European Parliament Bans Single-Use Plastics in Historic Vote

European Parliament Bans Single-Use Plastics in Historic Vote

Dr. Jonathan Latham says 95% of table salt contains plastic due to plastics pollution in the oceans

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35 thoughts on “European Parliament Bans Single-Use Plastics in Historic Vote

  1. I had lunch at an American restaurant today and there was such a pile of little ramekins with lids, straws, aluminum cans, ketchup packs, coffee stirreres, styrofoam cups with lids, etc. With recycling on hold in the US, plastic that is held for recycling is either burned or put in landfills. The Koch brothers just put up $800 million dollars to increase the use of plastics. Plastic is made from oil and natural gas.

  2. Why can't cites provide water fountains and why can't people carry water in reusable containers? Single use plastic water bottles should be banned or taxed heavily.

  3. How many women will be buying plastic junk containing unknown (to them) cocktail of chemicals sourced using child labour (like mica) to cover up their hideousness from the rest of us human beings? What happens to those chemicals that wiped off with a chemical laden plastic disposable face wipe or washed down the drain? What about all those sequinned dresses they buy year after year so that they can parrrrrtay while destroying our ecosystem? Multitasking at its finest.

    I'm pointing out women's consumer behaviour specifically because they're the biggest consumers. And most are ignorant too. They just parrot lines from the advertising campaigns and tend to know little about the individual ingredients they ritually apply and absorb into their tissue and blood through their skin. They've been conditioned since their teens (or even younger) that they're not pretty (whatever that's supposed to be) enough, curvy enough, skinny enough, exaggerated enough. You repeat something often enough, people will end up believing it. Predators can come in any form and the damage they inflict isn't always physical.

  4. How many people will avoid buying plastic at this time if year when we have so much junk to buy for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, New Year, Valentine's, Easter, birthdays, anniversaries etc. We can't express emotions without physical junk to prove it. The ritualisation of consumerism has been a success.

  5. About time. People carry their phones, make-up and other heavily advertised chemicals and plastics with them everywhere yet forget to carry a bottle, utensils or a napkin. It's heavily advertised (with input from psychologists) because if you used your common sense in regards to what you really need, you wouldn't bother with all the toxic, overpriced JUNK.

  6. In Europe you find recycle boxes for wine bottles and glass on almost every street. We have these huge big box stores with giant parking lots. These big companies like Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Lowes, Costco should be required to provide recycle places, hell they do sell us most our goods these days. And why is it we only have 2 or 3 companies competing in each market segment in the USA. Back when I studied Economics in the 60's this was considered monopolistic or oligopoly ecomony, yet today we just let companies continue to consolidate, so they now control the marketplace. This seems to be a capitalist economy out of balance, not the free market I learned about in University.

  7. The capitalist system is basically about exploitation. Exploit the worker, exploit the planet, now we have moved on to a financial system that exploits the citizens. We have about 600 Billionaires, most get their money without any physical labor. Time for those billionaires to pay for the military, it is protecting their assets overseas.

  8. The future of idiocracy is NOW. Garbage mountains portrayed in the movie idiocracy now exists. I don't care anymore. The Earth is doomed. Now, where's my episode of "Ow, my balls!". I'll eat my butter flavored popcorn while I watch the end of the world on TV.

  9. i hate to be negative
    but individuals changing there habits is good but not a solution
    we need massive worldwide governmental implementation in order to make real change
    ive been making incremental habit changes in my lifestyle for ten years but unless we get EVERYONE on board – the worlds fucked!
    The Paris agreement was the first big step we needed – however the largest contributor to it backed out(USA),
    this is a huge fuck up
    and no individual changing his/her habits is going to fix that!

  10. Yes, this problem won't ultimately be solved unless the capitalist economic system is fundamentally changed or abolished. Thanks for your insights Dr. Latham.

  11. It's very half-assed because it does not address the core problem: food and beverage plastic packaging, or does son only in a very limited manner. It's a step in the right direction but a very coy step.

  12. Not to worry, plastic spoons and plates will be sold in third world countries telling people how disposable plastic can save water and how their housewives will have free times because they do not need to spend so much time washing dishes and can pursue other activities like texting their friends and spend leisure time on Facebook.

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