Democrats fought to keep the Green Party off some state ballots. What are they scared of? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Angela Walker of the Green Party says it’s “very simple: The people who show up and vote Green or Libertarian … are people who are not going to give their votes to the Democrats for the Republicans.”

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Democrats fought to keep the Green Party off some state ballots. What are they scared of?”
  1. 100% clean energy by 2030 is highly unlikely but it is a good proposal; the problem with clean energy is its reliability which will vary in accordance with environmental factors. Politicians are very untrustworthy; nothing they say can be relied on and quite frankly, I don't see myself ever voting again.

  2. This person is rad af! When the fight ain't against straight fascist they getting my vote for sure! Love her recognition of the mutual aid and organizing work and the importance of it! Thanks for the interview!

  3. Kamala is not a black woman, she is an asian/indian woman, brown, but not black. She has sold her soul to the Penitentiary Industry and put a disproportionate number of black Men into Prison for minor infractions.

  4. The CORPORATE Democrats, hardly surprising the ideals of a psychopathic corporation, eliminate the opposition and create political monopolies. The pretend conservative Party the corporate Republicans and the pretend progressive party the Corporate Democrats, each seeking to enforce a monopoly on access to the vote for conservatives and progressives, to sell it to the highest bidder in the corporations.
    The anti-democratic corporate Democrats.

  5. I voted Green, but I really wish Angela Walker was the Green Party's presidential candidate, just for the fact that she has a similar energy to that of Nina Turner – an energy that Howie Hawkins just doesn't have. Hawkins is great, but he's a quiet and thoughtful man, and I feel Greens need a loud strong voice at the forefront of the movement.

  6. What kind of evil human being would vote for the Green Party whose platform is People, Peace and Planet before profits. ✊ Yeah, voting Green again because the demorats are a right wing party and the repubs are a fascist right wing party. This isn't hard.

  7. Greens like Angela Walker and Howie Hawkins are specialists in independent grassroots organizing – they should be invited regularly onto your show to give incisive analysis like this – I hope you have Walker on again after the election – and also Hawkins, who is a walking grassroots encyclopedia – and also Jill Stein, Ajamu Baraka, Lisa Savage, and more – we need this perspective

  8. SOUNDS GOOD, certainly far better than what the Dem's have for Pres. and VP candidates, plus the Dem. and Repub. parties in quite general terms. I'll wish the Green Party well for next week's Presidential elections.

  9. Lets talk about the different parties. How can a green party person run against the established parties? I’m for back people having their own party. In America how is the green party or for that matter any other party going to win a presidential election? If you do not give your vote to the racist democrats or the racist republicans then by default trumpit will win. We need a bargaining chip to force any party to give us what we want. Does that mean our own party or something else?

  10. I voted for Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker. I was very proud to do so because the Green Party best represents my values.

  11. Loving the Wu 👐🏾memorabilia
    I’m voting Green Party 💚
    Off GP 💚✌️ 💚☮️ 🌍💚

  12. I tend to vote Dem out of habit and because what I see out of the Rep is something that I can't stomach, but these other parties are looking better and better lately, they make a lot of sense.

  13. 📢 The Rasmussen "polls" Trump claims show he will "win 🙄" the election are TOTAL BS. Here is the PROOF:

    👉 Pollster: Rasmussen Research 😉😈 has a pro-GOP 🐘 bias | TheHill

    Rasmussen has a REP for PRO-Republican Propaganda. This is a Trump SET UP for stealing the election. As long as it looks like "horse race", he can STEAL IT! Trump CANNOT "win" this election fairly, PERIOD.

  14. October 2020 🦅 "I believe people should only vote their conscience. They should only vote for the people they believe in 👍. If you vote the least of two evils, the worst evil ends up dominating the least evil. There are many ways to fight and defeat Trump both inside and outside the electoral process. People should follow and act on their conscience." — Ralph Nader ✨

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