To impeach or not to impeach? Do Democrats win in 2020 with impeachment, or does Trump? Jeff Cohen and Kamau Franklin discuss the topic with host Jacqueline Luqman

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By elboriyorker


46 thoughts on “Democrats Face Decision On Impeachment”
  1. go ahead impeach him he is one little man among an army of Jesuit / The Power of Rome and is just a BIG GANG you can't impeach military industrial complex no matter how hard you try USA been at civil war emergency powers for how long? when has a president been impeached? they have to resign… the corporation (USA.INC) isn't owned by the people since 1871 you have no say in a corp unless YOU ARE ON THE BOARD and the board is GLOBAL not USA!

    both left middles and rights: keep marching to the Jesuit tune as if you can change anything… THIS IS ROME.

  2. This man is a fooking liar. Hating Trump has all the misfits writhing. Luckily Durham and Barr are going to straighten these people out.

  3. "…We're on a path…"
    On a path to nowhere.
    Hey Jeff, maybe you missed it but there's an election coming up.
    You're pissing in the wind.

  4. Pelosi's reluctance is based on a dominant fact: an Impeachment Inquiry will highlight and underscore the corruption of the Powers-That-Be, the Status Quo, the Oligarchy. Impeachment plays into the dissolution of the Corporate Democratic party as it is currently constituted. It plays into the hands of the Progressives and Bernie 2020! ! !

  5. The Village Idiot Bush has never answered for his crimes. In 2005-6 Pelosi was Speaker of the House, while the Democrats had a majority in BOTH Houses. Nancy 'Off the Table' Pelosi sent a message to the world, "We Permit, support, and profit from murdering, lying, cheating, stealing, bombing and we're coming for your resources next Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Nigeria, South Sudan, Ukraine, India/Pakistan…

  6. Oh gosh i wish the reporter was my mum , she looks sooo ….. mumzy and nice !! You are beautifull miss !!

  7. So jeff Cohen supports a Pence presidency. Great, that's another grassroots org that Russiagate has fried.

  8. Pelosi has been paid off to not impeach, someone is holding something over her head, or perhaps even both! How else can her reticence to impeach be explained after how Trump has turned the swamp into a cesspool? She might end being the next scandal waiting to happen.

  9. There is nothing unusual with the Democratic leadership. They permitted HRC pay to play corruption and now they wont interfere in Trump's turn at pay to play. If they did try to bring Trump down, he would bring them down. The Dems are fully fakers, they are fully owned and they wont go after Trump. Maybe they will get agitated when Trump goes after Brennan and some of the corrupt FBI but that will be the hot air and huff and puff. Trump could not even go after Rosenstien as that would be one step too far and would cause a rift in his family.

    The Dems wont mention all the reasons to impeach as they want to keep all those actions in their own toolbox of coercion. Lets not kid ourselves about the Democrats and their dishonesty, just ask Nera Tanden, she who lies out of both sides of her mouth simultaneously.

  10. Impeachment proceedings would all but guarantee he wins a second term. The Senate will not vote with the House to impeach trump it's that simple.

  11. Impeaching him would backfire, and they don't have the votes in the Senate anyway.
    This controlled-opposition party is designed to lose. ::face plants::
    Plus, each and every thing they accuse Trump of, every President since JFK has done all of the exact same things.
    You mean Obama didn't assault a free press, and support or facilitate coups??

  12. Now people, let me tell you in reality. If Trump does get impeached, this country will have Mike Pence as President and he is no better. Also fuckers like John Bolton and Mike Pompeo will not go anywhere under Pence's Regime. Trump should be punished for mainly his sex crimes but with him "colluding" with Russia is totally bullshit, and it was made up by the Clintons (Trump's friend) and the Democrats! Getting rid of Trump will not make corruption of this sorry ass country disappear. If Americans want real change in this fucking country, voting will not cut the cake. Americans must stand up to the system, BUT they need to grow a fucking spine and wake their goddamn minds up in order to do that! The same goes with people from all over the world! There needs to be an international boycott against the USA!

