Egypt Protests Continue Despite Government Repression

Egypt Protests Continue Despite Government Repression

Angela Joya discusses the return of demonstrations in Egypt against President Al-Sisi. After thousands were arrested and police brutality was unleashed at the protesters, the demonstrations only grow larger.

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23 thoughts on “Egypt Protests Continue Despite Government Repression

  1. Okay I'm trying to spread this around. You'll never make any Headway with these people and their behavior until you start showing up in their neighborhood. They use the power and police to come into your neighborhood and directly screw up your life. So how about if 5000 people show up at their house? How about we find out where their wife is and show up there? How about we find out where their kids go to school and show up there? How about we make it to damn uncomfortable for them to stay.

  2. Don't mention that these 'protests' are in support of the criminal (muslim) brotherhood. Don't mention that Qatar is the criminal brotherhood's patron.
    Mentioning this would would make the fact that your "expert" is sitting in Qatar very suspicious.
    These protests have nothing to do with democracy. This is just a proxy-war between Qatar (muslim brotherhood) and Saudi-Arabia (Sisi). A curse on both their houses.
    And a curse on you, if you support the devastation of Egypt for the gratification of gulfi monarchies.

  3. They are all faithful devotees of zion, and like their god in the talmud they are all beasts of satan and deserve to end up in the same hell that spewed them

  4. I guess if I were a coward HIDING OUT with my tail between my legs in SPAIN…….I would talk crap and call for uprisings too. You want a protest… bring your sorry ass here and lead it.

  5. Arresting thousands for protesting against a corrupt government is not acceptable in any country. Where are the condemnations? No doubt things will get much worse for this fraudulent, coup government with this approach.

  6. It does not look any better for the American working class.
    Only the 1% buy goods and services not from China.
    And China's products are cheaper for US corporations to produce. 
    As they flood the US market with cheaper goods they lower the cost of living index and this lower wages as a consequence.
    When wages in America fall and profits rise, the conditions are set for mass protests and we can see in Sisi how Trump will respond to worker protests.
    Particularly the non-union workforce, whereas the unions strikes like GM workers the corporation(s) can defeat by holding out the strikes.

  7. Sad the Egyptians didn't learnt anything from Gaza. The people in Gaza elected their leader and they stood with them through thick and thin. Gaza has democracy. 2011 Egyptians risk everything and their wishes were granted. They elected a government and literally these people democracy vanished from them overnight–stolen. By one man through a coup and Egyptians people just roll over and die. Maybe they had run out of steam? It is sad to see in 2019 they are back on the street again. Only now are they realizing that, they allow one man to steal their only valuable possession–their democratic right? The Egyptian people should have stand with their elected leader and whoever wants to lead follow the protocol. What in the word "coup" they didn't understand? Best wishes to them. They have to accept their democracy is if not dead is in i.c.u, and very close to death and their leaders owe them nothing. They are here by their efforts–a coup. Egyptians you are right back to where you were prior 2011; the harsh reallity it is 2019–NO DEMOCRACY. Sad you didn't learn from your Gaza neighbor. So many years has gone by now and democracy is still in Gaza even against all odds. The world peoples are hoping for a peaceful and bloodless result. P.E.A.C.E.

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