Despite promise of reforms the Baltimore Police Department continues  to keep personal records secret, even when an officer is convicted of a crime

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By elboriyorker


36 thoughts on “Cop Caught on Camera Assaulting a Pizza Worker, City Won’t Say if He’s Still on the Force”
  1. This kind of action only opens the door for more cops being shot or killed. People are at the end of their rope, and they're not going to take it like sheep anymore.

  2. This is an important video at a crucial time in our culture. It is the kind of news I have come to expect from The Real News Network. Alas, TRNN has begun airing brief, superficial news leaving the viewer with video/sound bites rather than adequate reporting. Your reputation has been in-depth reporting. In my opinion, this is an unfortunate shift.

    Moreover, the sound that we do receive suffers from a deadening two-chord "music" track that drones throughout. I notice that even Bernie Sanders has migrated to this "news for dummines" format in some of his channel's content.

    TRNN, Bernie Sanders, and others may reach a new audience with this shift. And, there may be some progressives, activists, and radicals who find these snippets informative. In my opinion, the shift to superficial coverage with a soundtrack is an insult to both the content you are trying to convey in this video and to the viewer.

  3. Run someone for mayor who explicitly and absolutely commits to complete reconstruction of the police department from top to bottom. Please.

  4. This is a bad spin RNN. This doesn't sound like a case of cop/police abuse. This guy was not in uniform and was apparently there over a dispute/complaint his daughter made. I know this report said "investigators found that the allegation was false" but that's sounds like bullshit too. Someone does not go down to the pizza shop to confront someone and slap them over nothing. This sounds like there WAS some domestic bullshit, a "he said, she said situation" which the investigators cannot uncover the truth of because its all heresay? Does this lack of control make him a bad cop? If my daughter was badly mistreated, i'd probably go fuck up the culprit too. It's human emotion. Its understandable. He probably is not an amazing cop, if his self control is so limited, however we don't know what the alleged offense was. Depending on the offense, no amount of self control may prevent a confrontation.

  5. We’ve been brainwashed as youths that cops are good, hero’s, put their lives on the line everyday. With the current social media people are learning how wrong these adjectives are.

  6. @The Real News Network : Fine report; short but still fine. From what I can tell from the video, the first assaulting cop hit or smacked, belted, … the service counter employee across the left side of the face, head, using a police flashlight. If that's the instrument that was used, then such flashlights might not look awfully large, but they're going to be of strong construction and add the batteries, then these flashlights will be heavy and the casing probably is metal, strong metal. With that the cop could've caused some serious injury to the evidently innocent employee, so that cop minimally needs to seriously apologize and provide compensation to the victim employee; if, if the cop wants to be able to work in public with any real sense of honor anyway. Otherwise, that cop deserves to be disgraced among the wide public of the city; maybe, even more widely than that. He's proven to be publicly dangerous, so why shouldn't the public be well and widely informed about this?! Surely seldom happens, but I think the public always has a real right to be properly or well informed about abuses from "law" enforcement people; and, the same is true when it's political people or officials who're the criminals. Many of both are guilty of some crimes, from lesser to extreme; and, "some" is an understatement. With the police dept. keeping personal records about crimes of police officers secret, the public has what for assurance of being protected from these criminals; and, no, I'm not meaning police officers who buy and resell marijuana, for there's nothing criminal about that, except when combined with violence against others. (What I disapprove of in the latter sort of case is when cops do the reselling in truly corrupt, rogue ways, for that surely does also happen.) Like politicians in high offices, maybe also lower ones, these types of police dept's treat themselves as if "ABOVE the laws" that they're thereby usurping but which they forcefully, sometimes ludicrously, enforce against the "common" population. It's rogue police conduct! It's also sad for police officers who do their work honestly, conscientiously, fairly, and who truly wish to provide really beneficial service. They can be very devoted and need to put up with the fact that too many police officers are "BAD apples", causing negative, unfavorable repute against all officers, due to many people having a tendency to stereotype others; like blindly, unthinkingly doing that. The criminal cop this video is about very clearly was truly trying to inflict injury. He was using a strong and heavy flashlight and some people might think that this was minor, but it definitely isn't. Cops don't use cheap plastic-cased and light-weight lashlights; most surely not. The cop wasn't using that thing as a matter of "last resort". He clearly did it gratuitously and without need. He's a violent individual; criminal.

  7. All the while the weak city council members just sit on their fat hands and do nothing about it. The whole system is corrupt and needs to be razed to the ground.

  8. All cops are bastards. All police Forces are Occupational Forces. Police Unions are Mafias. It's a warm and cozy relationship Fore CORRUPTION to fester and, in time, become A self- sustaining MONSTER.

  9. People around the world should know that once student president museveni of uganda is dead we the real ugandans we are going to chase all foreigners hiding in uganda and afrika

  10. Bet this pig does this to his wife as well. I wonder how many people in his custody have been beaten. Pigs are useless. Cause more trouble than they are worth.

  11. Cops and their supporters wonder why black men like Christopher Dorner of Los Angeles, Micah Xavier Johnson of Dallas and Gavin Eugene Long of Baton Rouge were driven to kill so many cops. When the system is too broken or outright corrupt to give out proper punishment then street justice will eventually kick in.

  12. We, as a nation, need to wake up and come out of our denial with regard the police and policing. The police were conscripted under George W. Bush and made "paramilitary".It was announced over the radio and other media outlets that the police would no longer be tasked with "To Protect and To Serve" that from then on We, the People, were "on our own." The truth is that since the NDAA and the Patriot Act, all policing departments across the whole country are tasked with protecting the Establishment Elite. They are intentionally recruited on the basis of their political convictions (Center-Right), on their lack of higher education (once upon a time some police departments required a college education; but no more), and their willingness to do as they are told; no matter what. The police are being trained that We, the People, are "the enemy". In essence, the police are the palace guard and are there as a privatized, paramilitary force, tasked with protecting the rich, and the political and economic systems that keep the rich in power. You must remember that habeas corpus has been suspended and through the last many presidents it has not been returned. Also, Posse Comitatus (which puts our military/paramilitary in our own domestic streets killing US citizens for the benefit of the Establishment Elite), once in place has never been rescinded. These are two key line items that define us as a proto-dictatorship and not anything remotely resembling a democracy. The police are hand picked for their brute force and willingness to do the wrong things. We had better wake up to this reality and stop selling ourselves some dream of the way we want things to be instead of the way they really are, and then go do something constructive about it. These people are NOT going to change their ways on their own. We are the answer and solution to the problems that plague America today. Get up of that couch and go DO something constructive!

  13. If you ever wanted to kill someone just join the police force. Because dam !
    United States 5th in the world as a totalitarian fascist police state.
    Something to think about, Russia, and China , are not even in the top 5.

  14. We have a cop here in Winston Oregon named Michael Miller who hit and ran my son in 2010 while he was drunk got out kicked my son left the scene of the crime nobody saw my son for three days till he was found by a homeless man. Currently Mr. Miller still has a job. All of it was caught on video by the Myrtle Creek store and the state police have the video

  15. The United States Of Israel America is the new Third Reich …Not a joke ,look at what we have been doing and the laws that are being pasted. Not one for the Good of the People……There's more poor people here than in a certain country, where the U.S. wants to help their poor people…………….WTF!

  16. It’s not a black or white thing alone, it is also about power and it’s corrupting influences. Shame on you Baltimore shame on you all!

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