  13. Ha! Shes the voice of reason in a room stuffed with lunatics. That's how bad it is. She doesn't want to impeach because it's going to be the death nell of the democratic party if they do it. They know they can't win because they know he didn't do it. Furthermore, they know the investigation was an illegal political hit job… Impeachment will bring that all out… might come out anyway but they can't do it by their own hand. It's the Terminator not being able to self destruct. That's the problem… that's why. If they'd had anything at all to run with… they'd have done it. Democrats and Republicans both want him out… the only reason republicans aren't on deck is because they don't have to be. Trump isn't either of them. They came at him but didn't come correct. Now's he's got their number… It's by far the worst political gamesmanship I've seen in my lifetime. They reeeeaaaaly fkt this whole thing up,…. so bad it preemptively lost you another presidential election.

  14. Ha! Shes the voice of reason in a room stuffed with lunatics. That's how bad it is. She doesn't want to impeach because it's going to be the death nell of the democratic party if they do it. They know they can't win because they know he didn't do it. Furthermore, they know the investigation was an illegal political hit job… Impeachment will bring that all out… might come out anyway but they can't do it by their own hand. It's the Terminator not being able to self destruct. That's the problem… that's why. If they'd had anything at all to run with… they'd have done it. Democrats and Republicans both want him out… the only reason republicans aren't on deck is because they don't have to be. Trump isn't either of them. They came at him but didn't come correct. Now's he's got their number… It's by far the worst political gamesmanship I've seen in my lifetime. They reeeeaaaaly fkt this whole thing up,…. so bad it preemptively lost you another presidential election.

  15. Everyone knows exactly what path you're on nancy… it's the one lined up with bums pulling needles out of their toes to take a dump on the curb.

  16. Nancy wants to fundraise against Donny. She doesn't want to ruin that. He makes her look slightly less corrupt. Make no mistake Nancy loves Trump.

  17. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagagagagagagahahaahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaahahhahahah awwwwwww sore losers.

  18. Republicans know that they win with ; Wrong but Strong and the Democrats lose with Right but Weak ! We MUST Start an Impeachment Inquiry NOW on ALL of Trump's Criminal acts ! ! !

  19. The path you are on is selling out the American people just like the opposing party.You should have been talking about preventing the trump from attacking smaller countries militarily.The democrats let the trump defeat them because he reached out to the white working class by emphasing the importance of citizenship over immigration.They care more about the welfare of of others than they care about their own fellow citizens.There are probably millions of homeless Americans and yet they fight tooth and nail to bring in millions of skilled,semiskilled and skilled immigrants to replace their fellow citizens many of whom are already sleeping in the streets.Why should they vote for you?

  20. Cohen is an idiot. Impeachment will actually help Trump get re-elected. Russiagate was a hoax and it backfired on the Democrats. Do they really want to double down on it? Barr is now investigating the source of the Russiagate hoax and indictments will follow.

  21. I don't have any faith in Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, and until/unless they are primaried and removed from office, they will block progressive legislation while barking up the wrong tree on Trump impeachment.

  22. We are on a path to Trump's reelection if the Democratic party cheats a progressive at the primary again. Impeachment is a sideshow distraction that will only boost his support.

  23. She is a Republican. Remove her and put in a Speaker that will impeach idiot. He just committed another crime just recently by going over Congress to sell 2 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia.

  24. I'm a progressive, but impeaching is a losing strategy, and won't even make it to the Senate, and the GOP have the majority. Plus, if the DNC wants to win back the White House and the Senate, they need to pass Bills that benefit the people like a livable wage, infrastructure, and Medicare for all. Until they do that, they will lose heavily in 2020.

  25. Jeff Cohen is right as always! Impeach this SOB before he destroys this country as he has every one of his businesses. Pelosi & Schumer need to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. The Democrats can not impeach because that investigation would get away from them and only blow the Russia gate interference out of water but would expose the real interference by the Saudis and the Israelis on behalf of both party's.

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