German Parliament Criminalizes Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement

German Parliament Criminalizes Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement

Germany becomes the first country in the world to criminalize the BDS movement. Shir Hever, TRNN Correspondent in Germany and expert on Palestine-Israel, responds

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35 thoughts on “German Parliament Criminalizes Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement

  1. For the last 50 years, Israel has been forcing thousands of Palestinians off their land, occupying and illegally using it to create settlements that exclusively house Jewish Israeli settlers.

    Entire Palestinian communities have been displaced by these settlements. Their homes and livelihoods have been destroyed, they’ve had restrictions enforced on their movement, access to their own water, land and other natural resources. The communities have also been violently attacked by the Israeli military and settlers. We must act now.
    We want governments to stop enabling the economy that keeps these illegal settlements growing and fuels the suffering of Palestinians: and you can help.
    The issue is not just about Israel taking Palestinian land and resources illegally. Governments around the world are letting goods produced in these settlements into their markets, and are allowing companies in their countries to operate in settlements. All of this helps the illegal settlements profit and thrive.
    Call on your government now to ban Israeli settlement goods from entering your markets, and to stop companies based in your country operating in settlements or trading in their goods – and help put an end to the cycle of violations suffered by Palestinians living under Israel’s occupation.

  2. For everyone who supports BDS and says that would be a purchased vote, I have something to say in my native language:

    Genau so fing es auch mal in Deutschland an. Schon vor 1933 hat man vor jüdischen Geschäften demonstriert und gesagt man darf bei diesen Menschen nicht kaufen.
    Als die Nazis 1933 von Hindenburg die Macht übertragen bekamen wurde es staatlicher Boykott. Schon bald hieß es "Kauft nicht bei Juden". Stück für Stück wurden den Deutschen jüdischen Glaubens ihre Würde genommen und schlussendlich ihr Leben.
    Die Nazis haben mehr als SECHS MILLIONEN MENSCHEN (ein Drittel aller Menschen jüdischen Glaubens) ermordet. Und zwar nicht wie die weißen Amerikaner die Indigenen in Scharmützeln langsam und stetig dezimiert haben oder andere Diktatoren ganze Volksgruppen mal eben erschossen haben. Die Nazis haben FABRIKEN gebaut um MENSCHEN ZU TÖTEN.
    Dieser Völkermord ist einzigartig weil er bürokratisch geplant und industriell durchgeführt wurde.
    Und es war ihnen egal wie alt oder welches Geschlecht ihre Opfer hatten.
    Stellt euch mal vor ihr wärt in einem dieser Züge nach Auschwitz. Und dann werdet ihr getrennt von einem Elternteil, Geschwistern und euren Lebensgefährten. In den Vernichtungslagern haben die Nazis ja nach Geschlecht getrennt.

    Und Israel hat uns vergeben. Es hat lange gedauert aber wir sind nun mit dem einzigen hebräischen Staat der Erde befreundet.
    Wir sind nicht schuldig, wir fühlen auch nicht schuldig. Die Deutschen, auch ich, die nach 1945 geboren wurden tragen keine Schuld. Aber wenn irgendwo auf der Welt wieder die hässliche Fratze des Antisemitismus sich erhebt, unter welchen Lügen auch immer und mit welchen nützlichen Idioten auch immer, werden wir Israel zur Seite stehen.

    Und jetzt entscheidet selbst wo ihr stehen wollt. Auf der richtigen oder der bequemen Seite, denn mit diesen Boykottaufrufen haben auch die Nazis begonnen.

  3. The Zionist has infiltrated all the western countries and why are we suprise the government passed the anti BDS bill ??? The reality is there are more Zionists in the government .

  4. Germany has a problem with a peaceful boycott organisation but is fine with apartheid, murdering children, medics, men in wheelchairs and a wide variety of unarmed protestors, interesting…. guess who runs Germany ? It ain't germans that's for sure.
    Ah, how the mighty have fallen.

  5. Very good !!! Long overdue.. This is the first step to strangle those delusional cretins out of existance , soon every country will follow. BDS is a joke…

  6. As I understand this resolution it is: non-binding + it "criminalizes" BDS but does not make BDS "illegal". It is similar to absurd anti-BDS laws in the USA, where BDS-supporters or companies supporting BDS are banned from using public spaces and funding. Your Heidelberg correspondent made many interesting observations: this bill was more an excercize in German ultra-Nationalism than it was anything else. Germany + its antisemitism was crucial in fueling Zionism + thus directly responsible for the Nakba. Post-War allegiance/reparations to Israel were motivated by the weapons exports, since until the 50s Germany had no army + first joined NATO in 1955, so it needed SOMEONE to export weapons to, thus saving their own industry from ruin.

  7. I do agree with Hever that this move by the German government is wrong, but I really wonder what his definition of antisemitism is, if this counts as antisemitic for him.

  8. Because of it's history and strong israeli lobbying many people here in Germany are afraid of anyting that could label them antisemetic. It's always sad, when people who are usually politically active don't know anything about the crimes against humanity commited by Israel and think it's an even fight.

