Eight different statehouses have seen bills move across the desks’ of their legislators which, if signed into law, would dole out heavy criminal penalties to protesters who participate in direct actions on private property owned by the oil and gas industry. The Real News published an investigation on these bills and their common origins, both the American Legislative Exchange Council and Council of State Governments; for more: https://therealnews.com/columns/bills-criminalizing-pipeline-protest-arise-in-statehouses-nationwide

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By elboriyorker


28 thoughts on “Eight States Have Proposed Bills in 2019 Hyper-Criminalizing Pipeline Protest”
  1. There's an awful lot of CONFLICT OF INTEREST(s) involved in this bs. The population has an inalienable, natural right to have their say in all of this, and denying them this right either is or else should definitely be unconstitutional. Voters definitely need to clean up their act and cease repeating the same mistakes, screwed-up govt after screwed-up govt. Unfortunately, we either have NO rights, or we have unlimited rights, as former stand-up comedian George Carlin once explained in one of his very good shows: Short excerpt, " YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS – George Carlin " (9:15), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWiBt-pqp0E. I listened to and downloaded the full show many years ago, but have lost PC's and hard disk drives, but the full video is surely available someplace online. I only searched YouTube for this comment. The excerpt is still ok, having just listened to it, but it's not the full show, for the whole was good, definitely more thorough. Basically, of course we have NATURAL rights, but we're subjected to what our dictatorial govts/politics have established for legislation, while many of the so-called legislators hold themselves unaccountable and "above the law" they impose on the rest of us. They obviously don't depend on God, f.e., for advice or counsultation. Fairness isn't part of their "game plan". But, I wonder what this pipeline is, guessing it's to pipe oil from the horrendous "tar sands" exploitation in Alberta, Canada. It's truly horrendous and many citizens in both Canada as well as the US have been opposed to this … madness. Voters need to wake up about the political candidates they vote for.

  2. Time for tribes to boot energy companies off ALL Indian lands by halting ALL leases pushed through the BIA. Organize, refuse leases from oil n gas companies, they pay you pennies while they get rich. Its also what white Americans get to call "communism" when applied to thier properties.

  3. (SIGH. 0 surprise, 100% disgust.) "To ever get free from all the oppressions and wrongs heaped upon us, we must pay for their removal. We must do this by labor, by suffering, by sacrifice, and, if needs be, by our lives, and the lives of others." — Frederick Douglass (1818-1895)

  4. One might wonder what took them so long, what with laws against merely documenting or publishing what the animal-torture+environment-murdering industry is doing already in place …

  5. And yet another reason that shows that peaceful protests don’t accomplish anything when they are met by fascist police state violence. I say if they build on your land on your water and threaten your family we are allowed by natural law to stop them BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Natural law trumps their corporate made laws. The pigs are worse than isis and deserve the same treatment. Wanna work for the enemy? Then you are the enemy.

  6. Guess we'll forget the people who died and the fact the the pipeline busted and poisoned the water. But, this is clearly over reaching by the government oh, I mean Corps government. Or whatever they are.

  7. The oil oligarchs have deep pockets and are well-organized. We will resist them, though in the US the chances of success seem to be diminishing rapidly. Not only has Trump turned the Supreme Court, one in six federal judges are relatively young ideologues who will damage the US for decades to come. Climate change devastation will overwhelm all this hovadina in the not so distant future anyhow.

  8. Think freedoms can't be taking away for a price… we see it and slowly they silence us, just capitalism at it's best to bring our worst…

  9. They foaming their mouths when you talking about gun control! Right to Protest is also part of the Constitution…..where are those MAGA hicks?

  10. It's about time someone had balls and says no about protesters I'm not saying all protesting, but a lot of these protests and that's been happening past 10 years has not benefit nobody even the people at protest and it's making this country a mess it's about time somebody says I don't care if you protested but we're going to do it in some cases. That part a little complicated

  11. "Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." The government has done nothing but protect the "freedom" of corporations to do whatever they please and their profits over all else and expects us to roll over and allow earth to be all but uninhabitable in the coming century. The deliberate encroachment on Indian land (throughout history and continuing to this day) is a microcosm of the world to come under the authoritarian regime of Capital.

  12. So they are going to crimanalize these natural born citizens for protesting on their own damn land.This country is becoming like Russia or Kem jun country where they kill you and criminalize you for protesting anything.

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