A replay of a TRNN interview from June 2016

Peter Kuznick, co-author of The Untold History of the United States, spoke to Paul Jay about the significance of the vice presidency of Henry Wallace, who served in the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the context of the Bernie Sanders campaign.

“[The historian] Arthur Schlesinger talked about him being the greatest secretary of agriculture in American history,” said Peter Kuznick. “He turned the agricultural economy around. In 1932, the farm income was one-third of what it had been before the Depression started, and Wallace reversed it and put it back on its feet. But during the ’30s, he was America’s leading progressive.

“Wallace “actually was, in terms of his politics, more progressive than Bernie Sanders,” said Paul Jay. “In fact, he makes Bernie Sanders look like a centrist moderate.

“The party bosses sought to remove Wallace from the ticket for Roosevelt’s third presidential run.

“The segregationists in the South hated him,” said Kuznick. “He was the leading spokesman for black civil rights. The misogynists hated him. He was the leading spokesperson for women’s inequality. The British and the French hated him. They implored Roosevelt to get him off the ticket as vice president because he was writing pamphlets and speaking openly about the need to end British and French colonialism. He said that America’s fascists are those people who think that Wall Street comes first and the American people second.

“After FDR wrote a letter saying he would reject the nomination if Wallace was removed, the beloved progressive politician was put back on the ticket.

Wallace was one of the most popular public figures in America during the 1930s. When traveling in Chile and Costa Rica, he attracted crowds numbering in the tens of thousands.

“Many people don’t understand where the progressive aspects of the New Deal came from,” say Kuznick. “If you look at the ’34, election, ’36 election, the American public was very, very, very progressive during that time. And the thing that sparked the progressive elements in the New Deal was the upsurge of labor, the rise of the CIO, the battle for the working class in the 1930s and the soul of America. In fact, if you look even at the Communist Party, the Communist Party was planning to be part of that tradition of the popular front.”

“Once you have the Cold War, McCarthyism, and the House Un-American Activities Committee and essentially purge the unions of most of the really progressive leadership, what you’re left with is a union leadership that merges with the elites and in fact become elites themselves,” said Jay. “And so the Democratic Party, instead of this place where you have this united front of different classes contending, you have the whole preponderance of leadership now representing the elites.

“”We’ve had certain moments when the party has reverted to its working-class roots, when it has been a progressive party,” said Kuznick. “And I think that’s what the Sanders campaign is trying to do, and it’s certainly what Wallace was fighting for from 1941-45 when he was vice president of the United States.”

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By elboriyorker


49 thoughts on “Dumping Wallace, Blocking Bernie: How the Democrats Broke With the Working Class – Kuznick RAI”
  1. Great video! And timely, too. Now this is going to ruffle some feathers, but there is also the way the DNC/ DLC treated Lyndon LaRouche, even though he catalyzed the fight to help stop Ollie North, make Tom Ridge back off from his austerity policies vs the health system in PA, and for taking the point to defend the Clinton Presidency, and later throw a monkey wrench into the post-911 push for Reichstag dictatorial powers (Ashcroft, Patriot Act, etc etc etc). One could argue that maybe LL should have stayed in his own party (US Labor Party), but his treatment by the Democratic Party bosses is a pretty clear expression of the corruption discussed here.

  2. Wallace treated the Southern sharecroppers very poorly, completely freezing out the interracial Southern Tenant Farmer’s Union as a constituency. Relief that was supposed to go to sharecroppers was instead given to their landlords to distribute on behalf of the govt. They pocketed it. This was an appeasement to the Southern ruling class white supremecist economic structure. Other than that, Wallace was great (but too hesitant, not decisive)

  3. I wish Bernie would break off now and just run as an independent, pivot his focus on the presidential race early and just go for it. Or that he and Warren would make a deal where she drops out and they announce that she will be his VP. That is 40% of the Democratic party wrapped up in those two.

    The DNC does not care about the people. It is time to take back control.

  4. **Roosevelt died in April 1945 and was succeeded by Truman. Wallace
    continued to serve as secretary of commerce until September 1946, when
    Truman fired him for delivering a speech urging conciliatory policies
    towards the USSR**

    Joseph Stalin was committing GENOCIDE on his fellow citizens.

    There are estimates that Socialists and Communists murdered 100,000,000 (one hundred MILLION) people during the 1900s (20th century).

    This is not a socialist or communist country. Socialism/Communism *ARE 100% DISCREDITED*

    It might be argued that when Wallace was pleading for socialism in the USA, in the 1940s, it was not known, the mass killings overseas.

