Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel – Everything Law and Order Blog

Ben White discusses his new book Cracks in the Wall, it examines narratives that challenge the Israeli colonization of Palestine and their recent successes.

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel”
  1. Colonization,Apartheid,Palestine ?
    Ignorant video,
    1- Colonization of Judea And Samaria? 😂
    2-Apartheid? LOL
    3- There is no Palestine.
    4- Educate yourself,Hater.

  2. Support BDS for PEACE in this World. Israel still is in the Hunt for a place in this World and is doing itself no favor with its apartheid actions & the disrespect it shows to those from whom ( PALESTINIANS ) the Lands were stolen to create Israel out of thin Air . If Israel continues on this path the Nation should be brought down hard and not be allowed to Exist.

  3. This is excellent article! We just have to continue with BDS; that is the movement of common citizens acting for justice, it is effective and peaceful way to end the isra-el state Apartheid. Free Palestine

  4. Israeli official pro-apartheid narrative vs. Facts (as usual). BDS gets stronger and stronger, because it is on the human side of facts and truth, that is the exact opposite of state-sponsored propaganda. And people know it more and more each day now, in spite of all the MSM propaganda, … whose credibility keeps crumbling, as we can see by the recent revelations of "The Lobby-USA" for instance, or even more recent, the revelations about the so-called "Integrity Initiative", yet another scandalous official government-sponsored propaganda effort revealed in the UK (with names of MSM journalists revealed who are involved and paid for writing propaganda in such official, formerly "respectable" outlets such as The Guardian, or the BBC), and active all over Europe and, as we discover now, even over the USA. ('Integrity Initiative", we discover as a main source of the Jeremy Corbyn smear campaigns, the false flag Skripal false "chemical atack", the "Russia-gate" in Europe, etc etc.etc.; sponsored and run by the UK Ministry of Defense, NATO, etc. !! )
    Fact is : We need Truth!!! We need Hope !! Free the people of Palestine Israel from occupation and apartheid!!
    Democracy for Palestine Israel!! Until that becomes a fact, popular movements such as Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions will be the only guarantee for the people to be contributing towards peace and reconciliation in the Palestine Israel region (As too many false political "peace initiatives", mainly led by two-faced USA, over so many decades now, have proven disingenuous and toxic for a real peaceful and democratic solution between the people in Israel Palestine and in the region.) In short, three letters: BDS!!!

  5. Interesting that the documentary The Israel Lobby, made by Al Jazeera but released online at the Electronic Intafada, acknowledged they are losing their war with the BDS movement.
    Having to hire "protesters" to go to college campuses to attempt to stop students from using their first amendment rights, creating troll farms to target them isn't doing well!

  6. This is an excerpt from a book written in 1926 by a young Austro-Hungarian Jew Leopold Weiss who was a writer and journalist. he's describing the planing and discussions of early zionist leaders and their crimes against humanity. -Leopold Weiss; I had the disturbing impression that even he "Dr. Weizmann" like most of the other zionists in the room, was inclined to transfer the moral responsibility for all that was happening in Palestine to the outside world (by blaming the Germans, British and French etc not their own actions). this impelled me to break through the deferential hush, with which all the people present in the room were listening to him, and to ask, and what about the Arabs? I must have committed a faux pas by thus bringing a jarring note into the conversation, for Dr Weizmann turned his face slowly towards me put down the cup he had been holding in his hand, and repeated my question: what about the Arabs? So what about them? Leopold Weiss; Well.. how can you ever hope to make Palestine your homeland in the face of the vehement opposition of the Arabs who after all are in the majority in this country ? So the zionist leader shrugged his shoulders and answered drily: we expect that they won't be in the majority after a few years. Leopold Weiss; perhaps so.!! you been dealing with this situation for years and must know it better than I do, but quite apart from the political difficulties which Arab opposition may or may not put in your way, does not the moral aspect of the question ever bother you?(stealing ppls land) Don't you think that it is wrong on your part to displace the people who have always lived in this country ? "But it is our country!!" replied Dr. Weizmann raising his eyebrows. we are doing no more than taking back what we have been wrongfully deprived of.!! (this raises two important questions; when.? "supposedly 70-AD" and by whom.? supposedly the Romans) Leopold Weiss; "how was it possible I wondered, for people endowed with so much creative intelligence as the Jews (he is not exaggerating at all), to think of the zionist – Arab conflict in Jewish terms alone.? Did they not realize that the problem of the Jews in Palestine could in the long run, be solved only through friendly co-operation with the Arabs? Were they so hopelessly blind to the painful future which their policy must bring? -to the struggles the bitterness and the hatred to which the Jewish island, even if temporarily successful, would forever remain exposed in the midst of a hostile Arab sea.? And how strange, I thought, that a nation which suffered so many wrongs (Jews) in the course of its long and sorrowful diaspora was now, in single minded pursuit of its own goal, ready to inflict a grievous wrong on another nation – and a nation too, (Palestinians & Muslims) that was innocent of all past Jewish suffering. such a phenomenon, I knew was not unknown to history, but it made me, nonetheless very sad to see it enacted before my very own eyes. -Leopold Weiss. 1926

  7. Two white men, one is Israeli Jewish, the other white privilege talking about freedom for Palestine. That's the story folks.

  8. Kinda wish palestinians covertly joined the IDF, and removed IsNotReal from the inside. That's what Israhell does. To beat a filthy pig, you have to play a filthy pig.

  9. When the US stops creating, arming, and funding terrorists, then IsNotReal will lose their funding. But evil ones think good is evil, so the entire US military banking corp needs aborted.

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