It was the Soviet army that broke Hitler’s back at Stalingrad, but the myth that the American army liberated Europe, serves aggressive U.S. policy, including Trump targeting Iran – historian Peter Kuznick joins Paul Jay

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By elboriyorker


50 thoughts on “D Day: Mythology of America as Liberator Feeds Trump’s Militarism”
  1. The British Royal Family were Nazi sympathizers and pressured England not to invade. The U.S. would not get involved because American banks & industry were fattening up gouging any faction that had a currency with value or bricks of gold.
    Canada probably did what they were told & apologized. The main reason for the eventual involvement and the Allies opening a 2nd front was the Russians worked their way west was public outcry at confirmation of death camps. The media, then very much like now, were there to manufacture consent. However public sentiment pivoted in England & America began soon after the horrors of the Death Camps were confirmed. That & the Russians had beaten the unbeatable German Juggernaut and America had gotten most of the Nazi gold squirreled away.
    U.S. business & banking let out a collective "Meh?! We gonna get paid regardless!" And they all lived happily ever after 🙂

  2. I disagree, studies of historical facts shows many biases in the states against communism in the 1930s. The one news page shown about the support of communists is from the, “Daily Worker.” What is this paper? A niche paper?

  3. interesting final thought, military action against iran would be 10 to 15 time as costly(profitable) as the invasion of iraq was.

  4. scandalous that Russia and China, the first who lost the most soldier and civilians to defeat Nazism, and the latter suffered immeasurably at the hands of the German-Italian allies the Japanese who did infinite unspeakable crimes to the Chinese, Koreans and others weren't invited to commemorate D-Day and other WWII victories. shameful! By the way the Real News should invite on Peter Hitchens to discuss his enlightening book the Phony Victory: The World War II Illusion which criticizes how WWII the 'good war' is cynically used for other imperial wars since the Post-WWII/Post Cold War world.

  5. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was born not from Stalin's naivete but because he needed to buy the Red Army time to prepare to take on the greatest industrial power of the time

  6. This guy labels a condition he calls "Islamophobia"
    Here is how Marian Webster dictionary defines a phobia.
    "an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation"
    When referring to anything Islam you cannot exaggerate the demonic nature of this ideology posing as a religion nor can any reluctance to accept or refusal to embrace anything Islam can be called an 'illogical fear.
    History is all we need to look at regarding this demonic ideology of Islam to see that communism and Nazism differ from Islam only in the spelling.
    I suppose if one fears communism or Nazism he or she also suffers from a phobia.
    Such bull shit he is attempting to feed the listeners

  7. My great grandfather was on the beaches of Normandy. But even he apparently had no illusions about the fact that the Red Army was game changer. He was from Sicily, lied to join the Army underage, just in time for WWI with some bogus paperwork to escape the situation his family was in here in the states and rejoined with the expressed purpose of fighting fascism for WWII. Probably because it was destroying his home country. Even though the second war really fucked him up and he was never the same after returning he maintained relationships with soldiers and comrades he made while over in Sicily, France and a couple other spots til he died. I imagine they were the only ones who could relate. Something I can relate to myself even though I was never in the military. Not many people have lived the weird ass life I have lol.

  8. In regards to the Soviet actions during the drive toward Berlin, the German atrocities committed during the first six months and tide of turns after failed attempt to conquer Moscow is in detail described by Eve Curie. In her book printed in 1943 (the only edition). She traveled from US, New York to Africa, the Middle East, Iran, the Soviet Union, India, and China as war correspondent. Due to her credentials, she was daughter of the famous atomic scientists Maria Sklodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie she got the opportunity to be the only Westerner and war correspondent to be allowed to come close to war operations of liberation and enter destroyed villages and cities and enormous cruelty left behind when the German Army retreated toward the Soviet civilians. This is a great reading for historians (primary source) but also, for all others interested in why certain things happened in the following years. Also, dedication of the Soviet population to war effort and the Red Army was unquestionable even among population who did not support Stalin and the Communist Party. In one segment of chapter titled Russia (161 pages) she states that Americans or British will never understand the heroic struggle and what the people of Soviet Union endured since former never fought a such war on their soil. Their fight was not to maintain the socialist social and economic system but bare survival and horrifying prospect of enslavement as Hitler envisioned in his work "My Struggle" !