  9. Looks like Israel is pulling the strings back in Germany; first Germany was the puppet of USA now it's taking its orders from the racist apartheid state of Israel – really appalling they want to criminalise the very people fighting apartheid and oppression.

  10. I'm pro-BDS, but you have to get your facts straight: BDS wasn't criminalized in Germany, it 'just' won't get public funding anymore. Greetings from Germany

  11. BDS rejection is not correct. Palestinians are also Semites, so how can be BDS anti-semitic? A so called itself "Jewish state" ( this is already anti-semitism, being a Jew is something private and should not interfere in politics or economics ) a state that permanently breaks international and human laws, has 50+ laws against Arabs, runs illegal settlements and shoots at civilians, journalists and paramedics should be clearly put in its place and sanction (the same goes for countries like Saudi Arabia). In particular, because Israel calls itself as allegedly democratic state, pressure can be exerted so effectively that a two-state solution is possible again. In South Africa, that also helped to end the apartheid state. Unfortunately, similar tendencies can now be found in Israel as well. I still prefer for one state solution. This a democratic approach for peace. Best regards from Germany

  12. Well, and afaik, Germany is signatory to or of relative international laws, treaties and conventions, which prohibit the actions of the govt of the so-called state of Israel and the political decision makers responsible in criminalizing BDS, which operates within intl laws, … as well as simply in moral terms, so very legitimately, … criminalizing this is to act against these laws, …. Therefore, the German govt decision makers responsible should be indictable for crimes against humanity, and maybe crimes of war, given that Israel's actions against Palestine arguably are war crimes. The UN should unanimously decry this damn illegal new law of the German govt as being totally criminal, for it undeniably is and also pertains to subject matter that has nothing to do with Germany or its govt. The USA, i.e., Washington, would surely oppose this, if the UN was to attempt to do this, but this definitely shouldn't stop the rest of the UN voting to outlaw this new German law. Those responsible in the German govt are clearly guilty of this sort of high criminality. They should be indicted according to German law, alone, but if they are, then they should also be indictable according to intl laws, … as well, for the latter would make them promptly arrestable and chargeable in any other countries they'ld dare to travel to; countries members of the UN anyway. BDS isn't a criminal, rogue, terrorist, … movement. It adheres to intl laws, …, so human rights and respect for them. Any state/country that refuses free entry to and existence of BDS is a rogue state, criminally, despotically, … rogue. I don't participate in the BDS movement, there, afaik anyway, being nothing for me to boycott, and absolutely nothing to divest from, that's related; and I can't personally establish sanctions against anyone, except for forbidding entrance to my dwelling to unwelcome passersby, say. But, I'll definitely be supportive of BDS. Lastly, I wonder if BDS is being successful, for if it isn't, then I'ld wonder why the German govt bothered with even thinking of establishing this new law.

  13. “If you want to know who rules over you just find out who you can't criticize”
    The banned (English Version) book, "Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News" by the German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, explains how the CIA infiltrates the media in Germany and as Murdoch has shown, once the media is under your control, the politicians, corporations, and all government institutions follow unwittingly as you have the power to crush them in the eyes of the majority. What the BDS ban in Germany has shown is the cascade of control of German politicians. Israel, through financial and media sectors and institutions such as AIPAC owns and controls all branches of the US Government and it is this control that is used to help control other US vassal states (e.g. Germany, Canada, Australia, Britain, etc.etc.). What the World needs to understand is the Zionists are using events like the Holocaust as leverage to push their emotional agenda while hiding behind the Jewish-Holocaust camouflage; what the World needs to understand in the vast differences between the fascist Zionist and the Jew.

  14. Dim wit zombies score another one. This back and forth is why we have to consider extinction today. Letting such immature minds call themselves our leaders is obscene. So easily entertained and mesmerized by digital means.

  15. Netnyahoo publically attempting to psychologically mass guilt German citizens continually is one sick thing, but to go public with an attempt to sell a lie that a Palestinian convinced Hitler to kill Jews is the height of deceptive reverse psych gaming…the gall of
    this man's ignorant cruelty is appalling. You know people are sick when they're more upset by a movement for the right to divest than they are of gains by mass murder and land theft of fellow human beings. Psychotic.

    I long have stopped debating lone assassin vs conspiracy. I have a pretty good idea who did this and why. Even the people that actually pulled the trigger may not have known who the mastermind was.
    The criminal element that masterminded this assassination spends trillions of dollars trying to hide the effect they have on our society, but you don't have to really look far to find these effects. Once money has been compromised, and it has, everything else falls in place. Exactly how the money supply jump from 1.70 trillion to 14 trillion. It is not how they are telling you. The money and Federal income tax distortion, the National Debt, The lost of a free media in March of 1915. JFK touched upon a crucial project of theirs and that is why these people killed him.
    9/11 and all these ongoing wars, are not disconnected from the JFK assassination.

  17. This actually false.
    The bill only forbids public funding of groups that support BDS, and die Linke hasn't voted for it.
    BDS itself hasn't been criminalized.
    The AFD has proposed outlawing BDS but that was just a proposal that no other party supported.

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