as the old USSR. We could be in trouble this time.

  27. Total insanity. Instead of focusing on real problems, such as impending extinction, this is what these evil jerk-offs do. Nuts.

  28. American military spending is a way of funnelling tax dollars to corporate interests. It has nothing to do with defence and makes the USA less secure , along with the rest of us, in a more dangerous and unstable world. Support for terrorism justifies the wars against the terrorists the US funds and arms. Trump's nuclear arms policy makes the probability of nuclear annihilation higher than ever. All that for corporate dollars, pork barrel politics and electoral corruption.

  29. The whole desire of nations, or people for that matter, to dominate others is the fundamental issue bringing about most of the problems in this world. Dumb alpha-mindset thinking is holding the human race back.

  30. Respectfully, China is not the target, the US taxpayer is the target and they will conjure or feign any threat at anytime as long as it helps them get access to as much of that taxpayer money as possible, despite the nation being 22 trillion in the red and their chronic mishandling of the most insanely bloated budget in modern history.
    These people do things like bombing Somalia, that's their lane, fighting guys with AK's by firing missiles from drones.
    They wouldn't dream of fighting someone like Russia or China, with the ability to actually fight back. Not their style. They want to fight endless, pointless and unwinnable wars against poorly armed tribesman forever.
    If the middle east by some miracle falls through as the permanent war zone, the whole operation will move to Africa.

  31. Theee sissy males are not taking about how Chinese do not allow many US companies to do business and most of China’s neighbors are also pissed because of disputes with China.

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