Facebook Erases Hundreds of Alternative Media Pages in Mass Purge (1/2)

Facebook Erases Hundreds of Alternative Media Pages in Mass Purge (1/2)

Facebook is erasing popular alternative media pages that had millions of likes and suspending anti-war and anti-police brutality accounts, in coordination with Twitter. Journalist Max Blumenthal tells TRNN’s Ben Norton this is part of a larger political crackdown; EFF’s David Greene says the implications are dangerous.

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43 thoughts on “Facebook Erases Hundreds of Alternative Media Pages in Mass Purge (1/2)

  1. 3 songs against ALL governments that constantly bully and oppress their citizens, that embezzle taxes, that constantly violate the constitution, that denounce citizens demonstrating against wars and deprivation of freedom as conspiracy theorists, that support wars in other countries and even wage wars of aggression in other countries, that overthrow popularly elected governments in other countries, that deliberately ruin the prosperity of their own people, that lie, cheat and oppress their own people. The same applies to all lying mainstream media:
    – WAKE UP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXiRZ4jcFNI
    – THE CHANGE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ma9Spq7uG0
    – ALIENS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtldMvN-UtA

  2. Guys be rational. FB is a private owned company, and its shareholders want profit. So management will make sure to secure the environment the company is working in, means also the political environment. So its natural that such companies like FB will always move towards mainstream and majorities. The problem is not FB, but missing political incentives, to create independent alternatives to this social media cancer structures. If the representatives of the people would really care about the people, this could be changes fast. The bottleneck of such social media structures are always computing power and money, Alternatives spike and die because they cannot finance the growth. We are caught in the system by accumulated power structures. So FB is just a symptom, not the cause. The cause is the corrupt political elite, and for sure not this rich college boy, who was thrown into success by accident.

  3. Has anyone actually bothered to do a search on any of these pages?
    "Reasonable People United" is there. It's just a bunch of shit-posts. I'm sure it's great for venting your anger, but not much productive thot there.
    But it is there.

  4. One thing Karl Marx & Co. understand/stood very well about this sort of situation: such egregious affronts do serve as a 'wake-up call' to many people who otherwise would be equivocating endlessly about the purported 'progressive' nature of these agents of our class Enemy. So, they finally have to 'choose sides'; whether they really want to or not — or otherwise be finally seen themselves to be politically useless; or even tools of these forces…
    So in a very real sense, Tracebook, et al. are actually doing The Left a real favor here.

  5. Thank you so much for staying 'honest' and 'real'. We on the Right take notice of those who join in the fight from legitimate philosophical perspectives, versus those who believe they can only win by authoritarian censorship of dissenting opinion. We're happy to argue 'the Welfare State' over the relative merits of the differential size of government. But extending that government (or its crony reach through corporate surrogates) in order to quash such debate is, obviously, beyond the pale. The Founders enshrined Free Speech for a reason. Thank you for recognizing that foundation as essential to all of our Liberties.

  6. The media has always been controlled, just like Walter Lippmann wrote over 100 years ago. It is just more noticeable now because it is more decentralized, even my account was suspended awaiting further verification, IMO I don't say anything radical, racists or promoting bigotry.

  7. The progressive liberal "American Heritage: encyclopedia" (60,000 followers) was a multicultural, ecopolitical encyclopedia of American history and world heritage. There, I shared excerpts from my extensive collection of books on cultural anthropology, social psychology and climate history. There was also a lot on Central and South American cultures, along with Amazonian tribes like the Piraha, Yanomami and Xingu. Other topics included mass deforestation, petroeconomics, recent and past illegal wars, America's history of genocide and slavery with books by such authors as Howard Zinn, Roxanne Dunbar-Oritz, Gerald Horne, Ben Kiernan and Kevin Bales. I also have a considerable number of Thom Hartmann's books and his list of reading suggestions, along with those by Noam Chomsky, Richard Wolff and Chris Hedges.
    Being among the most thought-provoking political pages, American Heritage: encyclopedia looked at everything from macroscopic perspectives, often sharing world news from non-Washington-lead sources like PressTV, TeleSur, Al Jazeera and RT. Over all, American Heritage had a strong indigenous and environmental rights message, similar to Survival International, Amazon Watch and Mongabay.

  8. But thank God the daily Stormer and Alex Jones are gone! Just the warm up folks. Here is the main course. No one to dispute, no one to deny, no one to question, no free speech rights to anyone. You have free speech, head a major intersection near you and yell your head off!

  9. It is not so much very new popular news, but Bernie Sanders was reported by NPR to have rightfully won the California Primary. Also, this "mass purge" of 800 is not, well. Historically "purge" has been used to describe murder/holocaust type situations, and these groups and persons have resources to make their own websites, because Facebook still owns Facebook, and can choose to make or take away what they offer as essentially free services on the internet. Please, can you pick up the story where it is the two Obama administrations which created the mess of removing adults entering the country illegally from children who enter the country illegally with them? Also, the importance of acknowledging the continual threat of global warming…

  10. Why do people still keep giving this robot (Mark Zuckerberg) their information because that's where he gets his money selling your data and thinks he is GOD the way he treats people.

  11. Definition of fascism
    1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
    2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
    early instances of army fascism and brutality

  12. I used to be an independent bookseller – then I started selling on Amazon – now I'm not so independent, I sign a terms of service agreement with them, I don't read it because I know what it says – it says Amazon can change the rules as it sees fit and if I want to sell there I have to jump through their hoops – there are more and more hoops.

