France’s Macron Moves to Equate Anti-Semitism with Anti-Zionism – Everything Law and Order Blog

Sonia Fayman of the Union of French Jews for Peace discusses President Macron’s efforts to blur the difference between Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism.

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By phillyfinest369


48 thoughts on “France’s Macron Moves to Equate Anti-Semitism with Anti-Zionism”
    ZIONISM IS …. E V I L .

  2. This antisemitism incident (or was it antisemitism ?) is a diversion from the growing inequality between the few haves and the many have nots . It would not surprise me that this so called yellow vest guy was paid by Macron, Likud or whatever AIPAC is called in France to utter the anti jew words and attack this Jewish gentleman . J'accuse ! : the perp in a yellow vest was an agent provocateur . i.e. it was a gladio like false flag to condemn the yellow vests .

    If the yellow vest movement was organized like the 1968 revolution and prior revolutions in France , Macron would have been forced to step down by now , like the 1968 revolution forced Charles De Gaulle to step down as president . Like Occupy and now the Yellow Vests you cannot make a change with a horizontal structure . Occupy failed and Yellow Vests will fail if it keeps this disorganized horizontal without leaders and organizers approach . It is not so much that leaders are better , but that everyone has some part to play including those marching , and some people are just good at organizing, and being spokespersons for a revolution . It is this god damned politically correct "other directedness" (see Reisman's 1948 sociology book called "the lonely crowd , not all of which i agree , but pertinent to occupy and yellow vest's failures ) which keeps us from winning back our democratic economic gains .

  3. This will come down to forbidding criticizing Israel, which will be a feast for all those claiming a global Jewish conspiracy, which in turn will only strengthen antisemitism.

  4. Webster's Dictionary: Semite = a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, AND ARABS. Given the latter, wouldn't the biggest anti-Semites be Israeli due to their decades-long GENOCIDE of Palestinians? And it should be LAW for ZERO TOLERANCE for anyone holding dual citizenship while serving in any US Government office/position; and that this is presently allowed is an atrocity to the well-being and safety of all US citizens and to our Constitution! Understand: the Koch brothers are presently trying to get a majority vote from states in order to call a Constitutional Congress to undo/change the constitution! These very dark/corrupt Koch brothers and all of their shill worldwide are behind the regime change in Venezuela, in order to get their oil for nothing; and they could CARE LESS about the common people anywhere!

  5. All of the insane,very negative/dark, control-over, anti-human and anti-earth FOOLS within ALL governments and organizations worldwide will NOT be allowed to continue for much longer. The oldest and most powerful beings in creation are here now and just waiting to "step in" and push aside all of the control-over a-holes on this planet who are left after Arae "deals" with the worst of them soon! [How Your Governments Will Be Destroyed… and Your Awakening (08-18-2016): //] .

  6. Nonsense; Israeli citizens criticize the Likud Party, and most are certainly not anti-Semitic; are Chinese people who criticize the Beijing regime Sino-phobic?

  7. Because Macron can only be a Zionist puppet, he is no Jew, the only true thing Joe Biden ever stated, you do not have to be Jewish to be a Zionist

  8. Israel 🇮🇱 sits on stolen land that was gifted to them by the British and Americans. Those fake Biblical Israelites aren’t even from that part of the world, their from Eastern Europe.

  9. Le crime d'Israël est d'avoir déposséder DÉFINITIVEMENT les juifs de leur histoire et vouloir a tout prit jouer de l'histoire est inquiétant…

  10. This was heartening to hear. I don't see much reasoned opposition like this over here (in Yellow Vestland). Although their MSM is slightly less bad than America's, its sins of omission are pretty egregious.

  11. layer upon layer painting over the crimes ,bulldozing stolen land and hijacking not only sympathy for any injustice suffered by the jewish people but blatantly stepping in the way of actual historical ancestry ,trading truth and blood for money and dominance . A shame to all eyes but their own :i

  12. @RNN, the vid title is in error: you need to reverse the two terms!
    But thanx for doing this vid — especially as it highlights a frightening international descent into irrationality.

  13. Macron was a Rothschild banker. his master is Rothschild. he is talking in front of the Crif which is the french Aipac.

  14. This whole anti-Semitic problem revolves around Zionist language manipulation. You have to either love Jews like puppies and rainbows or hate them and want to have them removed from the planet. You are either for them or against them. We need a new word that describes being NEUTRAL. What if I don’t care one way or another about Jews or Judaism but must speak out about the atrocities committed by the Israeli government. The word or phrase we need is ‘NON-SEMITIC CRITICISM’ to separate religious criticism from political criticism of the Jewish state. This is Macron’s Pearl Harbor event and he is going to change the entire policy of France based on this one person’s opinion. Macron probably paid him to be there to create this situation while it was, of course, being recorded.

  15. Israel was created through terrorism and only survives today by it. That's why the first thing they did after being created by the UN (not God) in 1948 was to put terrorists into their military.

  16. What did Macron do to the Jewish leader Pierre Stambul right before he was to speak in favor of the B.D.S. Israel? France needs Macron gone !

  17. Weird how the exact same thing is happening here, at the exact same time, using the exact same language. What a co-inky-dink

  18. All races have suffer at one point, (except the polidicks). Doesn’t give you the right to think and act like your gods gift. There’s shit everywhere and it stinks.

  19. Is it true that zionist are shooting dead palistinian men women and children. And this is totally illegal in international law.and basically any sane human being on the planet.BDS

  20. Gilets Jaunes are not antisemitic, and even if they were, they comprise France herself, and they would have to be accommodated prior to foreign citizens of any religion.

  21. Change the definition to create the silence you wish.
    Things have gotten so far past big nose jokes. You can not Guilt Trip entire generations manipulate peoples beliefs with forced sympathy. If you push something hard enough, it will fall over and rot.

  22. Macron is a puppet of Israel, in fact he is a Zionist himself, one could also use the synonym psychopath. Our current world leaders are all of that kind, and are creating psychopathic societies, led by Zionist. Nobody is allowed to criticize Israel, nor Zionists. This shows, they are at the hart of the problem.


    the so called journalist here on the gatekeeper channel 'real news' starts the segment by saying a yellow vest protester was being ANTISEMETIC for calling a Jewish man a dirty ZIONIST!

    You notice that!?
    I don't trust this channel or democracy now channel as far as I could throw them!!

    *Gatekeepers Fullstop!

  24. It is a persistent trend among European right-wing parties, (many of which have fascist and in some cases even Nazi roots), to ally with Israel… I think this says much more about Israel than it says about these parties …

  25. Sure thing… right after these Zionist shills stop using "character-assassination" as a mean to refute any opposition to their draconian efforts in extinguishing the "Flame of TRUTH" and Liberty for all.
    I don't know about the rest of us, but I am starting to think that Politicians should be tested for their IQ-Level – would that be something finding out just how stupid most of them are?

  26. They'll have to include all The Ultra Orthodox Jews in this because they're some of the most outspoken opponents of zionism.

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