Democrats failed Florida’s progressives | The Marc Steiner Show – Everything Law and Order Blog

Marc Steiner speaks with Florida State House Rep. Anna Eskamani and Dream Defenders Co-Executive Director Rachel Gilmer about the stakes of Florida’s politics and the prospects for undoing the GOP’s stranglehold.

Anna Vishkaee Eskamani is a member of the Florida House of Representatives from the 47th District in Orange County.

Rachel Gilmer is an organizer with and the Co-Director of the Dream Defenders, a statewide grassroots organization of communities across Florida. Established in 2012 in response to the unjust murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, The Dream Defenders are a diverse group of young people who build power by organizing campaigns, services, and political-education programming for community civic engagement and transformational justice.

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By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Democrats failed Florida’s progressives | The Marc Steiner Show”
  1. Democrats fail every time because they are obsessed with race. Normal humans don't think like the left does. The world isn't all about race and sex.

  2. Again, we really need to reform our campaign finance laws and get rid of all these PACs ;and billionaire funding

  3. Florida still stinks of the Confederacy. Still a "right to work " state. DeSant-ass refuses to expand Medicaid, like his predecessor Rick "fifth amendment, Manson eyes" Scott.

  4. Florida is governed by dixicrats(republicans) The Democrat party in Florida and nationally, is the party of capitulation and neo-liberalism. The democrat party in Florida is the party of identity politics.

  5. That was total BS arresting people for voting & televising it. desantis went after a group he knew he would find his "fraud".
    Because the state has no standard method to correctly advise x-felons on their voting status.

  6. The State of Florida has six of the eight least affordable cities in the United States to live in today. Miami-Dade County has a terrible infrastructure. We need to begin to develop workers unions. Florida does not have factories. Organizations like Publix and Staples enforce anti-union messages.

  7. DeSantis is VERY dangerous. I live in Florida and he's popular in Florida. But going through the Democratic party is useless because the Democrats are in league with the GOP and both parties are bankrolled by billionaires. The binary red vs blue game is a failing strategy. It needs to be top vs down. It's hard to do through the Democratic party when they're team mates with the GOP.

  8. Neo-Progressivism (aka) human devolution.
    Communism disguised as $ocialism disguised as (lol) Democracy.

  9. 7:00 "Rule with an iron fist" I don't know if I agree with this assessment of DeSantis.

    He opened Florida while Gavin Newsom and other blue states were hardcore locked down, masks, mandates, Vax cards… Remember that? VAXX CARDS?
    I had honestly forgot he was our governor until the pandemic and out of that, he emerged as some kind of icon… Like a symbol of freedom, or something Before that, I don't remember seeing him campaign or anything… Honestly, aside from the "Don't be gay" thing, I kinda like the guy. I really don't even know what that's about, I just feel like there's a sense of stability with DeSantis around and TBH, I'm kinda burnt out on Democratic Socialism and progressiveness. Bernie, AOC and the entire DSA has been a GIANT FAILURE. They voted against the raidroad strike and they voted to send $80B for Biden's war against Putin… I'm actually worried that DeSantis will run for president and we'll lose him as our governor. Maybe I've gone to the dark side, but the other side ain't too bright either.

  10. Florida needs rank choice voting and open primaries. Unfortunately, Desantis signed legislation banning rank choice voting.

  11. The Dems they put up were so far right it did not make much difference. I got to vote for no progressives and no green party. I mailed in my ballot and did not sign it.

  12. Florida is so divided. Here on the SW coast it is Trump DeSantis country. These people vote emotionally and will not look at facts. I have lived in Tallahassee twice Gainesville West Palm Beach Cocoa and Melbourne and it is a different state wherever you live. In general Florida is so far right I want to move.

  13. If the Muslim Ummah wants to come out of the darkness and regain its lost status then the only possible way to achieve this status is to abolish shirk and its forms at all the levels. The message is clear in Muhammad Qasim's Dream for Muslim ummah. #MuhammmadQasimDreams

  14. How about the obvious? Florida is a state of old people and of rich people. And we know which way they vote.

  15. I'm not sure why but I've been reading a lot about the Boxers and Tiaping rebellions in China. I get the feeling something very similar is going to happen here

  16. Speaking of walking through Florida neighborhoods, maybe Florida progressives should lobby for infrastructure design that creates a viable alternative to driving a car. Cities across the country are beginning to see the value of infrastructure designed for people and not just cars. I'm talking about walkable and bike-able neighborhoods.
    Florida is mostly flat and has mild winters. My wife have been living without a car in Florida's central gulf coast since 2012. Everyone around says that it's too dangerous. People say they would ride more if there was more than a strip of paint between them and the cars. (They were talking about Florida's answer to a more bicycle friendly state. Paint the shoulder a different color and call it a bike lane.)
    Then there is the fact that laws, courts, and law enforcement agencies have demonstrated that they don't really care about protecting vulnerable road users. The premise is that people in Florida don't want an alternative to driving a car. But car centric infrastructure design makes Florida one of the worst states to drive in as well. Infrastructure design that assumes car dependency in every single person can only create more car dependency. It's time to talk about the cost of that dependency and the benefits of not having such a dependency.
    If you talk to people in Florida's famous Villages you will meet baby boomers who have experienced the financial benefits of not owning a car by going everywhere in their golf cart. At the lower income level, rent can take up to 60%of one's income and their car expenses can require 40% of their income.

    In the area I live the population is young and there are members of Generation Z who would like to protected bikelanes and more paved Rail-Trail projects.

  17. The vote totals in Florida this year are highly suspicious. You don't have such a huge discrepancy between pre-election polls and actual results unless there is blatant cheating. Rachel's description of Ron DeSantis makes him look very much like the criminal we had in the White House prior to Biden's election.

  18. In Connecticut, when Chris Murphy ran for the House, Linda McMahon, the WWE multimillionaire, out spent him and lost. This is because her mailings and other advertising was repetitive and, as a result, annoying.

  19. Florida does not have a state income tax. Like Washington state, it is a tax haven for the very rich. This means public services are always severely underfunded. And Christ, back when he was governor, cut the property taxes which had become high to compensate. So now vital services like transit expansion must be voted upon locally, with a few exceptions like SunRail, which will help Disney. Thanks for the good show, i have other candidate case studies for possible discussion in my Sustainable Infrastructure Investment; toward a More Equitable Investment book.

  20. Bill hicks was calling out and grilling the 2 party system back in 92. Why oh why anyone is convinced for one second that either the dem party or the GOP are any different. They are all professional liars and charlatans working for the banks and executives. Please think for yourselves and research people.

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