Developers displace Baltimore public housing residents, get tax breaks – Everything Law and Order Blog

A multi-year investigation by TRNN reporters reveals how neoliberal policies and public-private partnerships have led to tax-free zones for private interests, while taxpayers foot the bill. Subscribe to our page and support our work at

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Developers displace Baltimore public housing residents, get tax breaks”
  1. So people in low income housing have no responsibility to keep their homes up? Wish I could just expect the govt to upgrade and maintain my place 😂

  2. The city planners in their need of greed, used the tax income from the city to build the infrastructure for the suburbs so the developers could make those big bucks. By not using the tax of the city to upgrade the infrastructure, build community projects, ball parks, swimming pools, community center's, all the things that create community. Here we go tax breaks for the developers but nothing to create community. We just create these places where few have the resources to live. They are too busy to worry about community. We are our own fools, we think the business men care. When all we seen is the money they make and the lives they destroy.

  3. At this point, central planning is the only way to alleviate poverty. There needs to be an active and systematic plan to reduce poverty using proven methods. The government uses central planning to enrich corporations, it's time central planning is used to enrich the people.

    The kind of civic focused journalism TRN provides is essential to educating the public on these issues, so to anyone reading we need to do more to promote this!

  4. This is a great report! I passed it on to friends in Atlanta, who complain about crazy developer subsidies there. (Atlanta has been in a real estate boom, so developers shouldn't need tax incentives to build.) There was a place called Holbrook that got $4 Million in tax subsidies to build a Senior Living home in exchange for setting aside some percentage of units as "affordable housing" for low-income seniors. After it was built, it turned out the "affordable" units cost $3,000+ for a studio apartment! Now, Atlanta residents have to pay higher taxes to cover the $4 million dollar hole in revenue that was created by granting that monster subsidy in 2017. Atlanta newspaper covered it initially, but nobody has followed up.

  5. One of your biggest enemies here is Jay Brodie of Baltimore Development Corporation. He's just a BS booster for rich developers, and his replacement is every bit as bad. He's still on the scene, and his answer to everything is gentrification, including by Healthy Neighborhoods, Inc., another one of those names that sounds great, but hides the real objective: raiding the poor and low income.

  6. I doubt it will happen now, since supposedly all the people of means are fleeing the urban centers of the country, according to Trump and FOX News.

  7. We have had the same situation going on for years in Austin Texas and it continues today! Taxes have sent the poor into the streets of East Austin all in the name of progress.

  8. Isn't it funny that providence ri a mostly democratic area…investors are buying up 3 family houses on the west end ( a poor section) and are renewing all the houses and jacking up the rents from 1200 to 1600 a month.people living there cannot pay that kind of rent.then 0eople like me and my husband have to move into another expensive apartment somewhere else.

  9. I have this pet theory that these 'property booms' are mostly deliberate scams to drive out the poor. It is worrying that this is being done city by city in the US and UK. Think about it: rising property prices means that changing ones accomodation will be zero sum for homeowners. BUT anybody renting will see their rents going up and up. And some will be priced out of even the cheapest accomodation and will have to leave the city. I'm in Liverpool UK and in recent years we have had thousands of these economic refugees coming up from london.

  10. Please ask the young lady to move away from the bookcase and move the camera away from her. It's hard to watch everything being crowded so unnaturally close. Also, can someone gently tell her to extend her makeup to her eyebrows. There are white lines above her eyebrows, if she doesn't want to get makeup in her eyebrows, try putting it on with a qtip.

  11. People that understand what's happening are screaming for change now.
    But nothing ………….they will double down. if they were going to allow change they would of by now.
    This is a class war to the death.
    Welcome to your own extinction

  12. If the people who have lived in that neighborhood for generations didn't have the desire or wherewithal to maintain the "old" neighborhood, how long do you think it would be if you put those same people back into that neighborhood after a redevelopment effort before the place deteriorated into a new shit hole again? Everything comes down to and is a reflection of the quality of the individuals that make up a neighborhood or a city. This is what delirious liberals spend all their energies denying.

  13. So the people who actually lived in that neighborhood had nothing to do with its deterioration? The government alone deliberately "allowed" it to turn into a shit hole neighborhood? I admit almost all democrat-led urban environments end up becoming shit holes, but the question has to be asked is it always the fault of government and no fault at all of the people who occupy those neighborhoods for generations? Is that the explanation for shit hole urban wastelands such as Gary, IN, Compton, CA, Ferguson, MO, and so on? I live in Baltimore myself. There are very nice neighborhoods in the city where people do all they can to maintain their properties and their streets from drive-by litter bugs. Everyday in these nicer neighborhoods it's a constant battle against people who throw trash from cars while driving through these neighborhood. If such people, and there seem to be many, have no respect for the efforts of others to maintain order and reasonable cleanliness in their own neighborhoods, then you can pretty much rest assured that such people have already trashed their own neighborhoods and turned them into shit holes. The best thing that could happen to this once lovely city is complete gentrification, just as they did down the road in Washington, DC after decades of neglect and blight. You liberal weenies should probably focus more on educating the lower classes in a little personal responsibility and in the value of doing the work to maintain a minimum level of orderliness and care in their own neighborhoods.

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