After causing almost every recession of the past several decades, the Federal Reserve is lowering interest rates before a recession takes hold. This represents an important shift in the Fed’s policy, says CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot

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By elboriyorker


29 thoughts on “Fed Comes to its Senses, Lowers Interest Rate”
  1. If you ever wondered how it was that Trump got into the oval…’s what I speculate: Everyone (those CEOs who actually run the office)knew this day was coming…..what better person to have in the oval than Trump?😜 He lowered the taxes for the top, demonizes ANYONE who doesn’t support his antics, and when it all crashes…..he also gets to take the firsthand blame for it. Perfect fall guy. Economic society has been reduced to the haves and have nots…..some are accustomed to this dynamic others are going to be totally caught unaware. The dollar has been dead a long time and now the rest of the world is aware. That’s why countries are dumping the dollar more so now than ever. Sanctions don’t make friends….they leave you hungry.

  2. Cut too early and you'll have no ammo left to stave off the real thing. Interest rates are already low by historic standards.

  3. Lowering interest rates now is like changing the oil in a car with an empty gas tank. You talk like a corporatist. All this does is expand the asset bubble. Been going on since 2008.

  4. End the Federal reserve, 1913 was a sell out by the govern-ment, debt note is backed by nothing period.
    Federal Reserve is a foreign entity controlling a fiat paper currency from the USA!
    Infinate debt notes
    Printing press👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
    Even worse is digital.

  5. This represents an important shift in the Feds policy? WTF? This is what they've been doing for more than a decade straight.
    That's why interest rates are near zero.

  6. Twaddle . In direct violation of the Constitution , The Fed has treasonously usurped the power to create currency , and taken it from the People and Congress , casting the entire Nation into perpetual debt . Lowering the " interest rates " , when there should BE no interest rates in the first place , is like a prison guard swatting a mosquito and telling the prisoners he's doing them a big favor . They should all be in jail .

  7. I'm somewhat uncomfortable with a centralised agency manipulating national, and subsequently, global banking and transactions in this way. Perhaps it's my ignorance, but this feels like putting your finger on the scales to compensate for a poorly managed economy in other areas. Surely when the Fed lowers interest rates, America is losing that money? If it is doing so to compensate for Trump's foolish trade war for instance, it feels like stealing money from Americans by the back door.

  8. WRONG. In Canada the interest rate as been at 1.75% for ever and the cost of living is soaring! We have a massive housing bubble and wages are not rising either!

  9. This PRESIDENT hasn’t got a clue! Trade policies are weakening the MARKETS…Collectively Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles can 👀THAT… VERY FEW will purchase and take risk in an uncertain economic CLIMATE…CAN WE SPELL RECESSION?

  10. They've dumped hundreds of billions of dollars into the lending bank numerous times in the last weeks. This is like the days right before the Great Depression or the Great Recession. They're trying to hide a HUGE crash on the horizon. They're doing the same thing they've done before because they don't want the majority of us to see it coming until the rich have closed the hatches and extracted all the wealth as they prepare for the mega economic downturn.

    I think this one will be worse than the Great Recession. I believe we will see Depression level problems in this country. We have let Capitalism run amok for far to long. This is always the end point of Capitalism.

  11. This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Low interest rates are why asset prices are so inflated. Lowering rates will further inflate the bubble, make housing even more unaffordable. Low interest drives up debt and kills savings rate. Now that rates are closer to zero, when the recession actually hits the fed will not have this tool to boost spending.

  12. Good video and good title of the video. The Fed should never have raised interest rates to begin with. Complete morons for having done so. And out entire system is based on debt anyway and nobody ever wants that money back as long as the interest is paid. Just look at Japan. They are cruising at 400% of GDP and nobody cares about paying that back.

  13. These Gangsters have destroyed the middle class across the globe. This is a treasonous act of war on Americans. Millions and millions of people are living
    in poverty .Treason is a capital offense. I think we need to vote on it.
    My first choice is lock them up and let Hillary take from their.

  14. This is the most corrupt criminal organisation in existence. You act like these are words coming from some legitimate entity concerned about humanity.
    It has single handily put more people in poverty and killed more people by financing wars from fake money than anything I can imagine.

  15. This guy's a nebbish. Just print free money in perpetuity! What could go wrong? What a nitwit. The fed raised rates so that when the world economy began to tank, it could lower rates again in hopes of dampening the blow. But this is a short term solution. Perpetuating the credit bubble is going to come back and haunt the dipshits who did it. Mark my words.

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