The IPCC’s new report is groundbreaking, but it misses crucial points on climate tipping points and feedbacks that could make the crisis even more urgent, says Durwood Zaelke of the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development
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Minus a few comments, this comment section is all pseudoscience and conspiracy theories: not just the climate change deniers either.
Yes, climate change is serious, but not as grim as people here who acknowledge it are interpreting it to be. And no, the IPCC isn't lying.
The IPCC is not lying, no matter which side of the climate pseudoscience coin you are on.
Propaganda that won’t pan out like the was 50 years 🤡
I'm confused by this interview —- it seems like two different messages being given to me at the same time —- the 'hopeful' part is conditional on doing a host of specific things in a very short timeline—– sorry to be pessimistic but this isn't going to happen folks —- telling us we know how to do CO2 extraction and that we 'just have to scale it up' doesn't make me feel better —- as it stands now the US and its Western minions are busy pushing the world into another Cold War — focusing attention away from the collective threat of the climate crisis —- look at the solutions being discussed to the failing economic sanctions against Russia —– fire up coal plants again, change fossil fuel suppliers — WTF? —- look at the billions being wasted on weapons to Ukraine and the madness of both sides of the great geopolitical divide now having to spend billions upon billions more on replacing and creating new weapons —- all this fanciful positivity is nonsense unless something is done to change course —- the neocons in charge of a collapsing US Empire are among the most evil and irresponsible people on the planet — okay blame Putin and Russia too —- throw whomever you want into the blame-game soup — it doesn't change the fact that we are hopelessly mired in a quagmire of division—— sadly as well, the nations that were the primary cause of this climate crisis (The West) are the ones who will suffer the least — it will be the developing nations around the globe, the poor & voice-less who are going to bear the initial brunt of the coming catastrophe
Market solutions???? Look who goes to these confrences. Of course they propose market solutions.
We cannot solve problems using rhe same thinking which caused them. I say! Not just me either. I believe Einstein said it.
Market solutions? Really?? You know and foxes? I could use some to guard my hen house.
If we cut emissions we will lose aerosol masking, what will we do with the loss of its cooling effects?
How will we counter the loss of AEROSOL MASKING?
How much greenhouse gas is produced by the carbon capture devices?? How much is produced during the production of these devices?? Is it a NET REDUCTION?
Ipcc candy-coated that report
Anyone who believes that we’re going to perform geoengineering miracles or stop pumping co2 into the atmosphere is a master of self deception
Worse than expected—getting to be a mantra
The temperature in the cities around the world has risen several degrees over the
last hundred years. The measures points are the same but the environment has
changed dramatically. More and more land in the cities is under asphalt so the
heat from the sun is absorbed and stored in “the black materialâ€.
To people who still has the ability to look beyond their own nose tips this comes as no
surprise as they are aware of the natural climate cycles of the planet.
You can not stop the warming only slow it at this stage. or rather prepare for it. To late to change the minds and actions of people that time left 20-30- yrs or more ago
The problem is capitalism.
There has. To be a way to speak and explain what you are explaining to people who know nothing about most everything. Greta even has to realize that most educated people can't grasp these concepts at the speed that you throw them out. Maybe a cartoon explanation or the best teachers who are genius at explaining. No one yet who l have listened to is real good at that. We need very perceptive and brilliant teachers who can keep anyone's attention and interest with humor or whatever so they could even understand the science that Greta expects. People to read. We have to get the attention of consumer minds whose attention spans are seconds long. I like to listen to all of you, however, l am a naturalist and have spent most of my 80 years outdoors and see sooooo much species loss it makes me cry. If we could collect all our food wastes and fallen leaves, taken to a composting site, then given to any farmer to go organic we would have great help with the co2 problem. Again a sharp teacher/explainer. Thank you! All voices count some. Need young brains. Some of Gretas colleagues are amazing, sharp, hopeful. Watching Greta makes me laugh ad cry in each speech. Samantha bee did agreat skit about Greta. Need to get her types involved fo General public.
Here's how you can pull CO2 out of the atmosphere: plant more trees, support your farmers who plant vegetation, because plants around the world depend on CO2 to live/thrive.
and while your at it check out these links, this may help:
How can one convert Mars into a habitable place, when it can't even protect earth from slowly being unhabitable?
This is a little speech given by the Malai Lana…..he is the antithesis of the politically correct Dalai Lama. Please don't mix them up.
Hello dumbfuck soybois and soygurrls…..
if you really want to contribute urgently to the well being of this beautiful planet the best thing to do is remove your presence from the planet. It doesn't really matter how much fun you're currently having being alive you just have to get off the planet.
If this selflessness was actually practiced by the dumbfuck masses like you just think how much the planet would benefit. I don't understand what's holding up you guys from doing the right thing instead of preaching and screetching and naked street dancing. The more you hold up traffic the larger your
carbon footprint.
De existing is the solution.
Go for it. Just do it. Be woke.
Drink some more
Woke O'Cola. ….Go woke…..
Get out woke.
Even if humans had not evolved all this climate would still be changing like normal planetary changes.
