The strikers protesting President Macron’s pension reform are expanding their target to the whole neoliberal system. They’re gathering their forces for a new wave of opposition, says Le Monde Diplomatique’s Renaud Lambert.

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By elboriyorker


43 thoughts on “France’s Anti-Neoliberal Protesters Get Their Second Wind”
                                                                          The global answer to the world's economic injustices.
       The important thing to remember is that this global monetary system is an invention. As the numbers are invented to cause the world economy to crash. New numbers can also be invented to establish a prosperous one. A "World Zero" day can be instituted whereby all world debts are erased, all lenders are completely repaid by invented "new money", which is just as valid as the 'old money' now in their pockets. As the numbers are invented to cause the world economy to crash. New numbers can also be invented to establish a prosperous one. All auto payments end, the owners receive the titles, and the dealers are paid with new money. New money pays the people $6,000 every month in their accounts, and all of their health care needs with that industry receiving total payment for their services with new money, all student loan debts vanish. All mortgages and rented homes are given to the dwellers and the new money  payments are made to the bank/landlords equal to ten years of payments, then nothing more. 
      This system also has a hard line, and soft line economy. The soft line is the assigned money value of  ALL employees that pay them 30$/hr./10 hrs. a day/5 days a week. $1,500 a week, $6,000 per month, $72,000 per year. The hard line economy is what is in place now with businesses making products or providing services. It changes to now having the owners receive 100% of the profits of the company-their employees are already being paid by new money.
     This will strengthen the hard line economy because the employees now will be able to afford the higher end products they could not before.
      When the global monetarists attempt to 'crash' the new money system, the recorded history of the financial dealings is simply wound back to before the crashing occurred, then restarted again. Crashes are only crashes on paper, not reality. 

     This is just one side of the coin though, the other side deals with social behavior.
       End all dividers of nations including native reservations to bring a unified state.
      Welfare payments must come to an end. They have only produced millions of economic parasites.
      Full citizen status must be earned with at least 12 years of education, no felonies, and 30 years of age. Then the citizens can vote.
      Mandatory military service for ALL able bodied youth after graduating year 12. 2 Years service.
      Declare respect of life unchallengeable, ending abortion, and violent sports/entertainment.
      All prison sentences maximum sentences with NO POSSIBILITY of early release for ANY reason. Sentenced to 40 years, 40 years served.
      Sentenced to prison the second time is mandatory PRISON WORK FARM FOR LIFE. A brand of 'NC' (non-citizen) is on both cheeks to identify escaped criminals. Capital crime for escaping, aiding, abetting, or harboring escapees.
      Mandatory JUVENILE WORK FARM FOR LIFE for any education system drop-out before graduating year 12. When they reach adult status they are transferred to the adult work farm.
      Capital sentence for rape, child molestation, involvement with drugs at any level, and crime committed with a weapon.
      All foreign companies that negatively impact domestic companies are forced to leave the nation.
      Domestic companies that have moved out of the nation for cheaper labor are considered to be foreign entities subject to import tax, and an additional treason tax to make it less profitable to leave the nation.
      Put down ALL prison convicts in Super Max, Maximum, and Medium security facilities. End minimum security prisons. When any prison reaches 50% capacity the inmates are again put down. This will bring an end to the idea that prison and crime are acceptable vocations.
      Real education to the 12th grade, government tests of 300 questions given for diploma. Tests that the teachers DO NOT have the answers to, and the students each have a different test. Fill in the ovals tests.
      Defend Reality. No LGBT/Trans rights. Acknowledge the only two genders, respect for life.
      Capital crime for the production, distribution, and possession of gore entertainment and pornography.
      Enforce anti-profanity laws, and the depiction of violence/murders in the mass media.
      This open sourced, gravity driven, continuous motion, free energy should transform the world:
      Power Multiplier Device, last resize (I hope)
          Russell Lee

  2. The French understand, the country, the land, the gold and oil in the ground, belong to the people, and there is enough wealth naturally in a country for all the people to live a decent life, instead of 1% thieves that use the peoples children to die in their wars of greed!

  3. Pensions………..Wish I had one. I don’t think people should get them, but if you were already promised one it shouldn’t be taken away.

  4. ENGLAND'S BREXIT… FRAEXIT= FRAnce EXIT!! EU. And Keep Your "TAX MONEY" In France!! And Not Giving Free Money To Others Just Riding On Frances Shirt-Tails (Welfare, EU.Parties)… IT'S YOUR TAX MONEY FRENCH CITIZENS

  5. As french i will tell you : as much as i dislik macron and his globalist leftist agenda.. we need to pass this bill.
    Our retirement system is bad. you don't pay for your own retirement but for the actual old people. if you want to have a good retirement you need to pray that there will be more people to pay for you when you're old etc etc.
    But we can't even sustain our own population and importing millions of migrants getting the welfares we pay for and not contributing to the economy is not solving the problem.

    we're already paying way to much taxes, please at least, don't make me pay for your retirement boomers, i really don't need that.
    Im smart enough to not waste my money in stupid travels and im already preparing to cover my own expenses when i'll be older. It was your shitty socialist votes that got us in this situation in the first place, now you have to get over it and accept a small retirement, so we can actually change the system and everyone will be paying for themselves during their life !

  6. Viewing things from an American vantage, it's hard to tell what Europeans consider "liberal" or "conservative" or "neo-liberal," etc… Anti-Liberal would be a very different thing here, than it is perhaps defined in Europe.

  7. The problem with protestors: they protest anything that isn’t important.

    I’m sure it’s intentional.

    They will never protest the right thing, and therefore nothing will change for the better.

  8. Seems like Macron just needs to be grabbed by the back of the neck, dragged out and cast down upon the pavement, where he belongs.

