Epstein’s Death Should Generate Investigations, Not Conspiracy Theories – Everything Law and Order Blog

Anti-Clinton/Trump hashtags will not get to the bottom of Epstein’s death, or how the rich and powerful’s involvement in child sex abuse, The Nation’s Jeet Heer explains

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By phillyfinest369


20 thoughts on “Epstein’s Death Should Generate Investigations, Not Conspiracy Theories”
  1. If you want good information about Epstein listen to the recorded conversations Whitney Webb had with one of Epstein’s victims……

  2. Yes, well 'conspiracy theory' – can be a handy phrase, can't it.
    A phrase specifically and purposefully designed to to try and stop people thinking, talking and looking further into certain sets of information.
    I have zero intellectual respect – for anyone that still uses this phrase.

  3. Turn off your brain. Don't ask questions. Go back to sleep. Let the TV, the government, and law enforcement, who fail every time, handle the "investigation."

  4. The investigations are a joke. The government will protect the elite regardless. The sheeple are just gonna push out hashtags like Clinton or Trump body count without digging in to the real problem with having a globalist elite who can get away with everything.

  5. If the MSM narrative is between suicide and murder..that means he's alive..
    We did the math !
    Spin spin spin till you get dizzy and fall off the planet !

  6. Conspiracy theory is a lousy word because many proven crimes byour government our leaders are corporations have been proven overtime not to be what they were thought to be for decades which was the stupid word conspiracy theory.
    There are many ridiculous stories unsubstantiated that go around our culture suggesting some things which are ridiculous and unsupported in any factual way.

    And I've only listen to this to 5 minutes and 36what do you say that Vince Foster was a suicide when the people who determined that were not qualify they actually were Park or very similar to that in there qualifications.

    Winnie Chief of staff or a staff member from a current administration is involved in a firearm involved death under such circumstances as a park benchand uninvestigated to the depth which it should have been by say the FBI who are not very good really but should be required to do this kind of level investigation..

  7. Yea Blow job Bill
    Cry baby huey
    I think Epstein was like a pimp but a Party Sex Guy & had well known clients
    that it's possible thay got rid of the Secret Clients List . So I smell a Scandal !

  8. Barr senior did not hire Epstein to teach 1973, the next principal did to start in late 1974 and that makes complete sense when one looks at conflict theory and epstein's later investments.

  9. All those questions at the start, like the shrieking and the lack of checks, it’s natural for conspiracy theories. And those theories can’t be too far from the truth anyway. So this is one of those times it’s totally justified.

  10. No way would jail officials put Nicholas Tartaglione a 51 year old hulking, muscular mass murderer and drug dealer (a death row candidate) in the same cell as Epstein. IMPOSSIBLE. Seems obvious someone that dangerous, that big and that desperate was in probability put in there to strangle Epstein as nothing else makes sense. Logically, as a rule in every detention centre and as decorum non violent prisoners like mousy thieving bookkeepers should have been his cellmate.

  11. I'm baffled as to why Epstein didn't get murdered years ago if he was blackmailing so many high profile ultra rich people.They all had enough power & money to take him out.That makes me think he was working for someone who has a lot of power over others.Also why would that jail put him in a cell with an ex cop on a murder charge? Prisoners hate child molesters as it is let alone an ex cop.

  12. SIMPLE: STOP all the bull crap about “conspiracy theories”. None of the basic facts involve “theories.” And “conspiracy” is a fundamental statutory crime with basic elements. Start with an FBI “302” examination of Alex Acosta about his “intelligence community” contacts when he made the totally corrupt plea deal in 2007 with the absurd, never done “immunity provisions” for Epstein’s accomplices, and fellow trafficking and sexual assault perpetrators of children. Then do “302s” of all the immunized accomplices including Dershowitz who allegedly negotiated the deaL AND is on the immunity list. Then do 302’s of Clinton, billionaire Burkle and all other “playmates” of Epstein AND additional immunized “playmates.” Then once it is obvious that it leads to Israeli (Ghislaine) and CIA. Cover ups of their connection to Epstein, ADMIT IT, AND PROSECUTE. The law prohibits hiding behind “classified” and / or State Secrets Privilege laws to conceal crimes. END OF SPECULATION AND VERY SIMPLE. BARR / WRAY: JUST DO IT.

  13. I don't fucking believe anything that my government tells me. Why shouldn't we look at this story is as conspiracy theory??? Can you imagine if he start singing, how many high profile people will be exposed in their fucking twisted minds. If I was involved with a lowlife like him, I can see myself ordering a hit on him to keep all my secrets safe without given it a second thought.

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