    WRONG. The communist took over in 1917 and began murdering citizens wholesale almost immediately. The royal family got it first.

    Anyone in the U.S.A. who wants to live in socialism: Venezuela, Cuba, NKorea. Your choice.

    This is not a socialist or communist country. Socialism/Communism *ARE 100% DISCREDITED*

  5. the democrats should've replaced Roosevelt with Wallace in 1940. no true progressive would've sought more than 2 presidential terms. and Roosevelt was no true progressive.

  6. What emerged in 1934-1944 ? The Great Depression. Labor racketeering has been a major source of the Cosa Nostra crime families power and wealth since the 1930s.

  7. Thank you Paul and guest for the much needed history lesson! I've seen the series him and Oliver Stone made. It was awesome!!! It really brings home how badly Capitalism has failed the American people. Especially POC! I truly hope Bernie Sanders wins the nomination. Secondly, I hope he picks Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate. She is a great leader to say the least. And finally, after they are elected to office, I hope and pray the American people DON'T go to sleep!!! But rather, push HARD to get his progressive agenda passed thru Congress!!! Because you know he CAN'T DO IT ALONE!!! It's time for the Elephant in the room to WAKE UP!!!! While you've been sleeping, the fascist have take over our country.

    P.S. I can't stress enough how important it is that he pick a strong progressive to be his running mate. Because if he pushes hard to bring about the drastic change we truly need, it's going to be the 60's all over again!!! Oliver Stone knows this all to well. And Tulsi needs to be ready to take the head office of a hostile government, just as he is doing. And "we the people" MUST fight this hostile government, because Bernie and Tulsi CAN'T DO IT ALONE. I really, really, really wish we would LEARN from history!

  8. Reminds me of Mel Brooks movie;
    "History of the world Pt. 1"
    Where Mel Brooks speaks to the Roman senate and essentially asks, I'm paraphrasing here –
    "We can vote and have enough money to care for the lower class and the poor….what say ye?"
    and the senate resoundingly with one voice shout –
    "FUCK THE POOR!!!!!!!"

  9. History repeats itself! 2016 all over again and Trump will be in the WH for an other 4 years, destroying what is little left of the American Democracy! WTF

  10. This interview was not recorded recently. At the end you can tell it was recorded before Hillary stole and I mean stole the nomination for the Democratic candidacy for president. The video is still very relative today though and full of wonderful information.

  11. You could tell a great man from how much the corporations and rich try to discredit, and bury them. If they seem real and promise to make real change, and are not attacked, smeared and blacklisted by the MSM, you can't trust them!!

  12. So Russia Gate was the elite-wing of the party shutting down this very discussion. Now is the time to move it back to the front burner.

  13. 10:45 (correction, Mr. Kuznick) it's the top 26 people earn more than the bottom 3.7 billion (not 62 — at least those are the figures I heard more than once). Thanks for the report

  14. The problem is the lack of civics education.
    Americans aren't being taught the basic facts of why right policies are NEVER supposed to be implemented in a democracy or why right-wingers are supposed to be kept out of positions of power in a democracy.

  15. Boy this really shows the need for poly sci in High School! not just college. If I'd have known about this i wouldnt have been a Dem at all for all my life. would have been independent. seems as there has been as much evil in the dnc (for a long long time), as in the gop. they have been HOZING progressives for far longer than i ever knew.

  16. The petitioning to get a new party or an independent presidential candidate on the ballot could be done for 1% of what Sanders raised for one doomed primary campaign. An outsider presidential candidacy could win if it is strong enough to get pluralities in enough states to get an electoral vote majority. In my view a winning combination would be anti-interventionism, economic remedialism, and defense of the entire Bill of Rights, including the Second Amendment.

  17. yeah and remember dnc-hillary would not let bernie pick nina turner to introduce him at convention. dnc types now scared of pro labor like francis perkins or ralph nader. they are pro elites $$

  18. Bernie is the most popular politician in the country. He would have won if the Hillary camp didn't rig the process. She is the most corrupt next to Trump.

    BERNIE 2020!!!!

  19. The Democratic Party is mostly corrupt, and should be broken up into two separate, individual entities. One should be called the Conservative Democratic Party, which advocates for the rich. The other should be called the Liberal Democratic Party, which advocates for working people and the poor.

