German Far-Right Uses ‘Judeo-Christian’ Values to Polish its Racism

German Far-Right Uses ‘Judeo-Christian’ Values to Polish its Racism

Shir Hever discusses the new Jewish section in the “Alternative to Germany” far-right party in Germany, and the way that pro-Israeli politics are used to mask Islamophobia, racism against Jews and the xenophobia

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42 thoughts on “German Far-Right Uses ‘Judeo-Christian’ Values to Polish its Racism

  1. Would be wonderful if the Germans could remember what they committed during the 2nd World War & try to repair relations. The entire origins of Christianity began with the Old Testament & Christ & his disciples were all Jewish.

  2. Jerusalem Post "There is no ‘Judeo-Christian’ tradition" by Rabbi Raymond Apple
    There Is No Judeo-Christian Tradition:
    The very name of Notre Dame illustrates the fact there is no such thing
    as Judeo-Christianity, or the Judeo-Christian tradition, or
    Judeo-Christian civilisation, or anything in that vein.
    Even if not necessarily in every word, Rabbi Raymond Apple is correct.
    “That fabled “Judeo-Christian tradition” does not exist, nor does the
    “Judeo-Christian ethic.” Though sharing a common origin in the Hebrew
    Scriptures, the two faiths read the scriptural texts differently. They
    believe in God, but view Him through different lenses. They each have a
    story, but they are not the same. They each have a concept of man, but

    they are not the same. They are both ethical religions, but with
    separate ideas of man’s nature, salvation and destiny.”

    Judaism is not some sort of mother-religion. Rather, it is a reaction
    against christianity, and specifically, like Islam, a Semitic reaction
    against the recapitulation in Christ and His Church of all three of the
    Old Israel, Hellenism, and the Roman Empire; there are also, of course,
    culturally European reactions against that recapitulation by reference
    to Classical sources, as there always have been, although they are
    increasingly allied to Islam. 
    Thus constructed, Judaism became, and remains, an organising principle,
    again like Classically-based reactions, for all sorts of people
    discontented for whatever reason with the rise of Christianity in
    general and with the Christianisation of the Roman Empire in particular,
    including all the historical consequences of that up to the present
    day, without any realistic suggestion of a common ethnic background.

    Above all, Judaism’s unresolved Messianic hope and expectation has
    issued in all sorts of earthly utopianisms: Freudian, Marxist (and then
    Trotskyist, and then Shachtmanite), monetarist, Zionist, Straussian,
    neoconservative by reference to all of these, and so forth.
    They are all expressions of Judaism’s repudiation of Original Sin,
    Christianity’s great bulwark against the rationally and empirically
    falsifiable notions of inevitable historical progress and of the
    perfectibility of human nature in this life alone and by human efforts
    alone. It is at least as significant, and it is not coincidental, that
    where there is a conflict between justice and mercy, then Christianity
    gives priority to mercy, whereas Judaism gives priority to justice.
    It is Christianity that refers constantly to the Biblical text. It is
    Christianity in general, and Catholicism in particular, that has a
    Temple, Jesus Christ, Who prophesied both the destruction of the Temple
    and its replacement in His own Person. It is Christianity in general,
    and Catholicism in particular, that has a Priesthood. It is Christianity
    in general, and Catholicism in particular, that has a Sacrifice, the
    And it is Christianity in general, and Catholicism in particular, that
    is the religion of the Hebrew Scriptures. Judaism hardly uses the Hebrew
    Bible directly rather than its own, defining and anti-Christian,
    commentaries on it and on each other. Jews doubting this should ask
    themselves when they last heard of an animal sacrifice, or which of
    their relatives was a polygamist.

  3. i dislike the afd and nazis just as much as most people, but "nazis invented anti semitism" … thats nuts, nazis didnt simply say one day "ok from today on we will hate jews, lets murder em" … anti semitism is way older …

  4. Anti-semitism is the discrimination against the Jewish people.
    That is it.

    Anti-Zionism is the clear opposition of the genocidal, colonial, settler and white supremacist Zionist state that was imposed upon the Palestinian population.

    Anti-Zionism is the opposition towards Jewish Hitlerism :

    The purification of a state only for a specific 'race' of chosen people, who have a certain 'right' to a land and who can expand their borders because of a divine 'right'.

    Zionism is fascism.

  5. From reading the comments here ? The real face of this party voters are revealed . Its right to say the Nazis was left wing and not right wing but the views are the same . Honestly ? I don't care ! our existence in our holly homeland , Is go far before the name Germany been first time documented in 100 AD .Germany became a nation state only in 1871 . And the "German" people were tribes that emigrated to the area of Germany from the Roman empire . The history of the jews goes before 2000 BC ! In 1948 it was the 4th time we establish Jewish nation in our homeland – We don't need or ask German approval for our existence here , We don't need or want "protection" from the german people , We will protect ourself . We can do business , We can put ambassadors – NOTHING ELSE ! Jews who still live in germany ??? Their faith are not my concern – They are not jews in my view ! The politics in Deutschland is not my business or concern .