    My point is that if you want to be independent be independent – relying on a large corporate entity to distribute your message is not independence. If we want to be independent of corporate power we have to build networks that are independent of that power. Complaining that a large powerful corporation and it's friends are closing down those critical of that power seems at best naive. And here I am commenting on a video hosted on Youtube

  13. Hello can we all raise awareness about the story i'm about to show you all and raise awareness and spread the story far and wide please? Thank you all. Deeply Disturbing Video Shows NYPD Cops Beat, Taser Sickly 85-lb Dwarf Man

    The video shows police barge into a home, grab the 4' 8" sickly man, who weighed no more than 85 pounds and begin to attack him.

    New York, NY — A very disturbing video taken by a disabled man’s brother shows NYPD cops violently assault a 4′ 8″ man during a call, tasering and punching him until he passed out.

    According to police, they were responding to a domestic violence call — not made by a victim — but by a neighbor who heard commotion next door. William Colon is the 4′ 8″ tall, 85 pound man who police accused of domestic violence.

    As the video shows, police tell Colon that he better open up the door or they will “blast it” open. When Colon opens the door, the cops barge in and throw the tiny sickly man down on his bed as they begin their assault.

    “I was trying to ask them, ‘What did I do?’” Colon, who has no criminal record, told the Daily News in an exclusive interview. “I was very scared. I suffer from social phobia. I was very confused.”

    As cops barge in, multiple officers surround him—as if the shirtless 85 pound man with scoliosis was a threat. Officer Vincenzo Trabolse then begins pounding the child-sized man with his massive fists.

    For good measure, Trabolse then pulls his taser our and starts zapping Colon until he falls unconscious.

    As the Daily News reports, Colon is afflicted with a range of health issues that he claims have made him frail. He says he has Mauriac Syndrome, an illness related to diabetes that causes dwarfism. He is also asthmatic, has curvature of the spine and has an intestinal disorder.

    “When they Tased me, my blood sugar skyrocketed,” Colon said. “I was very nauseous and pale and vomiting. They thought I was going to go into a diabetic coma. I had to go for X-rays. My body was sore and bruised.”

    “I was shocked at the sheer amount of brutality that the officers inflicted on him,” said lawyer Chris Pisciotta of the Legal Aid Society. “He was handcuffed. He wasn’t posing a threat. I don’t understand the lack of humanity of it.”

    Naturally, the NYPD and the District Attorney’s office are urging the public not to draw any conclusions from the video that shows their cops pummeling a sickly man 1/4 of their size.

    “We understand there are questions regarding police conduct in this situation and we can assure the public we will continue to review all evidence and investigate that matter, but have no further comment at this time,” said a spokesman for DA Michael McMahon.

    McMahon went on to then make a slew of accusations against Colon.

    “The majority of the time he was in the hospital was for psychiatric observation because he had a history (of psychiatric issues),” the official said. “We have eight body-worn camera videos which support our report. And you can hear the brother saying, ‘Stop fighting, stop fighting, don’t resist’ the whole time.”

    Chief Patrick Conry, an NYPD spokesman, said the department is “ aware of the incident and there is an open internal affairs investigation.“

    McMahon’s office defended charging Colon with assault and resisting arrest by claiming Colon hit his girlfriend, Lissette Torres.

    “This is a case where the police responded to a domestic violence call where a woman suffered clear and obvious injuries to her face,” the spokesman said. “Justice requires that we take that matter seriously, which we do in all domestic violence cases.

    Colon admits the two were arguing because Torres wanted to take back the gifts she gave him for his birthday, but as far as the hitting is concerned, Colon says that never happened and Torres agrees.

    Torres told the Daily News that cops threatened her with arrest if she didn’t sign a complaint against her boyfriend of four years.

    “They kept trying to get me to write a statement. I said I didn’t want to press charges,” she said. “They told me I was going to get locked up for vandalizing the house if I didn’t. I was frightened. I didn’t want to get arrested. They told me what to write word for word.”

    What’s more, Torres says that multiple cops have continued to harass her, telling her not to drop the charges.

    Now, if Torres reverses her claim, she could be charged with making a false statement, even though she says police made her do it.

    Below is this disturbing video.


    And this is why the NFL must continue to kneel and why black lives matter is right but i will say police have always done this to all of us no matter what the skin color. And i strongly believe based on evidence over the past few days and really ever since October 1st 2017 that Trump, E Prince, Chertoff, Adleson, Rouse, Lombardo, S Israel, Saudi's, Israeli's, LVPD and LVMPD police, FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, DEA, SWAT, Black water Acedemi, UAE Acadamy, MI5/6, ASIS, ASIO, Mexican military intelligence and police, Turkish police intelligence and military intelligence, Philippines special forces, and Russian FSB must've shot up Las Vegas and had something to do with Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church and Marjory Stoneman Douglas.

    I really and truly think and believe the governments of the world are operating death squads on American soil.

    We cant prove it but we know. And the MSM is mocking us. It's telling when Chuck Todd goes to Las Vegas yesterday to do a special in Las Vegas about Sheldon and MBS who is possibly Mabus and the Saudi's are in the news 24/7 now. "Mabus will soon die" Mabus will soon die, then (after he / she or it dies) will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals. At once one will see vengeance, One hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass. Mohammad Bin Salman or MBS is Mabus.

  14. How DARE these sites use fake accounts, click bait bots!
    Farcebook does not like the competition and they are the creators of such gross corruption.

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