  9. 11:00 The American military had a good reason to wait. In 1939-1940 when US military started to prepare for conflict I was a small force of only 175k. It would have been unable to stand up to the German Army. It took 3 years to raise 100 divisions. I do think it would have been possible to start the second front in 1943. Right around the time of the battle of Kursk would have been extremely helpful.

  10. Im surprised Dr. Kuznick doesn't have a bigger view of the events. When USSR singed the Ribbentrop/Molotov pact was signed in Aug 1939 right at the same time as Japan attacked USSR & Mongolia. The battle of Khalkhin Gol ended in September 1939. The Japanese will never forget the fact that Hitler seamed to betray them. For the rest of the war Japan presented a real threat to USSR and over 1 million men were kept on the border even when times were desperate on the Nazi-USSR front. However, the Japanese did not attack…

  11. Everybody knows that's john wayne who did save the world !!!

    The Battle Of Stalingrad still remains the most horrific battle ever to date !

  12. 1:11 I don't think anyone in knows where & how much soldiers from the colonies contributed. Which is why probably no one at least in India cares about the any of the world wars coz as far a we're concerned it had nothing to do with us nor were we involved in any way since it's not something anyone in the west or even in India talks about.

  13. Thank you for this precious interview. The Eastern Front broke the back of the German Nazis: 250 German divisions met by the Russians, the Allied met 10 on their way. And even then had real difficulties in the Belgian Ardennes combating against morally defeated German troops. 300 thousands deaths in the US military, 27 millions in the Soviet battles.

    This does not at all disparage the courage of all the people who fought on the Western Front.
    But what a lie the "official" Western story, as learned by ourselves and our children, was!!
    The Americans (often those who never fought in any war) pretend to present themselves as the universal saviors!!

    That dangerous myth gave us the Cold War. And its nuclear armament race. While we could have co-operated peacefully with the Soviets who wished to do so in 1945. Only to be betrayed by Truman, his National Security State, the US Military-Industrial-Complex.

    Truman launched the McCarthyism. Hollywood was purged of the "commies" and only the "good" "received" American narrative was shown on every screen of choice around the Western world. While the US citizens were trained to plunge under the kitchen table in case of a Soviet nuclear attack!! A total myth!!

    Speak of the Middles Ages as a Dark Age!! When you come to learn that even the Cold War was a myth invented by US intelligence who knew perfectly well, as declassified documents now show us, that the Russians or Soviets had no intention to invade anyone. They had already lost and suffered enough during WW2.

    After the US had sent 2 atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 (butchering hundreds of thousands of civilians, in a totally unjustified way as the Japanese had secretly been pleading for a capitulation for at least one year before Hiroshima, as documents prove now), the early 50s saw the US Military carpet-bomb and raze to the ground the 20 most populated cities of the North of Korea, killing 20% of the population of North Korea, mainly civilians of course!! Who knows this?
    US Generals liked to show how they were very proud of that "feat" at the time!! At Nuremberg, they would have been hanged for it though.

    And you know how it went on and on since. From the false flag to declare war to Vietnam to the false Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) in Saddam's Iraq. The falsehoods spread on Gaddafi of Libya to attack and destroy and turn into chaos one of the most stable and prosper nation of Africa (with some help of the NATO lapdogs). Or the false chemical attacks attributed to Assad of Syria. Etc. Ukraine Serbia…

    On and on it goes!! So many lies unraveling!! So many thanks to independent journalists and historians!!

