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The Mueller report, while finding no collusion by Trump, did reinforce the narrative that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections to sow discord and disinformation, reinforcing the idea that Russia is an existential threat to the United States.

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By elboriyorker


24 thoughts on “Don’t Celebrate: Mueller Report Continues Russiagate Narrative”
  1. A few months ago I discovered that Mueller took over the FBI exactly a week before 9/11 (which was never properly investigated) and in that moment I knew the Mueller mantra was going to end up disappointing and embarrassing everyone who was buying into the idea that we should "wait for the Mueller report". They certainly did a job of convincing us though! That dramatic Roger Stone arrest was overkill however. Trump should be easy pickings for a genuine FBI investigation. Here's a guy that people all over the world have known as corrupt for decades, who's into corrupt construction and casino businesses, whose friends with mob figures from the NY and Russian mafias, who refuses to release his tax returns, who has been sued and indicted countless times…. Trump should be a walk in the park for FBI trainees, far less the revered Mueller! At some point in the future we will of course begin to hear from people in the FBI who tried to properly investigate Trump or raise the alarm about genuine concerns like financial corruption and national instability resulting from Trump's hate speech inspiring hate groups and extremists that the FBI are meant to thwart. Who knows maybe once he's done serving his purpose Trump will leave office in disgrace because he's unpalatable and totally corrupt and will probably land the US in a financial crisis.

  2. The point of this piece is that the Mueller report did not disprove "The Russians Messed with the Elections" fantasy. So for the MIC (and their mouthpieces R.Madcow et al), nothing has changed. So unfortunately this horseshit can/will continue when they choose. Full disclosure, I think that Trump , HRC and Obomber are disgusting people. Us not me

  3. I just want the facts to be released to the public. It’s all become a side show & snake oil sales. The Politics of Fear have ruined us all. Elect a clown , expect a circus. Someday the people will all forget how we got to this point and make all the same mistakes again. Each time, we are closer to extinction and a non sustainable planet. Real News Network is still one of the best. Thanks

  4. Real News, your argument here is full of holes. For example, Mueller the Republican cleanups man thus does less than a thorough investigation on the pivotal issue for the GOP. FE, Chairman Schiff is not giving up the probe. FE, you push false dichotomies by using the arguments that all countries meddle in external elections, that other countries had more influence on our 2016 than did Putin, and that the US meddling caused a karmic blowback that was our election in 2016.

  5. I think every one making money over victim's like Palestinian and Yemenis including your show talk since and doing nothing like a chicken screaming Fox, you just talk and talk and always talk but the thing I don't understand is you getting payed for talking about Yemen and Palestine😔

  6. Even with as hard as almost all the mainstream media pushed the supposed threat of Russia, hardly any Americans dislike or fear Russia enough for the warmonger narrative to be persuasive and frightening.

  7. Mueller, Mewler, Miuller, Muler, Moller, whatever. How about Müller (German, which is miller in English)?
    What’s going on in America: Trump-Bolton-Netanyahu work on world war plans some more, Democrats investigate some more. Same shit different day.

  8. The Mueller report does not vindicate anyone. The Mueller report has not been seen. This is looking more like subversive propaganda. Unsubscribe. Trump has declared a fake national emergency, and nothing will be done about it. He has one year in which he can declare martial law any day. The Congress and the courts could stop him, but they won't because they are all enmeshed! Trump has taken over the country, dictator for life, and no one will do anything about it.

  9. I've finally started reading one of Dr. Horne's books and his research into the untold history of the West is amazing. I found it extremely interesting that the English Revolution of 1688 allowed the monopoly that the "Royal African Corporation" had on slave trading to be broken. This allowed Merchant Capitalist in the Colonies to import African Slaves independent of England which provided the Capital that allowed the colonies to become a Capitalist powerhouse.

    The Anglo-American Empire is dying and the Russia-Gate narrative is a last ditch life line. We're in absolute contradiction territory now; the administration is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Steve Miller now runs the Department of Homeland security; contradiction 1) Miller is a Jewish Neo-Nazi, 2) expecting Mexico to house the refuges that US policy has created is unsustainable, 3) giving aid to Central and South America to support Dictators which is creating the refuge crisis is unsustainable. This band of misfits should have been run out of town a long time ago; I find the deep state narrative pretty rich considering the fact that Trump would have been put in jail years ago if it wasn't for the deep state.

    This is the third Cyclone Bomb the Midwest has faced this year; Arctic Vortex lobes are still traveling to the mid-latitudes and this is April. The Black smoke from Siberian wildfires last year; that slowed Arctic warming; is now covering white surfaces in the Arctic which decreases reflectivity of the Arctic ice. Add to all this we have an economy that is failing; contradiction; the petty crook gave Boeing the green light to cut corners when they paid him off. Now Boeing's 737 crisis means Airbus will fill the void. Now the petty crooks are threatening the EU with sanctions for supporting Airbus. Let's see how long the 39.9% will be willing to tolerate this blundering idiot, racist, petty crook.

  10. I was never concerned about collusion. I was always more concerned with the very obvious corruption that comes with Trump not divesting from his businesses. It's like how corporate Dems and all the GOP don't work for us anymore. They work for their donors. Trump doesn't work for us. He only cares about his own interests and biases.

  11. Aaron Matte gave TRNN legitimacy on this nonsense Russiagate scandal perpetrated by the democrats by debunking with facts not bullshit. Let it go, just like you did to your best journalist.

  12. Why don't you guy's wait till we hear the Mueller report and not trumps appointee Barrs opinion or spin and cover-up before you make a judgment. You follow the same sensational journalism as the rest, pot calling the kettle black.

  13. Maddow has just a normal mainstream media bias, she's biased towards things that are exciting, regardless of whether they're what would be most beneficial to society to pay attention to. You're so deep in the weeds you don't realize that the Russiagate story is tremendously exciting, just on a basic superficial level. It's like a really over-the-top ridiculous comical spy novel.

    Seriously zoom out just a little bit– when they started "obsessing" about the story, the Trump people were claiming to have no Russian connections at all. The Maddow show didn't just put up a picture of Putin every night and have a two minute hate, they reported, they reported lots and lots of new details all the time. Details it turns out about a conspiracy to work with a Russian oligarch that went all the way to the top of the Trump campaign (since the top of the Trump campaign was not of course Donald Trump, a completely incompetent and ignorant person). It's a fair point that that's probably not an especially socially productive story to focus that much attention on, but it's not some sort of politically motivated mindless obsession, it was detailed reporting about a fucking fascinating story.

  14. Rachel Madow has idiosyncrasies, but she does her homework every night and tries her best to explain her findings to her viewers. The "Real News" should be applauding her efforts instead of sowing discontent amongst progressives. Instead of bashing MSNBC, how about focusing on the damage trump is doing to free speech and civil liberties in America. That's the "Real News".

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