France has seen weekly clashes between the yellow vest protesters and the police for three months now. More than 1,900 demonstrators have been injured, some of them seriously. Protesters say the police are using inappropriate force against them.

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By elboriyorker


34 thoughts on “France’s Yellow Vest Protesters Denounce Disproportionate Force”
  1. The increased militarisation of the Police forces around the world has become beyond reasonable, even here in Australia.its time this subject was debated in depth in the appropriate world authority and rules of accountability with consequences established. We citizens should demand this as a basic right.

  2. How do you immobilize an armed group without weapons or violence?
    Immobilize and remove…
    Just saying…hint hint.

    The police need to start defending the people, not their oppresors, and while I don't condone needless violence, it's obvious this isn't going to go anywhere till the public escalates things further. Sorry there cops, but it's time to pick a side. Do you serve your fellow countrymen or do you serve the greed of morally bankrupt globalist sociopaths?

  3. Macron the police state violence pig🐷

    Why can't he and is group of political clowns realize that most french people do not believe in him or his government and their policy.

    He can try violence but that will surely lead to the down fall of his government and himself.

    After which he will face prosecution for crimes against the people.

  4. The practice of cops/paramilitary members shooting protesters not just in the face but on their eyes was first pioneered in the Palestinian territories, Israeli soldiers would do this on Palestinian kids that throw rocks at them, so it's interesting that this horrific tactic has been globally exported and is now used by tyrants everywhere. I suppose each tyrant recognises the other and borrows from them to ensure their own tyranny.

  5. tear gas banned for war by the Geneva convention…but fine to use against peaceful protestors at home. fucked up man.

  6. The French government is under intense pressure to discredit and disband the yellow vest movement, hence the heavy handed tactics. As one might expect, it is backfiring and is instead strengthening the movement and the message they are sending. The rest of the world is watching and taking note.

  7. Just like usa they use the most force without the need for it. If the demonstrators start using indiscriminate force, the cops will be sorry they started that, being like 40/100k or so.

  8. The 'illegitimate' corrupt neoliberal globalist French Regime increases the fascistic terror, bloody violence + oppression against the 'Yellow Vest' protesters AKA the common people every day, like the French Regime did 1962 in Paris as they gunned down, murdered + 'disappeared' countless unarmed Protester against the war in Algeria. I fear a new 1962 in the making, the MSM blackout is part of this.

  9. And as always justice seeks itself. She has lost faith in her country and wishes to leave. One of the countries whose foreign policies have caused chaos and refugee crises in country throughout the world, is feeling justice self impose. Due to its "Little Boy Blue" rule at the top, the cows and sheep are in the streets protesting negligence as government is fast asleep on domestic concerns. Same as in the US but, the cows and sheep are still corralled. Still the percentage of Americans wanting to live outside the US has risen. Discontent and seeking refuge is a natural outcome from the failures of those in government to properly govern.

  10. She will leave France to where? Decadent Capitalism (a.k.a. Neoliberalism) and its violence are everywhere!!!
    At least France has the best healthcare and is available to everyone!

  11. funny how police forget they are abunch of nobodies like the protesters.All they are in the in is a paid nobodies to protect the ruling class that don't give 2 shits about them in the end.

  12. we need to be doing this around the world we need to take the world back the people need to rule get rid of this corruption in our government whatever it takes

  13. I would like to comment as someone who lives in France.
    This problem is rapidly coming to everyone in the developed countries.
    The Jilet Jaunes (yellow vests) do not protest one policy, or even one politician.
    So, there is no spokesperson or demands that can be addressed. It is a completely spontaneous movement, without any organisation. Whenever they can, protesters put on a yellow reflective jacket and go to public squares to meet other demonstrators. This is usually at weekends, because the demonstrators arew at work on the weekdays.
    What is happening, is France is sinking under enormous national debt. Taxes are high, pay hasn't increased much in 15 years.
    Meanwhile, food and utility prices have doubled in some cases. You can survive austerity if you have some savings, but slowly, those savings run out, slowly more and more families run out of savings, until it becomes a crisis. Nobody has much money to spend, so businesses start seeing their sales figures dissapear. Small businesses start going bankrupt, and slowly a full grown depression is happening.
    I know families that struggle to feed their children 7 days a week, and go to community centres on winter evenings because they cannot afford to heat their homes. This is now common here.
    But Macron seems to think that giving rich people tax breaks will solve the problem by "trickle down economics". So you can understand how this all kicked off with Macrons proposal to increase fuel (gas) by 10c per litre, or $0.50c per gallon, to pay for his tax reforms.
    There is no solution, the government cannot magic away the growing national debt. And as the debt increases by interest, then things just keep getting worse, and the country gets sucked into a black hole.
    Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a French problem. It is just that France has quite a socialist attitude and is therefore the first to react.

  14. Yellow Vests must become ANTI WAR VESTS, Pro Life must become ANTI WAR first. ANTI WAR must be MAINSTREAM — CNN, MSNBC, FOX, WORLDWIDE. NOW !!!!
    Otherwise, the war of Gods and Not Gods begins 6/21/19, kills One Billion Babies (and more in the womb for generations to come) and proves 1/3rd of Men have so little spirit, that they may as well be Beasts. We had our chance to defund the Beast. ANTI WAR is our last chance.

  15. Tear gas is banned under international law. We invaded Syria over the alleged use of chemical weapons, and then we turn around and use them on our own people. France, Israel, they all do it too!

  16. They must have learned from American police, or the same source who taught ours, the Israeli millitary occupation.

  17. The violence and strategie of chaos is a deliberate choice of Macron totalitarian regime, he refuse to give a political answer to the legitimate request of the yellow vests movement, and his strategy is just to increase more and more the repression on all levels, physically with hundred of wounded "like war" injuries to bring fear in the protesters, massive incarcerations with direct orders to the justice for maximal sentences , attacks on journalist and press that he doesn´t fully control, criminalisation of the opposition parties.
    France is in a phase of "soft" dictature…

  18. This is an abomination with the police are doing to the civilian population over there in France my heart goes out to you, you will now be in my prayers yes we do yellow jackets

  19. The police injury is friendly fire from their own. This is a sad story for a citizen to become so traumatized and disillusioned to leave the homeland.

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