College football is dangerous. Unions can fix it. – Everything Law and Order Blog

The view of college athletes as unpaid workers is gaining currency among the public. Of course, it’s one thing to have an analysis of how universities exploit their students—it’s another to know what to do about it. What about unionization? College Football Players Association founder and Executive Director Jason Stahl joins Dave Zirin on Edge of Sports for a deep dive into the merits, challenges, and opportunities for change in unionizing college athletes. Zirin also shares some choice words about the triumph of Spain’s world cup women over toxic men, and on Ask a Sports Scholar, he speaks with Theresa Runstedtler about her book ‘Black Ball: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Spencer Haywood, and the Generation that Saved the Soul of the NBA.’

Studio Production: David Hebden, Cameron Granadino
Post-Production: Taylor Hebden
Audio Post-Production: David Hebden
Opening Sequence: Cameron Granadino
Music by: Eze Jackson & Carlos Guillen

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By phillyfinest369


17 thoughts on “College football is dangerous. Unions can fix it.”
  1. Universities make fortunes off unpaid athletes who put their health and future at risk for a chance at an education. If these students did any other kind of work, we'd recognize it as unpaid labor!

  2. College football money supports sports of women and others that don't make money. Next small colleges vs large,how would the money get split.

  3. Indoctrinate them as young as possible in order to hold on to them throughout their lives. Show them victimization and they will always be victims and believe they are owed and not responsible. This was a downhill course when the institutions gave into the demand to make college athletes “paid professional players”. Now the progressive system will pay.

  4. 12 mins in all i can think is maybe this guy would have an easier time organizing the men's teams IF he started with and won good benefits for the women's teams FIRST??!! it would probably be easier too because women are more understanding of how unfair/unequal the entire system already is for women(even tho it's in reality unfair/unequal for ALL humans it's just more apparent/more so for women) so if there's some way women can figure out how to overcome they system of unfairness already apparent to them, then it's going to be easier to organize women!! but if the men saw these women benefiting from unionization they'd be ALL OVER the idea even trying to claim they 'thought of it first' lol!! women are naturally more organizing/solidarity types anywho!! it's "easier" or more likely for a woman to stand up for another woman than it is for a man to be able to stand in solidarity with another man, especially in such a competitive(sure sports you think are 'team competition' things but there's sooo much competition WITHIN the team itself too! for team captain/different positions, it's just hardly ever thought/talked about) so are you really going to have an easy time getting the entire "team" of men who are secretly competing against each other to stand in solidarity??!! i'd say try for the women's team first, not only would it be easier because of women's personalities but then the men's teams will be much easier to organize too after they see how much the women are benefitting…

  5. This should extend to cheer and dance departments too. Girls break bones, get concussion and put up woth 5-7 hour rehearsal days to prep for games and school events all for no pay and limited scholarship opportunity.
    I hope that they spare a thought for those of us on dance team and in the marching band who support on game day and go through it all alongside the athletes

  6. Colledge adminstrators suplemented with player association administrators adding layers of expenses for what purpose would make expanding bureaucracies to fix what issue worth it. It usually becomes about the money not the people.

  7. Yup he said the best!!! Business!!! College is a business that produces submissive employees! Or slaves to work for a debt- dollar -=work=modern slave =all society! Roth+elite 🧿 is responsible!!!!

  8. Unions!!! Yah ok! I am and come from union side! Take my advice! They will be owned by Las Vegas! People are not interested in school lies anymore and they’re alliance and demonic intentions and untruthful agenda towards students! So all new money to make up the revenue of kids not wanting to go to colleges!

  9. This is the first time I’ve seen this topic broached. I think it’s a worthy conversation to have, given the amount of money and school “brand” exposure due to athletics.

  10. The reason it’s popular is because it’s dangerous. Change the title. It’s excessively Dangerous. SMH do better please.

  11. love this topic! i played football at a small D3 college transitioning to D2 and even then we were told the football program was bringing in 7 figures for the university

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