Cuba has officially passed reforms that will change economics and labor relations on the island. Union leaders told the Real News Network that the move doesn’t spell a break with socialism, but questions remain about the impacts for Cuban workers and the revolution itself

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By elboriyorker


24 thoughts on “Cuba: Private Property and the Market Allowed in New Constitution”
  1. and this is how the capitalist class will return, thanks to the communist party bureaucracy. Soon Cuba will have a new layer of capitalists who will be richer compared to ordinary workers because they own businesses. Another reason why Cuba is not socialist, because it does not allow criticism of the government and its increasing capitalist politics.

  2. As an German/ American, I love to buy a small piece of land in Cuba. It would be a beach front property, where salt and sand met. Being I have a small farm in the US, importing produce from Cuba would be my thought. Setting up an export/ import business, would be a win / win for us all. Please if the government is OK with this, I would love to hear some feedback from the locales.

  3. It may be fair to say that socialism like capitalism or even libertarianism, does not work in it's traditional old fashioned form. The most successful societies employ hybrid models.

  4. I think this allows for MORE have to ask yourself..who would win in a debate? Marx or Orwell? Almost ALL marxist-style govt's failed..the problem is "authoritarianism" which Orwell so POIGNANTLY pointed out..almost EVERY economy is a "mixed-economy"

  5. It's the wrong direction but a move to get the US to lift sanctions. It won't work while Trump is there unless Trump undergoes a revelation.

  6. Definitely confusing for me. I'm not sure exactly what to understand from this report. It'd take an open room environment where people who attend could pose questions and get direct, say, answers, so explanations. I won't playlist this due to insufficiently understanding what the whole video is about or reports, but will still give it a Like.

  7. This out of world video goes against everything the Real News pretend to support in the US which is less Market and more socialism.

    The implication is that there was to much Socialism in Cuba and not enough Capitalism. It also implies that there is the right amount of Democracy in Cuba.

    There is no evaluation of the electoral process in Cuba which voted in this reform. It was acknowledged before that a dictatorship existed in Cuba to implement reforms for the benefit of the Cuban working class. Neither the government nor the electoral processes has changed in this dictatorship now implementing pro-market reform. Irony aside, how does having a new private sector boss going to advance the cause of democracy in Cuba, for the Cuba worker?

    In neither small or large businesses does anything looking like Democracy exists. I doubt Paul Jay nor Amy Goodman put up with much democracy in the organization they dominate and profit by.

    The essential problem of the private sector is the commodification of the human being. The very existence of the private sector is predicated on the subjugation of the individual as a worker and the rising of the another over him or her, with the point being the exploitation of one class in order to profit another. Little cute boutique businesses have the same goal as the most massive and brutal corporations. In fact all corporations start as small mom and pop businesses. The best way to prevent the growth of gigantic corporations is to kill them at birth.

  8. The natives are becoming restless and the powers that be understand this. Once it gets into capitalism lite that's when it should be wary of the west. It has resources the west would love to have. If it won't let it in then it will continue to be in the west's doghouse.

  9. Genuinely glad that Cuba is seeking to develop the Dengist model. Don't listen to the Soviet-Style Marxists who decry innovation and adaptation in Marxism. There's a material reason that the Soviet Union failed, and China recognized the problem and reorganized in response to the same issues, which Cuba is realizing – the end of each economic era comes with great innovation, but your economy must be functioning at a post-industrial level to achieve that kind of technology in one's own country/area-of-governance. The truth is that you cannot achieve post-industrial material wealth without some form of capitalism, a period that Cuba effectively missed due to feudal property relations leading up to the Revolution.

    That doesn't meant what Che and Fidel aren't socialist revolutionaries or that their project failed. It means that they allowed Cubans to set up a communist party to oversee a socialist government which will guide a certain amount of capitalist development in order to advance through the primary stage of socialism. At no point will power need to he shifted again, as the communist party representing the working class already has a visions for progress and development while simultaneously holding a monopoly on state power.

  10. Private property rights will bring Cuba to its knees. Giving this demonic capitalist class access to Cuban resources,they will take it all. That's just what they do. Take everything.

  11. Private property recognized, self-employment supported…..J.M. Keynes wrote extensively about strong controls by the government over capitalism. Kensyism did work for a while but people under-estimate the power of greed. Greed along with the corporate ownership and concentration of that ownership in the hands of a few people "has done" tremendous damage to Canadians, the environment, and our health.
    Mr. Blair M. Phillips

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