Julia Reda of the Pirate Party warns that the law does not protect creators, but large interest groups. Internet platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter will install filters and ban access to material individuals upload who do not buy the rights for everything they use

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By elboriyorker


43 thoughts on “EU Clamps Down on Freedom of Speech in name of Copyright Protection”
  1. I have two videos uploaded to my YouTube channel, but provided sufficient source information for these videos; for the text descriptions for the two videos. If only citing a little from a page or article at Wikipedia or any other Web site when only posting comments, then I simply and always include the link or url for the page. That, imo, is sufficient, for it makes it clear that I'm not taking credit for the … material.

  2. Decentralized platforms and social media sites will help bypass these controls.
    The only way to shut down fully decentralized networks is to turn off the internet globally. Good luck to them trying that.

  3. With what is happening to the Internet all over the world these days, it is almost time to just say the hell with it. Too many people are watching every move and every stroke on the typewriter. There is no freedom in this world anymore.

  4. Apparently the E.U. parliament doesn't understand how the internet works. This essentially would end the internet.

  5. copyright. for the rich, by the rich. there are so many good arguments for limited copyright (and even limited patents) to something like a few years, but instead the wealthy corporate elite have bought and bribed legislative bodies to make copyright ridiculously "infinite" .

  6. People around the world should know that once student president museveni of uganda is dead we the real ugandans we are going to chase all foreigners hiding in uganda and afrika

  7. Seems the guy in purple tie is guilty (above others).
    Knew it! Lobbed by movie and music industry!
    And blessed by fake news who are afraid of criticism and competition, I'm sure.

  8. Conspiracy = 3 Monkees in a Room With The Fountain of Youth
    Globalism is fatal fascism that says you are too helpless and small to change anything. In other words it's bullshit. Every single thing we do or don't is the most important thing in the world because we are at the very pinnacle of the road runner cliff for Gaia's history, the tippy toe teetering over the edge kind of history. Academia is the fraud that aids health and education bankruptcy. Socialists plead for power. Power must be taken. We don't need governments, NGOs or corporations to do it, we just need open honest accounting of 100% private carbon taxes on the rich. The tax is paid in universal basic income credit worldwide to quash hidden assets. That's why god invented computers, not just for crypto currencies and porn.

    Our kids do drugs to dull the pain we inflict upon them, then we put them in jail and deny them jobs. But it's worse than that because of their exposure from womb to grave to some 100,000 drugs and chemicals that dull, feminize and infertilize them.

    Okay kid, you're sick, dumb, feminized, depressed and educationally bankrupt plus the world is gonna end in 10 years, good luck that, and thanks for the fish. We do this to make our kids rich. We do this by making hate a crime, in doing so, we outlawed decency. Oh well…

    I'm 2 yrs older older than god going on 16. I don't trust physicists an priests. Everything kills to live, even blades of grass know cows are cereal killers, but 9 billion apes and 25 billion chickens is a tad much.

    Today's Links:



    The Ecosystem of All

    Our mental ecosystem is at odds with the survival of all the non-subterranean bacteria on earth.

    Physics says all the trees act as a space/earth solar battery. Trees are the batteries that save us from the vacuum of space. We are searching for the perfect battery and trees are it.

    We created a mental ecosystem of electrons and minerals.

    This ecosystem preys on ignorance and rewards luck and knowledge.

    This ecosystem makes nerds billionaires.

    Right now China has a robotic robot manufacturing plant.

    China is buying up American chip and bio-tech companies because chips are China's #2 import.

    China uses petrochemicals to turn those minerals into phones.

    Petrochemical use is growing 7X faster than human population.

    China has more highway than any country on earth.

    China has 60% more high speed trains than all other countries.

    China has the largest car market on earth.

    China is a leader in methane clathrate and nuclear power.

    China's Huawei phone will put Apple out of the hardware market.

    China just built the world's largest underground tunnel to Tibet.

    India's energy emissions growth is through the roof.

    Euro/American men are becoming feminized and sterilized through years of petrochemical and pharma exposure.

    Like my momma always said never mix your drinks.

    We have micro-plastics lodged in our brains. We eat food that kills bugs, birds, bees, flowers and trees.

    We are strip mining soil to grow poisoned food for personal wealth.

    To prevent wealth from destroying earth, we have to tax it and pay it back in a universal basic income.

    But we're too busy trying to be rich.

    Scientists, politicians, preachers all chasing the dollar.

    We see Yemen aid funding appeals while we let them starve.

    China is a world leader in 5G.

    The idea that China and Germany are environmental leaders is a lie.

