The U.S. must invest in local journalism and rid public schools of corporate influence in order to become a functioning democracy, argues Nolan Higdon, co-author of “United States of Distraction”.

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By elboriyorker


49 thoughts on “Dismantling the System That Created Trump”
  1. This is why Al jazeera is so critical. I don't agree with everything they say but I know they are not controlled by the American news agencies. At this point American news is just tabloid news. If we don't watch, or buy, or listen, they will go out of business. That would be Good for America.

  2. While critical thinking and analysis are keys to comprehension and problem solving, our lack of focus on dire climate trends while spending long periods microanalyzing the learning process and media outlets, as well as dire healthcare and wage issues, may prove fatal as our current schedule means all life will be extinct in-wall under a decade, perhaps just a few years. We need to focus.

  3. We have been horribly mislead by our media. The issue is that we are not teaching how to think critically or how to deal with anger and the ways that propaganda works. Information is power, but it is something you can give away and give away and still have it. Actually, we should challenge our students with engineering and how to retro-fit to make problems cease to be problems.

  4. Excellent interview and discussion ; both parts. Link for part 1, in case anyone reading this comment hasn't yet listened to this, " How Corporate Media Fueled Trump's Rise " (17:49), TRNN, 25 Nov. 2019, One of the welcome points made or stated in this interview is the emphasis on The opening paragraph provides a fair explanation, quote: " Critical thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgment.[1] The subject is complex, and several different definitions exist, which generally include the rational, skeptical, unbiased analysis, or evaluation of factual evidence. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It presupposes assent to rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem-solving abilities as well as a commitment to overcome native egocentrism[2][3] and sociocentrism. … " ONE THING that'd be fitting is that critical thinking must be critically objective, as opposed to subjective ; or, we learned this in one or more university courses in philosophy that I attended anyway. I think that subjectivity would relate to egocentrism and sociocentrism, both. When someone is biased, racist, f.e., then this surely falls in the realm of subjectivity, I think or guess.

  5. I had civics class back in the early 60's, and the organic nation of America ( not the corporation it is now ) was founded by Freemasons as a Republic! Not a democracy! So this author referring to us as a democracy, lost all credibility with me to buy his book, and he needs to go back to junior high! And take a civics class ! Taught by a non- Jew !. Btw, I'm a Jew !.

  6. Important and great guest but national level politics does effect our lives by setting the stage and framework for local politics which is why we should impeach Trump for using federal resources to bribe foreign powers to interfere in our elections. Author's name is not made clear enough in the video but seems to have a helpful book toward regaining and trying to hold onto what's left of our democracy. The Real News Network is so important today.

  7. Talk about civics, this is no democracy, he's way off go on about democracy over and over again. Representative democracy is not democratic and nor do we have democratic institutions save the once again growing cooperative business model. The educational system has always been away to indoctrinate the masses and hows about 400 plus years of purposeful policy and errors. I'll pass on this guy.

  8. Simple Solution to change the System. Get Rid of the Israeli Influence in Government & other Institutions & Lobbying .

  9. The construct is breaking down. The dinosaurs a rallying for survival. They are literally feeding on one another. I heard it said by someone named Hugo that when it's time for change there's not an army that can stop it.

  10. Hilary Clinton recently said it best in a rare moment of honesty. And I quote… "It was a lot easier to control people when there were only two news organizations." 😊

  11. This is a really powerful interview. It points out how the erosion of the fairness act and subsequent telecommunications act are contributing towards the erosion of our democracy. Well done👍

  12. US Mainstream Media has become Total Propaganda Machine for the
    Corporate Stranglehold, PLUTOCRACY, Neoliberalism, Predatory Capitalism,
    Predatory For-Profit Healthcare System, Crony Capitalism, Wall Street,
    Big Corporations, Big Pharma, Insurance Companies, Corporate Media
    Advertisers, Defense Contractors, Zionism, CIA, Pentagon, Bloated
    Military Budget, Endless Wars and Militay-Industrial Complex.

    But Majority of Americans still never try to BOYCOTT, SUE and PROTEST
    against the Corrupt Media and Their Advertisers COLLECTIVELY.
    Americans should at least admit that their Notorious and Willful Ignorance,
    Laziness, Selfish Individualism, Cowardice and Habits of Making Excuses.

  13. What’s amazing is his observation is manly towards the republicans when it was the Clinton Adminstration that got rid of the 1934 communications act. The democrats is putting full use of the Clinton administration bill to use propaganda to hate trump

  14. Dear Americans,
    Please do not blame "Democracy" for your country's own problem.
    Go research "US Democray Index".
    You forgot How Vulnerable and Weak American Democracy is and Many Flaws
    US Democratic System have COMPARED to Other Stable Democratic Countries.
    (ex. Electoral College and Bogus Voting Right System, Gerrymandering, PLUTOCRACY, Corporate PAC Money,
    Bogus "Corporate Lobbying and Donation" System that is LEGALIZED Bribery and Corruption.)

