Democrats failed to offer strong economic solutions to the problems people were facing after the economic collapse and people saw little difference between the two parties, driving them to vote for Trump, says Thomas, Ferguson, co-author of, “The Economic and Social Roots of Populist Rebellion: Support for Donald Trump in 2016”
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Here's the link to the study: You can download the whole 71-page thing there.
One would have to be completely ignorant and naive to believe that a billionaire real estate and gambling mogul would change the economy for the betterment of the lower classes.
NO! DNC screwed Bernie Sanders! Trump won because people hated Hillary Clinton!!! I voted Jill Stein, Green Party. I voted blue today because trump is dangerous so we need to cripple GOP in Congress. 2 party system is corrupt so hoping more people will work to support 3rd party movement, rank choice voting & progressive values. The economy has been in the tank for most Americans for decades, since Ronald Reagan cut taxes for the rich & Bill Clinton put nail in coffin. This guest is a jerk
And now the most important question of all, what about Russian meddling?
and it's going to be him winning next time if the democrats don't change (which they won't)