The Biden administration is poised to allow the national emergency on COVID-19 to expire on May 11, 2023. Once that occurs, between 5 to 14 million Americans previously covered under Medicaid will lose their insurance.

Dr. Margaret Flowers joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the toll that COVID denialism will have on our society, and the generally outrageous state of US healthcare.

Dr. Margaret Flowers is a pediatrician and activist for single payer healthcare. She served as co-chair of the Green Party of the United States until 2020, and is currently an adviser to the board of Physicians for a National Health Program.

View the transcript here:

Studio: David Hebden, Adam Coley, Cameron Granadino
Post-Production: Adam Coley, Cameron Granadino

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By elboriyorker


38 thoughts on “COVID-19 isn’t ‘over’—but your Medicaid might be | The Chris Hedges Report w/ Dr. Margaret Flowers”
  1. Please provide concrete evidence how the medical system is "racist". You made the claim as if this is a foregone conclusion without providing any evidence of this.

  2. Chris, why not get kids educated in school how to properly eat so they’re not fat sick and nearly dead by time they’re 50.

  3. Thank you, Chris Hedges for having Dr. Margaret Flowers on allowing all of us to hear what our government has done to our health care since the last 35 years.
    Thank you to all doctors and nurses and health care workers that care for all the the unceasing work and stress that they live from from the powers of greed of beauocracies of institutions of of corporations and poltiticans.

  4. OMG that is so awful , I live in Canada and we never think about health cost . I was in Hong Kong getting am ambulance and emergency at the hospital (1day)for my mom , the bill US$30 with no medical insurance .

  5. The truth was that it was a fraud these were people that had preexisting conditions. We got homeless here. Government gone wild!

  6. Nixon again, damn that guy was a real dick! War on drugs and health insurance. I feel like there's a ton of government overreach we could do without in order to have better care for the American public. I know, let's end the war on drugs, then we could afford it. We're willing to pay billions to lock people up to literally protect them from themselves, but we can't spare health screenings as a preventative measure to avoid high medical expenses?? It wouldn't even be that expensive if we had routine dental and health screenings frequently, but people without insurance just don't do that shit!

  7. Why don’t people leave and go where they can get free stuff, like health care. Why do people rush the US border…they think we have way more free stuff than they get in their country. They are sinking the boat for free stuff in America. And yet the democrats want tens of millions more people in the U.S…. Knowing it is closing down hospitals and eliminating free stuff for the people already here. I think the WOKE will be churning out CRT doctors and nurses, maybe that will help. Although the hospitals are still going to be closing down…they have to pay the nurses and doctors and technicians and for millions dollar machines….hospitals don’t get free stuff… so if they get stiffed for the bill… they close down.

  8. racist—- to keep emphasizing on black . You lost me there . all validation down the drain

  9. Good to see Hedges still has an income after RT shut down in the US. Russian propaganda just doesn't pay as well as it used to.

  10. One million dollars plus damages less 40 percent for your defense… Grand jury proceeding… court of public opinion… Reiner Fuellmich…. ongoing… global

  11. 12/10/22….. Regnum TV….. international conference……'Obtaining legal Accountability for Washington DC…… London…. Vatican……

  12. Biden is on his way to jail now because the Ukraine ask for $30 trillion more dollars and 2 fighter jets.. they found out that 90 Biden family members have been stealing this money from the taxpayers..🤞= let's hope all 90 of them go to jail..Joe, Hunter & Jill get executed for treason.. it's all over the internet right now..👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  13. I cant listen to this. If these are the kind of people were hoping will solve healthcare problems, were doomed. They have EVERYTHING wrong except big pharma and insurance companies. But they are completely wrong about access to healthcare by the poor or blacks. They are totally uninformed or deliberately lying. Its incredible how wrong they are. There is no issue with any minority getting healthcare that's for sure. And the poor have it made un the US with healthcare. I live in a black community and am dirt poor myself and I KNOW what I'm talking about. These people dont.
    And if she thinks nurses have it hard just because it's a for profit hospital shes nuts. She doesn't know anything about nursing and usually it's the strictly gh or profit hospitals that have less employee pressure.

  14. People died without medical care under covid because doctors told them to stay home until they couldnt breathe . And there were private hospitals before 1970 . A couple of glaring errors in this video.

  15. How do you not sue the shit out of the people that have screwed the American Citizenry? How are these traitors not in prison? How dammit! There must be a law made against this. We must see justice. How do you live with no justice? Worse, since you all know, what can you do to fix this?

  16. US health care is passive eugenics ☠️ Nurses in the USA are told demanding if they want employer sponsored health insurance. It's a Brutal savage inhumane country. The people who were "Christians led by God" screaming about death panels were creating them with insurance companies

  17. Government relies on our tax dollars and yet doesn't realize that the more people that has no insurance and get sick and die, the less people there will be to keep collecting taxes. There will come a time when people will stop paying federal tax dollars to the corrupt government.

  18. It is enshrined in corporate law to pursue profit above even life itself. This alone makes corporations the biggest threat to human existence on Earth today bar none. Given their overwhelming power in US today…

  19. How about shifting some of the huge military budget over to Medicare & Social Security?, ( Without hurting people already employed by the military, not just soldiers, but civilian workers too) not sure how it can be done. Congress and Senate should hold hearings on this, Health Care should NOT be a political isssue. It's a humanity issue. Of, course regulation to prevent fraud ( Medicare) should be there. Maybe, to start offering Medicare coverage for All in stages, start with say, offering Medicare @55( which I think, was on the table briefly right after Obama came in) look at how countries like France, Sweden, Japan or, Canada does this

  20. Employers demand labor-power, so they create jobs.
    Labor-power is the source of value and more value for employers.
    Naturally they want to hire people…
    People who apply for a job do so to access health insurance and an income.
    What has to change here is the employer/employee relation coming between people and their health.
    When that relationship is terminated in the health field, doctors, nurses and patients, can be doctors, nurses and patients…and we will begin to question why that same social relation is needed between gainful employment and ourselves! At which point labor-power is no longer the source of value for employers, workers can be workers like doctors and nurses can practice their craft free of compulsion to produce value.

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