Geo-Political Realignments Over Venezuela

Geo-Political Realignments Over Venezuela

On the heels of the hard-line anti-Maduro Lima Group meeting in Ottawa, countries favoring a negotiated solution, including Uruguay, Mexico, and Bolivia, met in Montevideo on Thursday. The final declaration, however, compromises Venezuela’s sovereignty, according to Bolivia. We discuss the outcome with Miguel Tinker Salas and Greg Wilpert

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28 thoughts on “Geo-Political Realignments Over Venezuela

  1. It is laughable to see a US thief stealing from Venezuela, and then accusing them of being poor!!! Britain also kept several tons of Venezuelan gold, and they don't even return it to pay for vaccines. Human Rights are not present in Britain and the US oligarchies.

  2. Maduro is the President……wait for the next elections….return all business, gold and monies owed to Venezuela. Remove all sanctions, aid a peace loving nation. Guido is a traitor…..the people will never allow the theft of their country. Where are the Christians of the world now! If the Christians can’t help maybe other religions could go to aid them.

  3. Look very well how do you speak carelessly like telling to the whole world VENEZUELA ON THE HEELS OF THE HARD_LINE ANTI-MADURO LIMA GROUP, It mans to say Venezuela will not have even a little chance. You RNN must represent more dessent and respect to the reader of your newsmedia topic You look the reader as an idiot of your paragraph or you tho its profession is a reporter are more idiot, You started like to say I AM THE QWEEN OF NEWS, BULLSHIT, Your making the reader as an ignorant who will believe every word a person will said. Dont take that for granted because most people of the world today understand w/n a person speak You added that the US and the group wants another election, the last gamble play these anti can do, mostly the US and its allied . Look this happened already on the time of HUGO CHAVEZ if you remember w/n REAGAN insist to have another election while in Venezuelan constitution, the election date is already fix. If you love JUAN GUIADO why dont you just adopt him, Maduro still give chance to this great real dictator as it happened on the street Maduro do not arrest him for many charges, the highest courth, or Venezuela Army can arrest him. Dont you think the Maduros government is good say VIVA VENEZUELA

  4. Where was all this excellent reporting when the crisis started? This situation has been going on for four years! but two years ago, when I tried to find this sort of information on YouTube, there was very little. I'm skeptical of these alternative news outlets, that only began to give us this important reporting AFTER the US puppet came to the public eye. AFTER half the world's countries supported him. It's already TOO LATE.

    We could've been spreading this information to the world three or four years ago.
    Why did you guys wait? Didn't you think it was important four years ago when people were starting to suffer?

    You probably take your orders from the same cartel of elites as guaido. That's my guess.

  5. The reason why the United States Government doesn’t invade Venezuela because the American people are against military intervention. They are afraid that the Americans will revolt against the United States Government.

  6. Yes go to Yemen 🇾🇪 help those poor people. Saudi Arabia has the United States Government in their right pockets that’s the reason why you don’t here this tragedy in the media.

  7. To any poorly informed persons please read Wikipedia's page on US-Venezuela relations to get some context on the issue. I see people here claiming sanctions started recently and not 2 decades ago, do they read anything at all.

  8. While there are good cases to be made against oil sanctions, these two long term and shameless chavista propagandists have to know the crisis in Venezuela involves massive structural failures to to oil rentist economic model that Chavez didnt reform but greatly intensified. Venezuela poses a genuine dilemma for supporters of liberal democracy, and the highly corrupt Maduro regime is unsalvageable if a democratic future awaits Venezuela.

  9. If the United States is concern for the health of the Venezuelan people then END The sanctions or just maybe stop funding terrorists that are destroying Yemen

  10. Mexico is not supported of Maduro! All Mexico has said there should be talks on what to do. But Mexico does not support a socialist country or maduro regime!

  11. if you wanna Know when the crisis started in Venezuela just watch Hugo Chavez video expropieting private properties and businesses, and trying to control prices on foods, also the country rely only on oil market and it crarshed

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