    Germany owns Bayer and Monsanto, both pharma and petrochemical.

    Germany burns imported clear cut forests for 50% of its green energy and burns palm oil in their diesel fuel.

    China is building 400 nuclear plants and 700 coal plants.

    Most of the men in Asia/Africa are very young and have not been exposed to petro- pharma- chemicals long enough to feminized and sterilized.

    After 30 years solar panels and wind turbines are 2% of total world energy demand, during which time emissions went up 60%.

    Emissions must go down 100% in 20 years to avoid runaway hothouse extinction.

    We can't have a 5G surveillance target war economy and a planet.

    We have to tax world wealth with 100% private carbon taxes or the rich will destroy the planet flying to climate conferences.

    Did you know 3.5 billion people fly each year?

    Wealth + China ≠ Earth

    We are the environment and wealth is the conspiracy.

    This ain't grandpa's China and you ain't in Kansas anymore.

    China's Mega Projects – Energy 49 min

    China's Mega Projects – Manufacturing 49 min

    China's Mega Projects – Transportation 49 min

    2 types want your money, capitalist swine and their afterbirth, socialists.

    Socialists live off of capitalism, they can't live without it, and capitalism lives off you.

    Both are corrupt and fatal. World socialism will take generations.

    We got 10 years. I want people to know we how to fix this.

    We won't because we're idiots.

    Kids today doubt 911 had government/MIC complicity.

    The only thing worse than government is banks.

    It's not capitalism or socialism that's so evil, it's banks.

    In 1913 private banks stole public credit to start world wars 1, 2 and 3. WW3 is now.

    After 100 years of socialism and feminism, abortions are nix and the middle are poor.

    We gave our kids health and education bankruptcy and we make them gay and stupid.

    If you are a feminized male, you will likely be more gay, seems normal to me.

    It doesn't matter both gay, or not, both want your money.

    100% private carbon taxes is James Hansen's and several American economist's idea.

    Socialists don't like 100% private carbon taxes.

    Socialists don't like gay frogs.

    Socialists like gay vote money.

    Socialists love anti-nuclear and anti-war money.

    Socialists like nuclear power and nuclear waste because it pays.

    Socialists don't want to 'do' anything about nuclear power waste and war.

    It's corporate socialism. Socialists are the whores behind marching armies.

    Google pretends socialism while they lock you up and throw away the key.

    Google FB Apple are all evil criminals dressed up in socialist drag.

    They talk like queens and act like pirates.

    Corporations, NGOs and governments are evil and run by rich perverts both gay or not.

    If that sounds like a conspiracy that's because it is.

    Put 3 monkeys in a room, and you'll have a conspiracy.

    We are the environment and wealth is the conspiracy.

    You can't bomb and burn your way to immortality on Mars.

    So, I decided to make a log of all the things that make us stupid, gay and infertile.

    I accept all stupid, gay infertile males as normal because they are.

    Gay is a word, hate is not a crime, and the NRA are not Putin Puppets (see video below).


    You don't punish hate, you cure it with sublime grief not vengeful grievance.

    Gays and straights hated each other forever. I don't got time for that.

    There have always been socialists and feminists since we lived in caves.

    We just had one word for it back then, "Ugh!"

    Gays, socialists and feminists now live in the shadowy caves of corporations, NGOs and governments, as epitomized by the deep state bald eunuch in GOT.

    They live there with their capitalist overlords.

    Like I say, I don't care which kind of pirate you are, you only want my money.

    If you want to believe in fantasy that's fine, I believe in money.

    Africans and Asians believe in love and money, not gay social feminism.

    We want to enslave them with our gay socialist feminist education and health debt.

    We want to bribe them with a few hundred billion in climate taxes.

    World gay social feminism is a dream sold for money.

    We don't need violence for gay social feminism we need money.

    We need to tax GSF celebrities who fly around making climate speeches.

    People will want abortions if it pays to have them. We need abortions.

    Give people freedom and money, they'll find gay social feminism works best.

    Preaching world socialism takes generations, money takes just a few years.

    Do you want to even try to save the world, or do you just want to lay down and die?

    Our tech nerd overlords are control freaks. Rich greedy control freaks, the worst kind.

    My dream is reality. It's my drug. I'll deny anything to do it.

    So I will list my past links and mark which things make us gay stupid and infertile.

    I will make 3 emojis, one each for stupid, gay and infertile.

    I will read each article and put the proper emojis with each link.

    This will show at a glance which herbicides, pesticides and pharmas do what.

    But first, I'm going to smoke some weed, play the guitar and think about it.

