Prof. Jean Bricmont explains that the ‘yellow vest’ movement is an expression of decades of frustration with declining living standards due to the dismantling of France’’ welfare state
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Liste des 42 revendications des gilets jaunes :
The EU banking system is in crisis NOW. It can be seen by looking. The Gilets jaunes protest movement, which is spreading through the EU is going to reduce GDP, depress confidence and economics, introduce recession and worsen recession; and worsen the banking system crisis in the EU. It is not surprising that prophecy in Ezekiel 7: 19 shows people throwing their worthless Euros into the streets; and famine arrives. Worse than that, war breaks out between the EU and Russia, because the Euro crashes into the abyss. 25 countries and prefectures all bankrupt together, the ones using the Euro, and the Russians have placed tanks onto the boundary of Ukraine. This is a catastrophe of major magnitude; and the banking systems meltdown will move worldwide causing known distress such as the Australian dollar. There are currencies in distress today, associated with developing economies. As the sequel to the 2008 meltdown, the present day meltdown means currency losses in a steady stream, until they are all gone.
The United States and it ally Israel will have a war with Iran. This war is visible today as a red hot economic war. But the nuclear assets of Iran will be destroyed; and the pilots will refuel in Saudi Arabia on their way back. This causes the bombing of the Middle east Matthew 24: 15-22 and then this causes the bombing of Iran Jeremiah 49: 35-38. War between the US, allies and Iran; also Iraq [which has already occurred] is found in Daniel 8: 20, 23-25. There are many more Scriptures associated with these wars. For example, Jeremiah 25: 17-26. In verse 24 we see the Arab states all receive 'cups of anger' from Jehovah, and this is associated with this original military strike. It will be seen a Sunni state [Saudi Arabia] was complicit in a military campaign against a Shea state [Iran] and this trips of wars and violence between and within all 23 Arab states. This war has a Sunni vs Shea character. Wars break down the fiat currency system. This present system is over.
The new system that the true God describes in prophecy is called God's Kingdom. This earth is to be rehabilitated, cleansed and restored. It will be made into a Paradise Luke 23: 43. Christ Jesus will rule over mankind, along with His brothers Matthew 24: 14, 30 and faithful true Christians will find they will be survivors into something a lot better than we have now. Rev 7: 9, 14. This is not a 'recession', it is not a 'reset', it is not a 'wealth transfer' and it is not a 'correction'. This is the loss of the present fiat currency system. And the true God, Jehovah, has included in detailed prophecy the system He will put into place after this time of distress. Gathering up lots of silver and gold metal is completely useless. Isaiah 2: 18-20. It will all be thrown away with 'loathing', at a time of a rush underground. All those who survive the present time of distress are personally rescued by Jehovah, and this is because they are faithful Christians, with nothing to be ashamed of, and they keep calling out to Jehovah in the present season, while they have works to show they care about their fellow man. This Great crowd 'comes out of the Great tribulation' Revelation 7: 9, 14. Euro distress is already visible. The time of the Great tribulation is close.
Is this man been hit with Microwaves ..that crackling sound strange ..might be phone close to the speaker and getting signals
Not too many citizens, trust the voting process.
Both far-right American Billionaires AND the Russians are dancing over the break up of Europe and chaos here. They too support some far right groups, just to distabel the EU. So the far right can't be trusted. Nor the corporate globalist elite. Then who? Perhaps the underbelly of the most common people, who protest without violence. That really freaks out the globalists, because those people should have been their shield. And both the far right and far left who seek to claim or own the protests are a nuisance too. Rather than listen, they play for power rather than really listen and see what really may make a difference.
Another so-called "leftist" with a right-wing neo-liberal agenda gets exposed as a fraud. Macron like Alexis Tsipras in Greece are slaves to the Globalist corporate agenda
Why would any sane person allow their child to grow up and become a cop (copulator) ? ? ?
thats why they couldnt stop it no head to cut off
No. Everything is manipulated by the USA. Trump wants to destroy Macron and his Euro policies. The US are interested in dividing the EU and are supporting Far Right movements all over Europe. This is just a coup orchestrated by the US.
It should have been called the Euromark.
Key points about the neoliberal dysfunctionality of the EU and the Euro, which also bears on Brexit 6:52 – 8:22. Professor Bricmont argues the solution is re-industrialisation, through state intervention, but this is also not permitted under the treaties. The Euro has to go, for the same reasons the gold standard had to go, and if countries must quit the Euro, they might as well quit the EU.
Legalise all drugs and use the money to pay people to clean up our world. This way the profits of drug use do some good instead of allowing criminal regimes to use the profits for war and oppression. People are always going to use these substances so whats the real reason for the drug war?
these protests are not about immigration policies in France. No! They're bigger than that! These protests are about what both the left and the right can agree on; they're about the majority of the industrialized nation's citizens slipping down, down, down, into dept and hardships. Hardship to buy more and more expensive food and clothes and rent and house payments. We are all feeling it, and we must stand in solidarity to break this machine! All of us! The black the white the brown and the yellow! The legal the illegal, the nationals and the immigrants. It's gonna take power in numbers to stop the hungry machine that only cares to create pleasure for the few who are ultra rich! We are the many,,,,they are the few!
Just 4 weeks of protests and they get minimum wage increase and a reduction in regressive taxation. This is really encouraging and irrefutable evidence that the workers are a sleeping giant which the capitalists will always pay tribute to when there is a flicker of consciousness
"The hike in fuel prices is affecting my livelihood!!!"
Sets random persons car on fire
What's happening? Watch the videos and listen to the people. They want Macron to step down. They want the globalist agenda to end and the French people want their country back. It's already spreading to other countries now. I hope this is the end of the EU.
are them cops I seen from another country ?
You didn't mention the protesters calling in support for "Trump, Trump, Trump", whether applicable or not, still note worthy.
Yep. Fed up.
They can protest all they want, things will not change for the better for most in the West. The future is neo-feudalism with a small rich elite and a vast underclass. The only choice is how you get there, through a slow grind or a sudden collapse.