The problem is the climate change activists want everyone to live like mahatma Gandhi but they themselves don't want to. Like the co founder of that Extinction rebellion said herself it's not about her lifestyle changing it's about ours changing. Sure.
It was a fantastic slip.
Con people trying to mass move a false scare. You can't change the planet climate. Ask any Red Indian witchdoctor still dancingand prancing around a fire trying bullshit stuff to try and bullshit
Big Chief Twodogsfuckingcasuallyinpublic.
And if water is onto your property you've not planned your dwelling right. Location is everything….for sometime. When the planet's automatic movements come to remind you of your errors you got to move. Weather and climate never stop or can ever be stopped or changed. Men , and women more so are prone to pipe dreams. Man is a migratory animal.
If little Gretastupid can cross oceans why can't others ?
Al Gone shouted lies and went….
Greta today is a front for the climate tax lobby and a great way to bunk school. Which child wouldn't say anything to get a holiday ?
Climate change is one big con.
What we need is environment repair and that is happening naturally.
Once the population goes down drastically humans will stabilise at one billion. Then according to real social scientists like James Lovelock the planet will be sustainable.
The planet doesn't have a climate problem….the problem is human population and what to do with the excess baggage that is weighing humanity down like a stinky over filled diaper. There is a solution but its unthinkable because of political correctness. And that's our civilisation's downfall.
As we speak.
The future is always unwritten.
Scare mongering is a current fad….first Al Gone…now some sixteen year old child with the mental capacity of an eight year old … they might send a premie to the United Nations….and all the dumbfucks will again applaud…..appalling.
Rubbing shoulders in the age of atomic and automatic weapons is a natural way to keep the population down. Nature doesn't care for political correctness it seems.
Thank you.
Total crap ….
Pure propaganda…..
Unfortunately humanity is treating this lije a death and going through the 5 stages of grief. We are in the denial dtage and seem to be stuck there. By the time enough leaders move out of this stage i think against all my hopes it will be too late.
This is a very dangerous cult. People scared to death by this will be willing to do anything,, including hurting others. Does global climate change exist? YES, always have and always will. Have it happened before? YES, both great warming and great cooling periods have happened multiple times. Does greenhouse gases exist YES (luckily). Are humans the biggest contributor to current changes? Not necessarily, because the accuracies in the IPCC models currently have an error margin bigger than that of the predicted temperature rize. We further more know that IPCC like to tinker with and change previous temperature records. We also know that people asking for the raw data input to the model and the modelling programs source code have been met with silence, or phrases like, "We lost it", "Haha, never, you only want it so you can find something wrong with it!".. (let that sink in,, what kind of "scientists" would not share there work freely with a college for proper in-depth review,? I mean why is it not available for ALL! freely to see on the web?).                Please please understand that the IPCC is NOT a scientific faculty and the reports are NOT written by "scientists" its run and realised by bureaucrats with allegiance to no one but the UN and them selves.    UN is a simple NGO run by the very same elite you most likely love to hate hand in hand with kleptocrats from all over the world free of any moral. UN have had ONE sole goal since its inception, POWER TO CONTROL. IPCC is a just a tool in there toolbox for a maximized power grab and legislative rights over sovereign countries. If you doubt me, please ask your selves why no major effort by UN to actually CAPTURING CO2 are made,, making us avoid this never ending runup to a supposed doomsday to happen? There is multiple small privat companies in the business of doing exactly this, have you ever heard of them, or ever heard your politician talk about them? Again, fixing this supposed global doomsday is NOT there goal,, THERE goal is to scare the hell out of everyone and to make sure YOU hand over all your resources to them, giving them the power to dictate your life in minute detail.
It is man made….by the cabal in charge, keeping it going…..blame and tax the regular person is not going to solve anything.
Already passed 1.5
Where are the Bible thumpers isn't the leader of the evil forces coming, Trump has arrived
Really are Humans so blind to not realize that if climate change is real we probally will not survive the experience so should we not being supposedly rational animals treat it as real just in case and try to combat it it maybe its too late and humanity will die out or be reduced to a fraction of the population now existing maybe next time we will do better but I dont hold out a lot of hope.
We should immediately reduce your activity on this planet by 50% if we would like to mitigate the impact of climate change. But how with such social development that we have created and continue to forge? Social development that destroys the planet and threatens our existence. The solution is a different model of social development. Alternative global social system. Such is based on values such as humanity, social justice and ecological responsibility. This is ecohumanism, the only social order that can protect the planet and man. How he works, you can read on the Ecohumanworld website in the book "ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE". It's time to rise on a higher civilization level and protect yourself from extinction into which we run like stampede of fools.
Information, action, and optimism that might have helped 30-40 years ago.
At least he admits it’s an emergency 🚨.
The truth is that there are studies showing increasing divergence between temperature predictions and reality. The IPCC model OVERESTIMATES reality. This is ALARMIST trash. The Arctic ice cap might indeed be shrinking – but the Antarctic cap is GROWING. Having more CO2 makes plants grow faster and increases crop yields. The alarmists want your money by taxing your carbon footprint. If you look at LONG TERM data, the Roman and Medieval warming periods had no human CO2 emissions. The (roughly) thousand-year warming cycle is running its course.