Don’t Forget The Saudi Role in 9/11 – Q&A (Pt 6/6) – Everything Law and Order Blog

Paul Jay says the Saudi dictatorship only exists to enable US domination of the Middle East, and has been committing war crimes for decades with American approval – From a live recording on October 16th, 2018

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By phillyfinest369


46 thoughts on “Don’t Forget The Saudi Role in 9/11 – Q&A (Pt 6/6)”
  1. Please do your own research about the so called Israeli art students during 9/11 and the USS liberty attack by the Israeli Air Force

  2. It shows Paul Jay in a good light that he dares to mention 9/11, as well as the fact that Bush and Cheney were aware of these attacks in advance. Paul said this many years ago on this channel, and fortunately he did not change his mind. This is why I will continue to support this channel, because its independence is very valuable. As for the comments below of other parties being involved in 9/11, that could be true, but there is no hard evidence for it, though if Bush and Cheney were aware of the attacks in advance, they could have cynically used it to set up a False Flag operation. Finally, I wish to mention Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, who tirelessly continue to call for an independent investigation into the events of 9/11, because they argue that the way the three WTC buildings came down is physically impossible. We are talking here about more than 3000 architects, engineers, and scientists, who have signed their petition in support of their call. The only way to end the destructive foreign policies of the US, especially in the Middle East, is to expose all perpetrators of 9/11.

  3. The Traitors & Treachery that the US Government is to Americans is Mind Boggling. Even more disturbing is the Blindness of the American People and their Short sighted and ignorant attitude towards the Leeches that Govern them.

  4. Jay says they knew it was coming and didn't stop it. That's a craven viewpoint. They didn't just know it was coming. They were doing it themselves!

  5. Our unfit rulers would secretly love to be just like the Saudis. They admire their power and their amoral psychopathy and impunity. They worship Nietzsche's nihilistic philosophy of pitiless ruthlessness of the Ubermensch that justifies their moral disengagement. Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. And they are already imitating them. This endangers everyone. They must be ended.

  6. What is so offensive about the death of Khashoggi was he was a mainstream journalist: it’s not as if he was working for Telesur, where he would be fair game.

  7. If Raytheon and Boeing made wind and solar rigs, they'd get wealthier and actually defend our nation, while focusing tax dollar purchases on critical durable goods and infrastructure instead of uncontrolled spending on transient explosives to kill ISIS, an enemy we fund one moment and kill the next, and far from the destructive capacity of Michael, Yutu, Irma, Maria, Harvey, Sandy, Katrinia or Donald.

  8. Why do you think it's pretty clear the Saudis didn't ask for or get permission? Kushner needs hundreds of millions to save his empire much of which he ho hopes will come from the Saudis.

  9. Why can you guys tell the truth about 9/11? Saudi this or Saudi that it’s not the truth. It was Mossad and CIA with help of Saudi gov. Bush and rest of high ranking officials knew about it. I hope you know the meaning of “inside job”

  10. you guys are perpetuating the lie 19 with box cutters that is silly we are all way beyond that in our understanding why do you insult us, your viewership. That is a good way to become irrelevant and un-watched.

  11. Saudi Arabia’s oil, sold in dollars allows for the continued hegemony of the dollar as the reserve currency. That reality will not survive much longer.

  12. 9/11 was an inside job done by the US shadow government and the others they involved and it demonstrated for the world an unbelievable new weapon technology. Where was the debris that would represent 1 million tons and that is just the two towers? Not there. The buildings did not fall, they turned into nano dust.

  13. Paul, you are a serious journalist and you have a great program. But why are you failing to investigate the Israeli connection to 9/11? The evidence of Mossad involvement is very strong. See Chris Bollyn’s work on Israel’s involvement. Sure, the Saudis were involved but they were minor players compared to Israel.

  14. Graham just figured out how cruelly brutal the Saudis are? Decades of sadistic violence wasn't enough for him? Bombing busloads of children wasn't? Is he that ignorant… or merely that cynical?

  15. Ah, the stupid remarks in the comments section about 9-11. Everyone knows the four races of extraterrestrial beings plotted 9-11 from the dark side of the moon to provoke an intergalactic war.

  16. Thanks so much for this insightful series. The more I learn, the more disillusioned I become with the country I love. People need to vote mid terms. We need to clean house. Do your homework, vote issues. Millions of people will be heard around the world. Too big to rig!

  17. Lucky Harry, building 7, dancing Israelis, Harry's daughter and insurance policy, wars, war on terrorism, destruction of Iraq, a Kurdish state in the north, oil, ISIS

    I'm sorry but all of the above lead to one group of devils.

  18. The Saudis want the entire lands of the Yemen state, there's sweet light crude produced there. On top of that the Saudis are Sunni and much of Yemen is Shia. While both sects are Muslim they hate each other like the Catholic and the Protestants in Northern Ireland.

  19. Modern capitalism is based on terrorism. Breaking unions was not based on economics, but to be able to terrorize American workers. We are terrorized by the banking industry. We are terrorized by poverty and homelessness. We are terrorized between healthcare costs and a poisonous food, including environments. Environmental exploitation is terrorism of the people. We are controlled in all aspects of our lives, by terror. Hillary tried to terrorize herself into the White House with Donald Trump. We were willing to settle with the clown than vote for the political terrorist.

  20. Every word Paul Jay spoke about 911 in this video was infantile, fallacious nonsense. Senator Graham is not a remotely credible source on the issue of 911. He can speculate about what Bush or Cheney supposedly knew but we know for a fact that an FBI informant named Randy Glass contacted Senator graham in the weeks before 911 and offered him an outline of what was planned and that graham lied about that before Randy Glass produced incontrovertible evidence forcing Graham to belatedly change his story.
    Furthermore, the portrait of the House of Saud, a venal, corrupt and highly unsophisticated family overwhelmingly concerned with their own survival as having secretly planned the attacks is absolutely pitiful. Paul Jay knows less than nothing about 911, it is embarrassing. Mediocrity in extremis.

  21. Dont forget the role of Britain in supporting the Saudis into power and into overthrowing the last legitimate Islamic caliphate.

    Saudis are a US/uk thorn in the side of any middle eastern independence.

  22. 10:10, Paul Jay used the phrase "false flag attack" — implying that that's what 911 was, and by implication, what happened in London under Tony Blair, 7/11, (bus and train bombs during a DAVOS summit), and then goes on to to say that the Saudi' might pull this stunt again, e.g., a false flag, but whatever they do, e.g., Yemen, they do with US involvement and approval, maybe even Kashoggi, so ???? Is the truth becoming so obvious that even Paul Jay is getting it? Real News is good, but needs to get MUCH better.

  23. Wait. It was Alwaleed bin Talal . Salman's uncle who was the power prince in SA during 911 and further back. MBS had his uncle arrested last year for widespread corruption. Doesn't it make more sense that this is about internal power struggle of the Saudis ruling power? A False Flag (real actions) by Alwaleed allies (SA deep state) to undermine MBS and his newfound Trump partnership to drain the swamp is the most sensible consideration. It's very simple when you look at motives and benefits of how it's playing out.

    We will find out who is really responsible for 911 and 17 years of perpetual war in ME. Just think if Hillary had won we wouldn't know about any of this. I always saw Trump as a bull in the China shop but more and more I believe he's the real deal.

    Consider the choice to take back your country on Election Day. It could be our only chance to finally put the nail in the coffin of these seditious instigators of global turmoil. If the democrats had one idea or policy they might have a chance I'd consider them. If anyone can tell me what that platform is I'd be curious to listen.

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