COVID-19 Is The New Cash Cow For Policing

COVID-19 Is The New Cash Cow For Policing

American citizens are facing thousands of dollars in fines and jail time for breaking state-ordered pandemic restrictions. PAR and The Masters Report discuss how profit can still be extracted by police during the coronavirus outbreak.

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20 thoughts on “COVID-19 Is The New Cash Cow For Policing

  1. Its time for war to take back the constitution and the government that s why they government wots to take guns because they no we can take back. The constitution with guns

  2. I've got news for the Governors, Mayor and AGs around the country,… if our rights aren't restored to the fullest in a timely fashion each governor will be charged with 18 USC 242 and for their employees 18 USC 241… make no mistake this isn't 9/11 OUR rights will be restored

  3. This is a big scam one of the biggest scams I’ve ever heard in my life If they were really worried they would have handled it differently but no it’s all a act

  4. the criminal justice industrial complex – police, courts, prisons are a HUGE jobs program – and they'll always find 'customers' to keep themselves employed

  5. You seemed to be doing OK until you got side tracked on your lack of understanding on how capitalism works! Stick to the issue at hand folks about government overreach and leave the speeches on economics to those that understand how the economy actually works. Stay on the topic folks. Read that again please.

  6. Publicly paid workers shouldn't need to be unionized against taxpayers. This seems counterproductive. One of my neighbors was stopped at a driver checkpoint even though he was on a separate bicycle pathway that crossed the roadway near checkpoint, while riding his bicycle and given a breath test. They arrested him for riding his Bicycle and being over the legal driver alcohol limit!!!! No joke! It was a nightmare for him.

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