Sidharth Bhatia, of the website The Wire, disucsses the “new roadmap for India,” by which India practically annexed the disputed Muslim-majority region of Kashmir. The policy is leading India ever more towards a state in which Muslims are to become second-class citizens

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By elboriyorker


21 thoughts on “De Facto Annexation of Kashmir Means the End of India as a Secular State”
  1. Thank you for your unbiased reporting on Indian policy ofagainst it's minority. For sake of power present ruling party has brought every institution including media with the money of their corporate friends. Thanks once again continues your good work

  2. India -> Modi's Lynchistan. Another Gandhi is highly needed to set Indian Government free of hatred, Fascism, Racism, Supermacy and Nazism.
    These moves always leaded to the dividing of The big State according to History and India is on its way.

  3. Why not cover the Oppression by the Pakistani state in the Pakistan Occupied Kashmir ?
    And also you guys ignored the fact that Kashmiri Pandits were driven out of the Kashmir Valley in the 90s by the Pakistani insurgency……

  4. I think there is nothing people can do about Vanezuela, Palestine, Kashmir, Yemen or Mexico. The elites decide our future and if they decide to losen our leash they will but if they decide to strangle us they will as it pleases them.

  5. India is learning from US and Israel that it's ok to suppress minorities. If Trump can openly say disgusting stuff on national TV about Muslims try to put a ban with no backlash from the government and about congresswomen Ilhan and Taleb. Israel can ban them openly. Mexican can be blamed for many horrible things. Everything is possible today. We are moving back in early 1900s.

  6. India has held votes many times in Kashmir about what they want to do and when results don't come as India wants them to be they refuse the results. More than 80% Kashmiri's want seperation / freedom from India.

  7. Ok, few questions, that Muslims in Kashmir are they Shia and Sunni or exclusively Sunni, are all originally from Kashmir or many are put in by Saudi-Pakistani islamic organizations, are to expect some new Wahhabi riots, some new Syria, Libya islamist massacres, if nobody do anything?

  8. There’s more to this equation than just a boarder. India has every right to defend its way of life. It was Mohammad’s dream to conquer the Indian subcontinent and people don’t put that into perspective. India is protecting itself from a threat far greater that Pakistan.

  9. Very good interview, and very interesting topic, only having a little difficulty with Sidharth Bhatia's accent. I tried to understand him as best as I could and got enough to realize it's a very good interview. I wish the best for the Kashmiris. Indian govt should stick to India and get its nose OUT of Kashmir. I could dream that Kashmir would be strong enough to KEEP the Indian govt out of Kashmiri affairs, but that evidently isn't the case, unfortunately. I think Pakistan has reason to get involved, given that it and Kashmir are predominantly Muslim, whereas the Indian govt, afaik anyway, is predominantly Hindu. If I'm not mistaken about this, then the Hindu Indian govt treats all non-Hindus of India as second-class citizens, which is a condemnable way to govern; like with Israel that doesn't treat non-Jewish Israelis equal to Jewish ones, I guess. That's wrongful governance; no doubt about it.

  10. Ladakh is still isn’t a Buddhist majority region. Buddhists are only 39% in Ladakh and Muslims still form 46% of Ladakh. If India really want to create Buddhist majority region then it should declare Leh as separate region. Buddhist are majority only in Leh district of Ladakh. The other way Ladakh can be made Buddhist majority only by ethnic cleansing Muslims from the region

  11. The Great Land Acquisition; Kashmir Valley.

    Accumulation of land is the first requirement for a dictotrship to get established.

  12. this is just like Hong Kong, but Pakistan/India are the divide and not just China. Kashmir wants their sovereignty, India/U.S./Israel are against their sovereignty.

  13. In a very clearly predictable way just like a toddler would grab candy as opposed to a box of gold, the Muslims in Kashmir and Pakistan are grabbing the Jihadi head scarves.

  14. Entire Kashmir should be independent and certainly not under the Marital law by mod dictator i government of India

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