  9. Too little too late. The power structures have been at work for thousands of years preparing for full control of The world. Our seperate nations are all about to fall and out of the Chaos the one world government will rise from it.

  10. Thank you to cover it ! For ma part i watch very closely the progressive movement rising up in USA and Chilia too protesting against Neoliberal way. That will so great that Bernie Sander win the presidency race and France follow a similar path just after in 2022 !

    Am i little warried about United Kingdoms, Italia and Deutschland that following a right wing agenda :/

  11. The World still refers to France as a country. IT ISN'T. IT IS A DISTRICT OF THE E U RUN BY THE UNELECTED COMMISARS OF THE E U PSEUDO EFFETE PARLIAMENT.. WHICH IS RUN FROM THE TOWER OF BABEL IN BRUSSELS.. ( Check out this architectural copy of the oldest painting depictions of the Tower of Babbel.. Ths' New Brussels building.. Also the E U police forcez are paramilitary forces who are trained to oppress.. their own people… Germany has now succeded in what it set out to achieve twice in the last century by force and make France along then with the rest of Europe a part of the Greater German Empire…( The E U was even founded in 1958 by a Nazzi who was an adviser on Empire to Both Mussolini and Hitler.. without declaring a war. this time. Macron was chosen by the Globalist elite of the New World Order whos 'Bagman is George Soros. Who loves to waste tax payer money on oppressing the rights of the tax payers.. Creating a Communist state for the Plebs whilst the parasiticsl Elite continue with their Agenda 21/30 .. And have been indoctrinating the youth in schools and colleges and Universities and getting them into so much debt for worthless educational Doctorates that they have them over a barrel…. European Nations need their own 'Brexit '… Before thd E U None accountable unelected Commissars repopulate it further with third world peoples who refuse to assimilate to Western Culture because Islam is a doctrine of War and the spoils of war.. Where ever has Islam built or created anything that was not done by either slave labour or foreign workers? These people are indoctrinated to believe that they have a divine right to take anything not possesed by Moslems.. such as Europe.. As described in the Bible.. Whos culture moves North for the easy pickings of homes with unbared windows.. Now established in Sweden.. Whos culture is gone.. A European Northern Islamic State is entering into Europe from the North as well as South and demanding the End of Christian or any none Islamic culture in their host nations making negative backward changes as parasites do.. Look at the state of the areas that they now occupy…. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG AND SHOW ME THE ADVANTAGES OF ISLAM AND SHARIA LAW OVER WESTERN CULTURES FOR THOSE OF US WHO DON'T BELIEVE IN MYSOGENY AND OPPRESSION AND TAKING BY DIVINE RIGHT.

  12. What a choice of words. Stop using the word "anti-neo liberalism", use a concise word that means exactly what you are saying. The protesters are French Patriots that want a conservative and nationalistic France. A France of the citizens,and for the citizens of France. A better and more descriptive lable is French Patriots protest the liberal, leftist agenda forced on the soverign citizens of the soverign nation of France. At least describe these citizens of France as "French Patriots." Anti-neo liberalism is a word that is just giving credence to the liberal, leftist Marxists that caused all this.
    Macron is a dammed Globalist, elitist that should be removed from public office. Macron does not have the best interests of France in his heart and mind.

  13. Its all about saying no to GLOBALISM and it and always will be about that because we love our cultures and we love our heritage and when elitist rich globalists destroy our lives whilst making theirs all the better and whilst diluting our populations then you will find a world on the brink of pushing back against this bullshit, we rule ourselves we own our own spaces and this world and its countries will never have the permission of the people to destroy the people!! If the richest elitist political elite keep pushing and forcing their narrative on to us they will find in a short period of time just how brutal the people of the world really are and they will have their comeuppance delivered swiftly and without hesitation.
    The WORLD HAS HAD ENOUGH OF ITS CULTURES CUSTOMS AND WAY OF LIFE BEING DESTROYED!! This only ends badly for one side if the wealthy elitists dont back down!! History all over the world teaches this fact and its getting closer to the time where the “common folk” push back for real and enforce balance once again

  14. Hope everybody in France protests the unfettered migration from the Middle East and Africa. Excessive social welfare programs mandated by that EU quazi "government" that a small group of unelected individuals. None of which has any amount of oversight or accountability.

  15. In France, people right against neoliberalism and austerity measures. In America, Democratic and Republican voters right amongst reach other to see who can show the most loyalty to the oligarchs. So far, the Republicans are winning, but not for lack of trying on the part of Democrats.

  16. Bonne Chance, mes amis!

    Our traditional animosity is set aside when ordinary people on both sides of the channel are faced with a common problem!

    From the UK.

  17. the rich entitled are stealing money across the world and are beginning to show their class warfare…they purchased governments and we are now seeing it….just look at the corruption of the american government by the oligarchs….americas government is failed and the rich are now forcing fascism to prevent their class warfare from being taken away from them…..

  18. According to a french joke about themself, the rooster symbolize France cause it's the only animal who keep proudly singing when he have his two feet in the shit.

  19. Do not take the word of a MSM journalist on Marine Le Pen – that is like asking a fair opinion from an MSNBC pundit on Trump…

  20. I'm a bit suprised why are we fighting against liberal values?

    Yes i get that this system enables people to become real rich but it has no say in who, if you are anti liberal you are actually anti freedom of land, capital and labor….
    I hope that alone will ring the bell of what your fighting for, the word of a system where you have no freedom of those values is communisme and i don't hope they want that….

    The basic principle where you have to believe in to think that that is viable, is that there are people in this world that are good dictators because communisme means everything is owned and runed by the goverment. Where in history can anybody find any evidence of a good dictatorship and if you can find one compare the one to every dictatorship how small is the change you will get that good dictator….

    I remember a quote i ones read:
    ‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’

    Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

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