Extinction Rebellion Hunger Strike in its 10th Day – Everything Law and Order Blog

Hunger striker Eric Tien says they will not eat until Nancy Pelosi agrees to a one hour public meeting to publicly acknowledge that we are in a climate emergency

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By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Extinction Rebellion Hunger Strike in its 10th Day”
  1. What an embarrassment, foolish kid dabbles in activism, and all he can do is self reference: me, I, I did, when I was, me, I, I, I. This is just a neurotic kid looking for attention, he even thinks he's sincere, he knows so little about the subject. This kid knows so little about the legislative process that he can't even construct a demand that matters. And this Mark Steiner is worth about $550 a week as a car salesman.

  2. I wish Eric & all the brave, strong people involved in this cry for action to the reality we have created & are witnessing now well. Is this what it takes? During the ER protests in London, the mayor of London Sadhik Khan called for its end so we could "Get back to business as usual." Is he serious??!! This is the, frankly, stupid denial we all face. There are too many "I'm alright Jack"s out there. Even many people who acknowledge climate change, and say the 'right things', act little to enable meaningful change.. To paraphrase something written in the Guardian recently "Denial fills the gaps between words and actions." Keep up the essential work Extinction Rebellion and The Real News Network.

  3. They are all sneaking food or their stomachs would have begun to bloat by now. If you want proof just wait till 20 days when they should be unable to walk and on deaths door by all medical knowledge, yet they will still be alive and walking around like normal….

    The reason nobody will commit suicide is this is all about virtue signaling, these ppl aren't depressed like that and they don't get to experience their virtue if they are dead.

  4. All life including humans will be extinct in under a decade, perhaps just a few years. We have months, not years let alone decades to take aggressive action and today we have less than a 1% chance of seeing 2030 and barely a 30% chance of seeing 2025.

  5. Sorry but you people are being deceived , zero co2 that means all people must go. wake up and see what they are doing to us all
    look into “whether control”by these deceivers that controls us all

  6. It's great that members of Extinction Rebellion are going hungry, it will give them a feel for what their policies on decarbonization will impose on vast areas of the world, but of course those hungry people will not be pampered and 'entitled' and won't have any choice about whether to eat or not.
    As the Earth is now entering a cool phase due to an approaching solar minimum the last thing besides a colder climate, that plants need is carbon dioxide starvation, which will stunt the growth of them. We need to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    Has anyone mentioned the solar minimum to Extinction Rebellion or pointed out that carbon dioxide is a plant food. All living things are to some extent composed of carbon.

    Nancy Pelosi should make a point of publicly declaring that there is no climate crisis and no emergency and tell these people to go home and start to behave rationally.

  7. Wow I usually love the videos here but this was too much. I had to stop at the minute mark when the attention seeking teenager on the hunger strike was about to speak.
    Get some real life content and stop with the climate change bs. It's nothing more than a bunch of attention seeking kids.
    You want a climate solution?
    Stop sending your US military around the world polluting everywhere they go.

  8. " When the last Tree is cut, the last fish eaten, and the Last Stream poisoned, you will realise you Can't eat money ". Do we need to wait that long, for enough people to come to realise this?

  9. So what is the Pentagon going to do about that? Stop all the illegal wars and close down the 900 bases across the world? No? I thought so. XR should focus on that goal if they don't they are useless.

  10. Back in 1970 I became aware of environmental issues. Thought we'd have it solved by now. I guess we didn't realize the power of fossil fuel companies. Our inaction then has led to this crisis.

  11. Welcome Marc Steiner Thank you for the news that matter. It's Fridays for Future main manifesting day tomorrow. Thank you for your service!

  12. Best statement. "No problem human genius will solve this", this is the disdain many technically inclined people I know have. This is frustrating. This is the attitude that believes planting trees, geoengineering, and thorium nuclear energy are the answers, when in fact we need more dramatic solutions. GND is a start.

  13. " I lived a privileged life"

    Said the guy on "hunger strike".

    Shit.. Dont eat. Feed some Africans.

    Th i s dude a clown. Trippin on big shoes.

    Id done the interveiw eating a cheese steak.

    The interviewer has a "Wtf is he talking abot.." Look on hia face.. And in his vocal inflections. He just wants it to end..

  14. 8:00 If their experiences are anything like mine, the first three days suck. Afterwards your body kicks into starvation mode and then it just becomes a norm for you until you get food. You don't really feel any kind of sudden loss of strength. Any loss of strength is so gradual that you don't notice it. It wasn't until the 28th day that I started eating again because I started vomiting violently.

  15. DNC is out of touch with REALITY they sold their SOULS FOR A BUCK what happened to the party of FDR WORKING FOR THE WORKING PEOPLE INTERESTS not the the interest of donors so sad so disappointing this is the result when you sell your soul

  16. We love you and stand in solidarity with you! We want democratic, people-powered solutions to climate change. This crisis is an opportunity to bring real justice and democratic reforms to the working people of the world – who are the ones not responsible for climate crimes, but the ones who will suffer the most from famine, drought, rising seas.
    Extinction Rebellion isn't a movement to give corrupt governments even more power over us in the guise of climate laws. We are fighting for justice through democracy, and ending the corrupt grasp of corporations over our communities. Which means everyone needs to raise their voice and be involved.

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