Stuart Newman, cell biology professor and founding member of the Council for Responsible Genetics, says that the experiment where human twins had genes engineered to make them immune from the HIV virus is a ‘crazy’ project because it misunderstands the dangers and complexity of how genes work

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By elboriyorker


46 thoughts on “Chinese Scientist’s Human Genetic Engineering Experiment is ‘Crazy’”
  1. Has anyone considered that the “aliens,” people have encountered up until now, may have actually been the test subjects of this technology?? Humans with modified genes that gave them slightly inhuman traits, like green skin…? Because much of the “UFO” business has been proven to be man-made already…

  2. So the real fear here. Is changing something in nature that causes some unseen irreversible apocalyptic event for life itself. And I'm beginning to find that people can do this in their garage. We cant even think five steps ahead in a game of chess, but life why not.

  3. If we can make better humans, then what's the problem? I don't buy the liberal argument that it's "unfair" to poor people. STFU and do something about it. The technology is out there right now and everyone has the ability to educate themselves.

  4. as the tech gets cheaper and less complicated to use the free market will spread this shit like a california wild fire
    the door has been opened and what walks through it next who knows

  5. China owns United States. Their economy has long now surpassed American. The American people have been robbed of the land their forefathers conquered by the banks that their government borrows money from. Every great empire has had its downfall and America will surely have theirs. It will be far worse than the great depression. It will be biblical. Only then will the capstone be realized and the pyramid will be complete.

  6. The most horrific part of this, and others thinking like this pig, is…."I." What is done, what is not done, none of this matters as long as there are sociopathic freaks like him and others like Bill Gates who represent this I. The antithesis of of sociopathic behavior. Why not Gates RealNews…this freak wants to unleash bios that could destroy the planet in ways man has yet to hear of. Remove that log from your eye RealNews.

  7. Eric Sevaraid's law: " ´The biggest source of problems is 'solutions'." — And what humankind direly needs, is a tekknofetishist "'"solution'"' for the HIV-problem, so that we don't have to admit that THIS problem could have been easily solved without any technolgy and "science'," simply by RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR.

  8. I highly doubt the reason for creating any genetic engineering technique would be to let it sit on the shelf. These private labs are using this technique on wealthy donors already.

  9. 0:56 illegal for average people… Don't fucking act like you think governments (especially us government) haven't progressed and discovered things in this field

  10. Ethics is a Western concept anyway, related to the Greek term 'ethos'.
    China is not tied or committed to this western weird philosophy.

  11. The collective hubris, of our species, will take civilization towards the cliff and subsequently off it. All signs point to this and the signs are everywhere to be seen. Being optimistic, at this point, is just utterly nonsensical.

  12. TheRealNews, love you guys, but what's with this dude. Multiple times now I've seen him mislead/misinform, particularly on China-related topics, don't know if it's intentional or he's just incompetent. Statement at 0:54 is blatantly false. The guest is right, gene editing is NOT illegal in the US. Meanwhile, regarding this case (from Science magazine) "The Chinese Society for Cell Biology issued a statement calling the research “a serious violation of the Chinese government’s laws and regulations and the consensus of the Chinese scientific community.” And He’s university issued a statement saying it has launched an investigation into the research, which it says may “seriously violate academic ethics and academic norms.”

  13. The point he's making is that the experiment is too sudden, there needs to be extensive research before such an event should ever happen. Those twins are going to grow up and have children. If there is unintended consequences then horrible genetic defects/diseases could enter the human gene pool.

    Genes could have 2 different functions. They aldo share a relationship with other genes. For example, if you were to remove the genes that make up the shoulder then you would not only lose a shoulder but also an arm. If the gene he removed was a 'shoulder' to another crucial part of the DNA then those twins are crippled.

  14. China making fake humans. The Chinese scientist wanted to be world first at something and hides his ulterior motive under the desire of doing good.

  15. Anyway, this is the Pandora's box open for "A Brave New World". Soon(-ish), we will have not a class society but a bioengineered caste society, with slaves genetically determined to be dumb-ish and maybe even unable to revolt and super-humans ruling them and all the intermediate castes as well as if they'd be chattel slaves.

    The ants achieved the same via biological evolution but if a similar kind of bio-edited "society" is created out of us, then we can't anymore talk of Humankind but of something completely different and rather nightmarish.

  16. What about the very serious concerns about CRISPR quiet possibly editing other genes than the one it's aimed to? At the current state of knowledge it doesn't seem even safe enough for humans (embryos) to be edited, unless in serious health/death risk that justifies the dangers.

  17. I think I hear from the bioethicist an unspoken concern that the perspective of the gene editing advocates is willfully ignorant of chronobiology.

  18. I would like to get my genes edited during my next visit to China, to inset some firefly genes into my skin so I can glow in the dark.
    😜 Sorry I don't actually have a serious comment on this right now, I am infected by a bronchitis virus. In my opinion on the war between humanity and virii, I am siding with the humans.
    These bioethicists sound to me like they have their panties in a bunch, but then again, I imagine that is how all ethical arguments sound to the ignorant. Based on my own recognition of my ignorance, I concede the point to the bioethicist, for now. (Until I get into biological coding as a future hobby)
    I do fear for the day that consumerism mixes with genetic engineering, for fear of all the people as stupid as I am, happy to do something frivolous. Although I do believe self experimentation is an important mode for scientific progress.

  19. I'm curious about their participant selection process. Where'd they get the babies and who are their parents, what do they think about this?

  20. Tell me who is stupid enough to copy a group of people who have been in a non stop war with 1/3 one that war of with itself and who are presently destroying the world at break neck speed?……….. I guess the Chinese!

  21. Cudos to Dr. Newman, If The Peoples Republic of China has POOR ethics, what has led a culture to myopically care about only wealth and prosperity?

  22. No consent. But then look at the 100s of millions of sentient animals who are tortured and killed every year for scientific whims which we could most likely achieve without using them. Go Vegan and let's stop using sentient animals as resources.

  23. The guest never mentioned examples of "what could go wrong". We as a human race have a MORAL OBLIGATION to genetically modify babies to be resistant to disease. The faux outrage is concerning to scientific progress.

  24. I find it simply shocking that such a sophisticated scientist could have such a myopic view of genetics. Poorly motivated is a serious understatement! Human beings are seriously flawed no doubt about it.

  25. Scientific research in this has been moving foreword since around 1988. This is a political talk not scientific information about progress. In the womb babies genes can and simply do get altered. But CRISPR cas9 is very, very different than usual. 3 or 4 years ago I learned that CRISPR – clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, happens by a bacterial infection complicated by a viral infection that leads to a genetic change. In the womb it happens when the supply of glucose and oxygen get cut off, if I'm not mistaken. A doctor in PNG performed malpractice on me, that is he took stem cells out of my thymus in 1988! In 2006, half way around the world, I was knocked unconscious, tortured and my skull was split apart. In 2011, in South East Asia, I was poisoned and changed skin color when unconscious. Why? To take out my stem cells for research – I believe. Now people say I'm stupid and leave me destitute to face criminal charges that people in 4 countries are accusing me of, but all done 'behind my back' for 4 or 5 decades. This is because I was born by a 'problem birth" , breached with a prolapsed umbilical cord. Anyone able to check my genetic make up? I simply avoid doctors performing malpractice on me as they try to do 'research'.

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