  6. The Talmud is totally hostile to all Gentiles, Israel is based on the Talmud. Any Gentile would be very foolish to support anything based on the Talmud. Please do your own research

  7. What is certainly true is that Zionists's ideas were always akin to the Nazi ideology (born in the same 19th century): ultra-nationalism and ethnic purity. Sounds exactly like apartheid Israel, doesn't it?! Through ethnic cleansing and genocide if necessary… The tenants of the same white supremacy ideology they also share, of course! Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions against apartheid ethnic-cleansing Israel !!

  8. "Openly promotes racist policies." This is the kind of sloppy name-calling journalism that is so discredited today. The AfD's program is very center-left — it defends the welfare state and gay rights (Weidel, its leader, is a lesbian mom), but insists on enforcement of EXISTING law related to immigration. All of this contradicts the open-borders postmodern agenda, widely despised by the working class, leaving its proponents nothing but dog whistling to save themselves. It ain't working.

  9. God bless Donald John Trump and Steve Bannon and AfD. Europe for the Europeans. You betcha. Continue making the left squeal like stuck pigs.

  10. In 2010 Chancellor Angela Merkel said "Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed""*. Was she "far right" then? With all due respect, what Mr. Wilpert tells us here with regard to the AfD is not only a little bit of propaganda. The AfD is right of center but not far right – AfD policies were consensus 10 or 15 years ago. Now that Merkel has made several mistakes (among others, blatant disregard of the law) and is not able to offer solutions, people slowly get the idea that mass immigration is a neoliberal agenda and start to revolt. While some views taken by politicians of the AfD – which, by the way, is not a homogeneous bloc – , are not easy to disgest, as e.g. denial of man made climate change, it is simply wrong to describe this party, as a whole, as far right.

    This article regrettably seems to follow the new line: "whoever does not agree is a racist."

    *See e.g.

  11. "Judeo-Christian" values? Conservative "values" are mostly concerned with women and how to control them and their bodies. No surprise that the far-right is agreeing: This is also a fascist preoccupation. The main agenda of the religious right all around the world (of nearly all religions and denominations) is: Getting rid of equality between the sexes. Many religious people want to turn back time. Their aim is to reestablish "male supremacy" over women. They quite literally want to send women back into the kitchen. Back to their "natural" role as sole wives and mothers. In their opinion, this is what "God" wants – after all, HE made men in HIS image. Women are just there to care for the men (including sexually) and to bear "their" children (preferably sons).

    I hope my fellow leftists/progressives/liberals are right and time cannot be turned back on women`s rights, freedom and liberties. The growing misogyny on the far right, additionally to the "traditional" anti-women attitude of religious fundamentalists (of nearly ALL religions and denominations!) makes me wonder if we are not too naive about this.

    Especially, we have to stop letting fundamentalist religious people off the hook just because they are seen as "pious". "Piety" is no excuse for the violation of Human Rights, freedom and liberty of other people. "Judeo-Christian values" have to be exposed as oppressive, biased lies when they mask e.g. the treatment of women as second class people.

    We need to fight to protect women`s rights. They are the "canary in the coal mine" for progress.

  12. If Germans, Brits, French, Norwegians, Hungarians, Italians or any other European countries' nationals do not want to be "invaded" by Africans or ME'ers, then may I strongly suggest they re-consider their policy of bombing these same countries and trying to enforce regime change. Maybe take the billions that have been used to bomb these countries – and the trillions their oil companies have stolen from them – and spend the money on building a social and economic infrastructure that will ensure these people have no need or interest in coming face-to-face with Europe's bile bigotry and vile winters…and give the oil back to the does not belong to Shell, BP, Amoco, Total or any other company that is not wholly owned by the people who live on the land below which the oil fields exist.

  13. Not sure whether it is a Freudian slip but shouldn't it be polish (with a small "p") and not Polish (with a capital "P"). Mind you, given the latest growth in fascism in Poland, you could be onto something…

  14. The extreme Right in Australia are using the same talking points about Judeo Christian values. Just this year 7 alt right anti immi US talking heads touring Australia just this year.

  15. Of course the guy from the central council sees criticism of Israel in general as antisemitism. Also, the other guy is also mistaken, neither was antisemitism invented in Germany (it existed long before Germany existed) nor has it been an integral part of German history, if it were so, there wouldn't be so many prominent pre-Holocaust Jews in German history.

  16. Ive seen this play out in the German side of my family. Despite being otherwise rational left-liberals, they seem almost pathologically terrified of sympathizing with Palestinians/critiquing Israel.

  17. This is called "alt-right"(Stefan moleyneux, Avi Yemeni, Jordon Peterson) , and it's not only Germany,All Europeans far right also promote Zionism, including American far right represented by Donald trump.

  18. when European people get together to stop the invasion of their country and destruction of their culture the left cries…"racist, racist"…. all the while denying their own "heroes" genocidal histories…pure scapegoating

  19. I couldn't watch after 8:06 because this guy is absurd. The Germans did not invent anti semitism. The Russians were expelling jews before WWII because they were Jewish. And yes a majority of the Muslims streaming into Europe are anti Semitic. This is not real news. This is Angela Merkel propaganda.

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