  14. And on the subject of opening a second front in Europe at the end of 1942, that seems an outrageous idea as the Allies hadn't even defeated the German submarine force. The highest shipping losses were in the spring of 1943, but after that, new technology and tactics enabled the Allies to change the tide. Things were so bad in early 1943 that leaders felt they could never manage to stockpile the fuel needed for the invasion planned in 1944.
    Also, we can get a rough idea of what an early invasion would have looked like by observing the American air campaign in 1942. Losses were enormous, on some raids the bomber groups lost 1/5th of their planes. The Americans had to fight the Germans where they were weakest to gain experience before landing in France.
    I don't quite know why the professor takes his views on these issues as his arguments are pretty weak if you know a thing or two about the war and the prelude to it.

  15. The biggest thing that made D-Day a success was the Soviets were tying up the Nazi troops on the Eastern Front. The majority of Panzers and Luftwaffe were fighting on the Eastern Front. New figures show the total number of all non-Germans killed during the invasion of the Soviet Union total 46 million armed forces and civilians). My Russian friend says the census taken before and the end of WW2 show 120 million Soviet people missing. The British hate the the US "We Won the War" crap. We stood alone for 2 years before the US entered the European war and that was only because Hitler declared war first. If he hadn't, I seriously think they would not have fought in Europe. US industry had too much invested in Nazi Germany to declare war first.

  16. My early childhood was filled with brutal, horrific war stories. Russians of a certain age thought it was important to drill the horror into skulls of children so they make sure it never happens again. I heard stories of canibalism, unnecessary brutality and death, stuff I couldn't understand at five years old. I always mention the 'under half a million US casualties' figure contrasted with Soviet losses. Americans got Tojo, though.

  17. Life has been unfaithful

    And it all promised so so much

    I am a relic

    I am just a petrified cry

    Wheeled out once a year, a cenotaph souvenir

    The applause nails down my silence

    La tristesse durera

    Scream to a sigh, to a sigh

    La tristesse durera

    Scream to a sigh, to a sigh

    I see liberals

    I am just a fashion accessory

    People send postcards

    And they all hope I'm feeling well

    I retreat into self-pity, it's so easy

    Where they patronize my misery

    La tristesse durera

    Scream to a sigh, to a sigh

    La tristesse durera

    Scream to a sigh, to a sigh

    La tristesse durera

    Scream to a sigh, to a sigh

    La tristesse durera

    Scream to a sigh, to a sigh

    I sold my medal, it paid a bill

    It sells at market stalls

    Parades Milan catwalks

    Oh, the sadness will never go

    Will never go away

    Baby it's here to stay

    La tristesse durera

    Scream to a sigh, to a sigh

  18. The professor fails to mention that Stalin did believe the Germans were going to invade, he just thought it would happen no earlier than 1942. Further, Stalin (or maybe Molotov) said that they had considered that they might be able to get all the way to Paris before determining that no total collapse of the German army would occur. The landing at D-Day saved Western Europe from totalitarianism.
    It also shouldn't be forgotten that if the UK had accepted a peace deal with Hitler, Germany industry would have been unfettered by the Royal Navy blockade and, and had the Germans then been stopped in Russia due to logistical problems, they most likely wouldn't have been driven out of Western Russia and Ukraine. The Germans lacked many crucial resources to fight the war. These had previously been provided the USSR, and then many of them taken during the German occupation. Still, the blockade starved Germany of crucial resources.
    Also, why didn't the British and French agree to do something about Hitler in conjunction with Stalin? In 1936, what nation had invaded Poland since the end of WW1? That'd be the USSR with Stalin serving as a general. So, when Stalin suggested doing something about Hitler, what was implicit was a Soviet occupation of Poland and most of Central Europe. As that's what we got at the end of the war (with FDR providing almost no resistance to Stalin's goals) perhaps it would've been better that way. Hind sight is 20/20.
    Finally, one major reason that the British and French didn't do anything about Hitler was that both nations were in a period of endless crisis, both domestic and international during Hitler's rise. The British Empire was nearly broke even before the war started, and the French nation had been mortally wounded in WW1.

  19. True, the war had mostly been decided by June 1944. People forget the Bretton Woods meeting and post war decisions were made a month later. But I’m alway amazied why your “history professor” always loves to sniff at the as* of Stalin. The two real reasons for the Normandy invasions were to push Hitler out of Western Europe and to stop Stalin from coming in.

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