  20. The US government has not only been waging ''unpopular'' wars, but ILLEGAL wars. The infamous ''war powers act,'' aka the ''Gulf of Tonkin Resolution,'' flies in the face of the US Constitution, which requires a Congressional Declaration of War for the US to go to war with another country. The Constitutional division of governmental power and system of checks and balances MUST be restored, or We The People are the proverbial ''dead meat.''

  21. If Tulsi or Bernie don't win the Democratic Presidential nomination then a second term for Trump. Stand with me.

  22. In 1968 two candidates, Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy, won ALL of the ''Democratic'' primaries. Kennedy, of course, was conveniently ''eliminated,'' leaving McCarthy the legitimate heir apparent of the nomination. Yet at the convention, the party somehow declared Lyndon Jognson's Vice President and yes man, Hubert Humphrey, who hadn't ENTERED any primaries, their candidate. Then both parties in obvious collaboration announced the main issue of the campaign was ''law and order,'' while the US ''intervention'' in Vietnam continued to escalate. So much for the primaries and the Presidential election.

  23. here we are at the most important question…
    this goes over almost thirty years…. and goes back to a subversive agenda…. On universities suddenly poststructuralism went turbo… and the creepy foucault got to the new paradigma…

    Foucault went to Kalifornia – where he made his pact with the devil….. Give us the freedom of sexual liberation – and escalation – for himselve the sadomaso kult of the bathrooms…
    and give the bankstas and Plutocrats, what they want…
    The slogan was – poor but sexy…
    and the whole crap came with it – the eklectizism of the discourses, the interdisziplinäre screwing up… the neglection of the subject,,,, the – take today this ideology – wear it like the newest mantel – and tomorrow the opposite….
    He himselve wrote about the repressive nature – and the progressive control in the sexual liberation – respektive the massmedia…

    now its everywhere – even in architecture – structures, which collapse, if you got rid of the depts and slavery – you got under – in buying….

    wide open for neoliberal oeconomy – or the stiglitz service oeconomy… living from substanze…
    nihilists – standing on nothing but something…. targetting as vampires the values of thier adressates, because they themselve have no values – without – again the will to power…
    deception – hiding obsessions behind political correctnes and sudo tolerance…

    Think back thirty years – then they were perhaps sexy – poor but sexy….
    this was the communion of usery and sodomy…. make fertil, whats infertile, the money of wallstreet and the bankstas – doing the job for a sinister god…. and infertile, what once was fertile – the human nature….
    but human nature is imperfekt – gods greatest gift…. and there is free will… and the possibility for decisions…
    sexy – look at the freakshow today… gerontocrats … babyboomers at the end of their ways through the institutions…
    wicket ones – and no mirror is able to show them anymore…

    when clinton – slick skelleton willie – candidatet first time – diversity was only a little part of his campagne – listen to christopher hitchens at this time….
    the Podesta analysis of the white anglosaxen christian – group getting to a minority – was the wrong decision…. and he had to promote a piece of shit….
    but – the rosenkrieger – letting look Machiavelli like Kindergarden – react with fingerpointing… instead of admitting their own wrong calculatiions…
    wide open to the neocon agenda…. all about infiltration and subversion…
    Its a shame…
    and based on wrong promises…
    I am sick of these traitors….. traitors from beginning…. look at the figures in weimar republik… Luxemburg and so on… they found their clients – their new subject of history even boring…
    we need a totall change in paradigma again… a service oeconomy is fiction… living from substance…. only the factor work produces more Wert.. Mehrwert..

    sorry my bad active english…. and i am to lazy to edit this…

  24. FDR Little White House in Warm Springs Georgia a must visit; FDR new deal movement has been destroyed with the assinations of the 60's ?

  25. Thank you so much for bringing Henry Wallace into the 21st century. This man was so far ahead of his time. If Wallace had been VP in 1945 – he would have become president and who knows how that would have changed history. I can't vote for Dems or republicans. Sometimes Democratic on a local level like Ilhan Omar or our Governor Walz.

  26. Ever notice how Truman "warned us" about the military industrial complex, but didn't do shit to stop it?!! Thanks Harry! Asshole.

