Congo’s First Election in 49 Years: Has Democracy Won, Or Was It A Quiet Coup? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Congolese Catholic Church and 70,000 observers said reformer Fayulu won, but the DRC government declared Tshisekedi the winner

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By phillyfinest369


10 thoughts on “Congo’s First Election in 49 Years: Has Democracy Won, Or Was It A Quiet Coup?”
  1. After realising that the veracity of the elections results and the quality of the work provided by Cenco , a Catholic organisation which found pride in telling the all world that he had despatched 40 000 observers on the ground and on which were led all hopes the Belgian and French politicians looking to manipulate Congolese election became questionable, they manufactured the scenario of leaked documents of results from the Electoral Committee of Congo that claimed their candidate Mr Fayulu as winer and that there has been a massive fraud against him in the Congolese election. I would attract everyone"s attention on the fact that documents like that, which they claim included 47% of the results by Cenco, could be easily be produced by anyone with a computer, copier and a printer and cannot be verified because the author of the article never invited anyone to look at them. Cenco was that organisation that everyone remember calling the media 2 days only into the election and saying that it knew who won the election but with only 20% of data in it was later sadly discovered. It is the same organisation again, which contested first the election results the next day that Mr Tshisekedi got declared the winner by Electoral Committee. We all thought that Cenco had 100% of their data in when they made all declarations but now it is a well known fact that they only had 47% in total and yet the all saga of fraud that we Congolese and the world have been subjected by the French and Belgian politicians and media, Cenco and Mr Fayulu for days and nights, was based on incomplete information and information they were not allowed to have in first place as simple observers, let alone make declarations around them. It was these elements that Mr Fayulu was exited and being pushed by his bosses to bring to the constitutional Court in his defence until people started questioning and became suspicious of Cenco work based on conflictual information, including that it had not deployed 40 000 observers on the ground but had in reality received 17 000 accreditations and found itself with 5000 people only on the election day, perhaps because of the storm that visited the country that day. It is this weak evidence, which the prosecutor introducing the hearing at the Constitutional had easily squashed and requested a rejection that Mr Fayulu was waisting everybody's time and inciting violence from his fanatics from. He was such a bad loser. So, all hopes gone, him and his foreign bosses had to find something, anything and the project Electoral Commission leaked document was manufactured and it came trough financial times magazine with a big title " Massive electoral fraud…" but there was a big big problem, the fabricated information was not true and there was no question for them to be shown to anyone or the Constitutional Court. They had to come with something to stop the Constitutional Court before it come to that. The African Union could it, they thought and they did and the reason: there might be fraud. My God, who are those people? But like the Secretary General of UDPS the winning party said today responding to AU, there is no crisis in Congo and there is no need to undermine the legal processes of the Congo. The SADEC organisation has had the right attitude by asking non interference in an election process that has gone so well and to respect Congo soverenety, as China, Russia, USA and many other countries have insisted in the Security Council. Mr Tshisekedi has won the Congo election, even it does not please some powers in the West, and Mr Kabila has demonstrated the qualities of a fine politician and has pulled against all odds, an amazing election, with no foreign funding. African people and world friends of Congo who fight for peace and development, please claim your victory. Say that any interference that has been done and is continuing to be done to destabilise the Congo and undermine its Constitutional process is not done in your name, and do something about it.

  2. How did the entire world came to believe that Mr Fayulu was the victim of a stolen election: the work of Belgian and French media on the Congo election. It all started immediately after Mr Fayulu, a Congolese party leader with not more than 1000 members on the ground emerged when the giant opposition parties of Mr Tshisekedi and Mr Kamere, respectively UDPS and UNC find themselves framed in Genvhal during the negotiations in a bid to give a single candidate to the opposition for them to stand a chance of beating the ruling party candidate in the Congo election. It was expected that the main opposition party of Tshisekedi will obviously be the one to lead the opposition but in a move that surprised many and qualified of being produced by the majority vote of Mr Fayulu's tribe members at the meeting, Mr Fayulu was chosen in closed door operation to lead the opposition under the Lamuka banner. Being summoned by their base to back off the deal or face expulsion, Mr Tshisekedi and Mr Kamere desisted and decided that they would run together under the same banner they surnamed CASH. It is a well known fact today that the Genvhal meeting was sponsored by powers looking to put their hands on Congo resources. This discovery is also what is believed to have prompted the leaders of CASH to move away from the association. From the time he got chosen, through his election campaign , until today after elections, Fayulu image has been taken care of by big Belgian and French medias, of the likes of RTBF, France 24, TV5 etc , while many others around the world duplicated their messages blindly not knowing what others were up to. The other part of the manipulation was taken care of by the big powers and their acolytes of the likes of french foreign minister, the french and belgian ambassador at the Security Council, some members of the Catholic organistion Cenco, some members of the African Union organisation who joined late, and you name it. The rest of us were supposed to be caught in the speeding wheels of that supersonic machine, we were supposed to be fed with sleeping green milk from the breast of the beast. Not a single article nor tv mews produced by big French and Belgian media has been sympathetic to Mr Tshisekedi, anyone can check that because media lives traces! It was all Fayulu! made to look bigger then he was, when the reality on the ground was different. Unfortunately for them, they had counted without the intelligence of social media, the touch of fine strategists and politicians that are President Kabila and many others. Through manipulation and without having any ideal for the people, Fayulu and friends have succeeded in hypnotising the weak few among us in Congo and around world and also in creating a bench of fanatics feeding on ethnic hatred. Medias have built him while oppressing other presidential candidates, using foreign money, which is certainly against our laws and most countries laws. The complaint made by President Trump about the media mistreatment on his campaign, all the fake news, and the Congo election with foreign media working to influence the results, is calling for a reform of the system. Articles comparing candidates need to be honest and fair to all of them.
    At the time I finished writing this message, the Constitutional Court of Congo had just confirmed Mr Tshisekedi as the 5th President of the Congo, rejecting many of Mr Fayulu 's requests around vote fraud as unfounded or without any proof to back them , which is totally true as we have always said it, because he does not have any. All his claims were and will continue to be made just for playing the victim, disturbing, feeding his fanatics, pleasing his masters with the view that if he can create chaos using ethnic violence like he is doing, there might be a chance there to the presidency but this will be without any consideration for the many lives of Congolese people that might be lost in the process. That is a different king of love for the Congolese people he keep on saying he is fighting for. I was also wondering what happened to the Financial Times magazine proof of massive fraud in the leak documents, why were they not brought to court to save him; all that were all fakes news by his powerful friends to manipulate minds and the election. Mr Fayulu, a person of Camerounese descent, has only 2 choices now to make: accept defeat and reconcile or be taken to ICC, so that Congolese people can get to work. If cannot back off and just celebrate the victory of the opposition, it shows simply shows how selfish this candidate is and that the Genvhal meeting finally was not about choosing the best candidate to lead the opposition but it was well planned in advance by a group of people among them to advance their own agenda.

  3. For what it's worth, the Wikipedia entry on Fayulu lists him as a businessman and 'former ExxonMobil executive, having worked with the oil company from 1984 until 2003. He served as the company's director-general in Ethiopia as his last post'. Not completely if that's true, nor am I sure that qualifies him as a 'reformer' but perhaps someone who knows more can share more information on him?

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