  15. As Insightful People always did say,
    Donald Trump is just SYMPTOM of Bigger Issues in America, He is NOT Disease (Cause).
    Corrupt US Mainstream Media and Clueless Democrats are OBSESSED with Trump Theater,
    BUT, they refuse to talk about Real Issues to GIVE us Donald Trump.
    The Issues are DECADES after DECADES of PLUTOCRACY, Neoliberal Policies, Corporate Stranglehold,
    Right Wing Extremism and Fearmongering, Corrupt Corporate Democrats, Political Corruption,
    CORRUPT Media, Crony Capitalism, Predatory Capitalism etc.

  16. As Insightful People always did say,
    Donald Trump is just SYMPTOM of Bigger Issues in America, He is NOT Disease (Cause).
    Corrupt US Mainstream Media and Clueless Democrats are OBSESSED with Trump Theater,
    BUT, they refuse to talk about Real Issues to GIVE us Donald Trump.
    The Issues are DECADES after DECADES of PLUTOCRACY, Neoliberal Policies, Corporate Stranglehold,
    Right Wing Extremism and Fearmongering, Corrupt Corporate Democrats, Political Corruption,
    CORRUPT Media, Crony Capitalism, Predatory Capitalism etc.

  17. Great interview, great guest. Thanks! I don't think most people mind believing lies, really … as long as it conforms to what they want to believe. People basically declare themselves by what the "side" they take. It was a brilliant crime, really, since it got people to do it themselves.


  19. Journalism degrees seem, to me, a practice of predatory capitalism.Being a journalist is about ethics: find and report the truth, take your risks, ask the hard questions.If you're not doing all of those things then you're not a journalist, you're a propagandist.Why is this something that needs a degree?

  20. Strange how an expert can miss the real fact that news is not news. There are zero laws (Smith-Mundt Act) saying that an institution can say it's news and actually produce anything other than fiction.

  21. GOP is in a cult bubble Rush, Info Wars,Breitbart, Hate radio etc mostly in rural America..Scared of the boogeyman that doesn't exist like total Socialism etc.. . But thinks MSM is the enemy. The GOP needs reality check in alternative reality in 20. Vote Blue!

  22. Lying propogandists like you created Trump. You all refuse to see what's right in front of your face and that is why he's going to keep WINNING, and you will keep grasping at straws for an answer as to why.

    As soon as a person realizes what you're really selling, they stop buying. Stay in your echo chamber breathing eachothers farts to find out what the air outside smells like til 2025 if you want to but whether you know it or not you work for Trump.

  23. Alien vampires (ego/greed) use their language of brain numbing, soul sucking numbers to imprison and enslave earthling human beings (hearts/love). It is also how the vampires (ego/greed) keep their human cattle (hearts/love) corralled.

    Lobbying (bribery), gerrymandering and the electoral system are a part of the system (matrix) that floats the most absent of love (greedy) monsters to the top while pushing the highest mystics with the most love to the bottom.

    This is how the counting corpses have managed to make an anti-love, anti-christ called Count (ing) Dracula (Trump) into their god and our president.

    This system (matrix) is filled with misery, murder and mass shootings because the matrix is completely absent of light warmth, love, life, joy, "magic", meaning, beauty and wisdom.

    The cornerstone of this matrix is greed (absence of love) aka. "hate". The worst cornerstone imaginable.

    This cornerstone of ignorance (hate) needs to be removed and replaced with the cornerstone of truth (love).

    Then this loveless, lifeless matrix filled with misery, murder and mass shootings can morph into a living, breathing, social organism filled with joy and beauty creating joy and beauty. Like love (god) intended for life to be in the first place.

  24. As Buckminster Fuller said: “You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.”

    No more leaders please, I'm good.

     I'd like a say in how taxes are spent and policy implemented. I'd like all U.S. Citizens to have the right of self-determination too.   

    Representative Government breeds corruption. Always. Capitalist, Communist or Socialist, they all fall prey to the greed inherent in humanity. All of them. Every time.

    The only reason we have a representative government is because the only form of long distance communication at the time was a horse or a boat.

    How hard would it be to make an app with blockchain encryption that allows you and I equal say in how this country is run? No more politics. No more lobbyists. No more division. No more false flags and blood for oil. No more underfunded VA, schools, seniors, handicapped, after school programs, ect. ad infinitum.

    How long you been wishing, hoping for REAL change?

    You hold the answer in the palm of your hand.

    Of the People, By the People and For the People. Accept no substitute.

  25. Sounds like a great book for the younger generation can know what really happened. Will purchase this book for grandchildren.

  26. Totalitarian Fascism loves that word "hate". They love "hate", they talk about it all the time while they try and posture themselves in their own version of "morality". Leftist don't have any morality or ethics. They are morally and ethically bankrupt. "Hate" for them is when you don't go along with their groupthink. "Love", to them is just the acceptance of their moralless groupthink.

  27. funny how this fella went from stating how important the diversity of ideas is in a free society then goes directly into totally dissing the growth of conservative info outlets…

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