As’ad Abukhalil maintains that Trump may not actually want war, but the consequences of this attack could still have dangerous consequences

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By elboriyorker


39 thoughts on “Drone Attack on Saudis Might Not Lead to War, but Dangerous Nonetheless”
  1. Israel is escalating the situation to get Iran to the negotiating table but doesn't want to have a direct war with Iran at all because it knows that very well that not only Iran but many other groups like Hizbollah in Lebanon as well as Iran allies in Iraq and Syria would respond immediately. That's why Israel wouldn't want a direct confrontation with Iran at all. All measures are taken by the US and its allies serve as a tool for pressuring Iran to sit at the negotiating table making more concessions which are very unlikely due to Iran's strong position inside Iran and within the region.
    Next year budget of Iran would have zero Rial oil dependency which would mean that oil as pressure won't work soon.

  2. Never missed an election since 18. I'm 72 and I may get my ballot next year andvote for NO ONE under protest. I do not condone goverments' direction in government or wars or rumors of wars. Wars are all about corporate profit and control. We do not consent!

  3. The Iranians are in a back to the wall situation and when you corner a man, he becomes more dangerous because he has no way of escape other than to fight, and usually those fights are a fight to the death. The American authorities are some of the dumbest negotiators on the planet; they stupidly believe because they have the world's largest military–notice I said largest and not strongest–that they can pressure countries into one-sided agreements; this is proving to be a consistent failure.

    But what you folks haven't mentioned here: Trump was served early notice by the Iranians when they shot down the drone that strayed into their airspace; this alone has sent a strong message to the US: we are not afraid of you and if you attack we will defend with all our might.
    Not only has that message been received by the US but also by all of the groups supporting the Iranians, like Hezbollah and Hamas. Those groups have also been reinforced by the Iranian actions against the US; so any war against Iran, there are several players that will be joining in. I would not even be surprised if North Korea joined the fray too.

  4. It's F**king Hilarious and Sad to me that Many Brainwashed Americans still think that America is "Good Guy" who is SPREADING DEMOCRACY and LIBERATING OPPRESSED PEOPLE around the World !

  5. Oh this is hilarious. @10:08, no one told him if he wants to be perceived as dangerous, he should have loaded the belt with bullets at least. HA
    He looks like the east favorite nephew of Pancho Villa!

  6. Zio- US been on war with Iran for 40 years. US government of cheat and MAFIA leader of the world must get the hell out of Middle East. Enough is enough hands off Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Palestine. Enough of lies, cheating, stealing , terrorizing and murdering innocents people.

  7. Houthies are at war with the Saudi so if they did it so effectively WHY STOP, except Hiroshima did allies pause from hitting targets after one good hit? Nope, this one is a totally an INSIDE desperate job by the Newcons who did 911 now to ignite this unsuccessful Iran WAR.

  8. Trump has said over and over again, the United States does not won't war unless American military or American citizens or attacked! He prefers using sanctions, or other means, instead of war when it comes to protecting United State's interest!

  9. Wow. Good analysis. Not that I am qualified or knowledgeable to pass judgment, just picking up on how Trump wasn't trashed automatically and Iran was discussed with objectivity be also instead of the usual villification that I am so used to getting even from the left and just the overall coverage touching up on the main issues from the middle East and how everything was simple and actually making sense to a lay person like me, makes me susoect that I have actually heard true news and not fake one this time! Thank you!

  10. was it true that the drones read "made in usa" and were flawn by usa's off shore land unit?…just saying,it does make sense when you fabricate attacks…

  11. The US is not limited by the UN for the Iran agreement. That's ridiculous. And for US law, the Iran Deal was just that, a deal and not a treaty. Some say stupid stuff. You can find it here.

  12. Saudi Arabia keeps getting away with genocide, executions, funding terrorism etc. because they do it in partnership with the CIA /Mossad..

    "Saudi arabia" is another Israel illuminatti western planted dictatorship this is now common knowledge

  13. Let Yemen bomb those criminals to oil extinction. Moore oil fields in Saudi need to be eliminated so the Saudis will be brought to their knees for crimes against humanity

  14. Your guest is making ridiculous assumptions that Iran was responsible. There is not the slightest evidence for it. Also, Iran is not going to talk to Trump. The claim that they may negotiate shows no knowledge of what is happening in reality.

  15. War would also be about Iran ending its use of the Petro Dollar some months ago.
    Within days of Iran's announcement, the U.S. ratcheted up its war rhetoric.
    The strike in Saudi Arabia is another staged event to get public support for war with Iran.
    Especially since the American people are tired of the Endless Wars and want them to Stop.

  16. Nearly 5 years Saudi together with United Arab Emirates bombed and destroyed Yemen, armament supplied dominantly by US, France and UK, now the 15000 dolar drones, a swarms got the upper hand, and shorted Saudi purse for about 70 billion and all the Gulf states for another 40 billion a year, that is the cost of risk, buyers will now need to purchase oil from diverse sources and not only from the Persian Gulf (diversify the supply risks), Gulf is now becoming high risk area. If one have a closer inspection who build drones and what they can do, then 200 km/h drones can carry 50 kg payload and successfully target the facilities. GPS by US military, or Galileo by EU or Chinese or Russian, all are on the market and accurate guidance system are readily available to everyone. And " all US supplied" defence systems procured by Saudi costing hundreds of billions failed miserably. Now Washington needs a culprit, mighty US armament industry cant admit even to their own military, what an expensive system can and cannot do, it cannot protect bloodline facility in foreign country from attack of cheap, garage manufactured drone swarm.

  17. Somehow this will become a spin to make con man #45 look like a hero saving the day for the US interest on oil supplies to help his bid for re-election.

  18. We are all still waiting for the "manufactured" proof that Plump Pompeo was suggesting as to who was responsible for the attack on Saudi oil refinery.
    How long does it take to manufacture a lie?????

  19. Whom ever sent those drones I hope next time time they hit the whole royal family of Saudi Arabia. They would be doing the people of Saudi Arabia and the region a favor

  20. Any time America claims they have PROOF of something and don't show it to the world It's a certainty that they're lieing and don't have any idea what happened but will use this invisible PROOF to bomb someone.

  21. truth is hard to come by for sure and all nations leaders will lie from time to time if you actually understand man kind. my question to you is do you deny iran wants to wipe israel off the map? as they publicly say it. who is right or wrong depends on a lot of factors and every one has an opinion which probably carries no more weight than mine.

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