  27. I noticed that you didn't mention anything about how influential Henry Wallace was occultwise. "Director Oliver Stone and Prof. Peter Kuznick, creators of series, "The Untold History of the United States," reserve special admiration for Franklin D. Roosevelt's Vice President, Henry A. Wallace (picture). Stone and Kuznick hold Wallace in high regard due to his opposition to Wall St. and support of labor unions, revealed during a discussion covered in a previous post. The series submits for viewer's consideration; if Wallace were still Vice President at time of Roosevelt's passing, use of the A-Bomb may have been avoided. True, Wallace seems forgotten as Stone and Kuznick mention, but there's more in man's background than revealed by series. It's time to get better acquainted with a truly pivotal occult figure! Terry Melanson summarizes, in 2001 article, "The All-Seeing Eye, The President, The Secretary and The Guru," how much occult influence Roosevelt and Wallace had on the United States:

    "In 1934, Secretary of Agriculture, soon-to-be Vice-President (1940-44) and 32nd degree freemason Henry Wallace submitted a proposal to the president to mint a coin depicting the seal's obverse and reverse. President Franklin D Roosevelt, also a 32nd degree freemason, liked the idea but opted to instead place it on the dollar bill. According to Henry Wallace, in a letter dated February 6, 1951, 'the Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum impressed me as meaning the "New Deal" of the Ages'.”

    Wallace guru, Nicholas Roerich receives much of the credit, in occult circles, for placing Great Seal of the United States (picture) in everyone's hands as writer Melanson makes clear:
    "…occultists regard Roerich as the guiding hand behind the placement of America's Great Seal and the All-Seeing Eye, and matter-of-factly state that it was at Roerich's insistence that Wallace approach Roosevelt about finally printing the All-Seeing Eye on the dollar bill…both Wallace and
    Roerich were members of the Theosophical Society, this is how
    Wallace met his Master."

    Melanson concludes placing of Great Seal on dollar bill amounts to an Illuminati conspiracy:

    "These three 'wise men' – by placing the reverse of the Great Seal on the dollar bill – succeeded in announcing to the world that America is on 'the path', and is the world's best hope for the spiritual (occult) evolution of the planet. Considering how deep into the occult both Roosevelt and Wallace were already – and Wallace's connections to Theosophy – they had to of known that the most esteemed Theosophist of her time, Alice Bailey, had already declared that the Aquarian Age had begun in 1932. The whole symbology of the reverse is meant to be a mandala announcing this 'New Age of Horus.' They could not help but see the significance of this. And giving that their fellow illuminists in the Federal Reserve had now taken control of America's currency, it was a shoo-in."

    Utopian in Power: Henry Wallace, Roerich, and the Sacred Union of the East

    Occult and spirituality aspirations of Henry Wallace, Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Secretary of Agriculture and then Vice-President. FDR's. Professor Andrei Znamenski explores the reason why Wallace supported a reckless project – a 1934-1935 "botanical expedition" with an occult spin to Eastern China (Manchuria and Inner Mongolia). To a surprise of his colleagues in the Department of Agriculture, Wallace appointed as the head of this expedition Russian emigre painter and occultist Nicholas Roerich. The latter used this as an opportunity to jump-start his utopian geopolitical project of the Sacred Union of the East – an attempt to bring all Tibetan Buddhist people of Inner Asia into a vast theocratic state that would become a spiritual beacon for the humanity. Although later Wallace did everything to distance himself from Roerich, in the early 1930s the future Vice-President was part of Roerich's esoteric circle, considered the painter his guru, received an esoteric name "Galahad," and was at least partially aware of the Roerich plan. In his correspondence, Wallace referred to the Sacred Union of the East project as the "Great Plan," the "New Country" and "Kansas."


  28. Two pro-war parties. I like Tulsi Gabbard, as I liked Dennis Kuinich. If more individuals send her a
    couple of dollars at least she can make the "debates". It could help Sanders if she's there and can
    give him her delegates….

  29. My wife & I watched The Untold History of the US back in 2016. This interview is a replay, but remedial history is a good thing. Thanks.

  30. Appreciate this interview but disappointed to hear Paul Jay repeat the fallacy that America is a center-right country. It is NOT. Polling consistently shows that a majority of Americans support progressive policies. Our government is certainly center-right, but that is the result of systemic corruption and influence from big corporations and the wealthy. Our current government does NOT currently represent a majority of the people, and hasn't since at least the 1980's.

  31. "Next to Henry Wallace, Bernie Sanders looks like a left-centrist". Henry Wallace, 2nd most popular American behind Roosevelt in 1943. But then the Democratic party leaders staged a coup to impose Truman instead as their candidate. Follow 80 years of brainwashing of the US population by the US fascist Military-Industrial Complex. Americans, It's high time you learned your true history, … and wake up!!
    (Henry Wallace himself called "fascists" the Americans who put Wall Street and money before human values; today, the term "oligarchs" is used as a fig leaf to cover what these people really are and stand for.)

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