    You can comment at Loki's Revenge Blog.

  9. If you remember back a few years they tried this censorship in the name of copyright with PIPA and SOPA legislation which were defeated after mass global rally against it, now we see essentially the same thing being done in the name of copyright once again.
    This things are never truly defeated they just get put on the back burner and rebranded.
    We must end this cancer upon our freedoms once and for all.

  10. The News Media people play the fool sometimes. They don't use their brains to criticize in a subtle way which is very effective.

  11. The EU is not concerned about "copyright issues". This is only about all the EU is all about: big business interests. In this case, big business publishing interests use the excuse of "freedom of the creator" (defense of copyright) in order to lead their own struggle against their big business competitors and monopoly giants YouTube/Google, Facebook etc. whose monopoly they don't want to destroy but only pale out of envy to rob them.
    The sheepish EU citizens who believe in the EU fake "antitrust" institutions and "copyright defense" initiatives only have more of their own freedom of expression and democratic rights to abandon to these big business struggles that never concerned the defense of their rights as EU citizens. Only big business monopolies struggling to use them as cash cows, putting their economic security, their health and their very lives at risk if necessary. Why should they bother one minute about these EU citizens' democratic rights when they're handed so much power to decide for the EU citizen, and in the name of pretended "higher purposes" as well?!
    And this is also what the EU member citizens who have been conned all along with big empty words like "freedom of the creator" and "democracy" should wake up to, and see the EU for what it really is: an alliance of big business interests to forward their own interests, only, against the EU citizen's democratic rights. And this is why the EU as it is should be disbanded. Yes, disbanded!! It has never upheld the empty promise of giving and developing a "social" aspect to the EU, which never saw the light of day as the whole enterprise was always led by big business interests only who couldn't care less of all that does not concern their own way to maintain captive clients to serve their own business' goals: getting more powerful and richer yet. And all that of course under the mask of the "higher purpose" of freedom of trade, which is for them synonymous to "democracy" (when they are oxymorons rather in the use they make of what they call their freedom of trade).
     Never forget the EU precursor in the 50s was an alliance of big business interests concerning Coal and Steel (European Coal and Steel Community, 1952), followed by an "Economic European Community" and a "Single Market".
    And those who doubt about the folly and craziness big business can lead to, I would suggest this illuminating interview by Chris Hedges of Vandana Shiva, environmental activist and author, who talks about the fight of Indian citizens against the ravages caused in India by the giant corporation Monsanto/Bayer AG [Monsanto being now a subsidiary of Bayer AG since its recent takeover by the German giant corporation: anti-trust laws, my foot!].
    This is a terrifying (because very real and affecting the lives of tens of millions of Indian citizens) and breathtaking vision of what horrors big business is able of when people let them have their way, as happens with the EU institutions, totally under the control of big corporations which have all the power and money necessary to pay armies of lawyers and lobbyists to write the EU laws (and pass it before bought, some way or another, EU politicians) in order to fit their greedy and insane interests, which are of course in total opposition with the ideals of democracy and civilization the uninformed and naive EU citizens still believe the EU is all about.
    In India, and whole other parts of the world, big business clearly only means power only, and power on every aspect of human life, programmed genocide or eugenics included.
    Chris Hedges interviewing Vandana Shiva, "The fight for life v. Monsanto/Bayer AG", On Contact, RT, March 30, 2019:

  12. Over the past 12 years I have made about 25 videos that are music by popular artists, using video and photographs I have shot and film clips… Being creative is a crime. Even my own music was struck by copyright, I had to prove it was mine.


  13. Googley and FacePlant are going to love this which should tell people just how BAD it really is. Anything that they want is and will be terrible for the average person.

  14. Can we cut the crap pls,
    This is enforced by zionists to halt ppl openly publicly discussing zionism and it's negative influence on our nations.

  15. This could be a great thing for people… Not being allowed to use the systems samples… Let them keep their garbage culture… They tried to get peiple to act like the Simpsonz after all… With those sorts of icons of society i will take a hard pass and look forwad to see more user generated content that is devoid of copywriten system garbage

  16. Regarding effects on countries outside the EU – countries tend to become increasingly draconian wrt copyright law in the name of "harmonization". One big country or collection of countries does something stupid, and the rest claim they "have to" follow along in the name of copyright harmony between countries.

  17. I'm pretty sure that if this was explained to citizens and they then were asked to express an opinion about it, at least 80% would vote against this type of regulation.
    Democracy really isn't working, the EU is completely removed from what Europeans want.
    This is the end of some of my favorite YouTube channels.

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