Germany Passes Deportation Legislation

Germany Passes Deportation Legislation

Germany’s parliament adopted the first part of a new legislation packet to restrict the rights of asylum-seekers and refugees in Germany, denying them the right to work, sending them to prison once room in the deportation centers runs out, and even allowing apartment raids in search of “illegal” immigrants.

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23 thoughts on “Germany Passes Deportation Legislation

  1. I@ "the Real News Network" I suggest you check on the facts before making a documtary! And with facts I mean NUMBERS. Of the percentage of so called "asylum seekers" paying taxes and those receiving welfare for their numerous families. About violence and crime percentage in areas where they are allocated by the hundereds /thousands. Failing to do so makes you as biased as you seem to be!

  2. The far left thinks Germany is obliged to take as many refugees as possible.

    Wait them to see the implications of it.
    And this is coming from a person from a muslim majority country.

  3. Germany as well as the rest of the western world should have never been bombarded by so many outsiders in the first place. The politicians are at fault and should be held accountable for every rape every murder every theft of a German citizen did by a illegal.

  4. Germany is also engaged in smearing and criminalising the BDS campaign which defends Palestinian rights. German bankers in alliance with the German state crushed Greece and continue to lead the forces of austerity throughout Europe. Germany is a major trading partner of Israel, including military hardware. AfD now sit in the Bundestag. And scapegoating of immigrants is a daily occurrence. A pall of darkness is falling across the land as Germany slips back to its old ways of financial manipulation, racism and state authoritarianism.

  5. The Germans can talk all days about how they want refugees out, the truth is they seek the opportunity to use refugees as a scapegoat to take political control in the country. Without the refugees, the right wing nazis wouldn’t be in power. That explains why Germany refused to stop US illegal wars and regime change practices around the world. German right wings NEED refugees because they got nothing else to be voted on.

  6. Oh dear Real News. What is this ?
    People who seek asylum – anywhere in the world, are not allowed to work in their host country.
    Only when their asylum has been granted, and they are issued with the documentation necessary to pay tax etc, are they allowed to work.
    In the meantime, asylum seekers are normally housed, fed, etc by the receiving country, until the asylum claim can be heard.
    People who fail the asylum process are told to return from where they came. This is a simple matter of whether your claim for asylum is seen to be legitimate.
    This report singles out Germany as if they are doing something extraordinary and unusual.
    It is not a matter of deportation in these circumstances, but a matter of immigration not being allowed in individual circumstances.
    To put out reports like this can have a very damaging effect on legitimate asylum seekers, because countries like Germany, who have been extraordinarily welcoming to asylum seekers, will begin having a negative opinion on the process, and become a difficult country in which to seek asylum.

  7. What about cheap labor driving down wages and working conditions which is why corporations want mass migration to start with. ITS ALL A SCAM for cheap labor, and the secret is out

  8. And then you wonder why their country has gone to shit trying to allow massive numbers of migrants from the middle East who do not accept,or assimilate into the German culture. Thank God Trump is President on immigration issues or we would end up like France and Sweden

  9. It was blocked by the Bundesrat!!! So it is not in effect!!!This is fake news and we let 2million so called refugees in, some having 3 wifes and more then 20 children most living of our socialsystem, free housing, free medical care, free german lessons and money!!! Germany has transformed from a once save place into a very dangerous country, everyday women get molested and raped, kids are not save going to the swimming pool, old people and even handicapped get robbed, man are being stabbed, police, ambulances, doctors and fireworkers are being attacked!!! Shame on you, for spreading lies!!!Most of these people are NOT refugees, but rather illegal migrants that have invated germany and the costs are being estimated over 100 billion euros so far!!!!

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