TRNN Replay: Research on the connection between extreme weather – such as the severe cold snap that hit the US Northeast – and global warming, shows that these are intimately connected, despite what climate deniers such as President Trump say

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By elboriyorker


36 thoughts on “Global Warming and Extreme Cold: How One Leads to the Other”
  1. When will you admit that Geoengineering is the greatest cause of these "PERSISTENT" weather conditions. We have read the patents, we know that your guest will lose all funding if she even discusses it. She has a gag order in regards to this subject, an illegal gag order. Stop Stratospheric Aerosol Injections IMMEDIATELY FIRST!!!!!

  2. What kind of an expert is this? No mention of the the Sun activity level & electromagnetism, supporting the polar vortex the temperature differential is an after effect geniuses. Tell that sweet lady to get her money back from Rutgers University they didn’t teach her the 1st thing about real climate dynamics. Look up the data for your self guys EVERY-TIME there is a solar minimum the magnetisms on earth gets diminished, and the polar vortex gets droopy. Well this time it looks like we dropping into a Grand Solar Minimum

  3. The reason I won't believe you is because 5 years ago while everyone in the media kept trying to explain to me and why every Professor I ever had that believe in global warming kept trying to explain to me was that we would see no or reduced snowfall and increased temperatures climate change Skeptics and global cooling advocates said we would see decreased average temperatures an increase snowfall now all of a sudden is everything they predict came true and everything you predict didn't come true you come up with a half-assed explanation on why your model didn't work that's not how science works you create a model based on your explanation the if-then sequence is if my hypothesis is correct then y will happen when y did not happen you and none of your cohort examined whether or not your hypothesis was correct instead you made an exclamation for why your hypothesis was correct and it still failed that's fine but now you get to test again and I'm not going to believe you until you get results so far I see no evidence of global warming NOAA data shows did the ice sheets in the Atlantic are actually expanding in breath and in scope in the calving occurring in Antarctica is primarily caused by underwater volcanoes but but but the global warmest exclaim these undersea volcanoes are worsened by increase water pressure above because of more water in the oceans caused by global warming bulshit where's your proof citations or didn't happen instead we see a decrease or output and increase number of volcanoes admitting aerosols in the atmosphere reducing upper atmosphere temperatures known by most astrophysicist increase snowfall worldwide changing Cycles in the jet stream caused by atmospheric compression events resulting in high numbers of once in a thousand year rainfall and multi decade droughts NASA's numbers even admit that there is more snowfall occurring in Antarctica as of recent that more than makes up for year-to-year glacial calving again Everyone is always lecturing us with Concepts and never evidence all I have to say is Citation fucking needed

  4. What a pack of BS. What did you do with the effects of the solar wind- the growing ice in Greenland, (Denmark doesn't want your increased taxes, so their ice measurements are reliable) and the wandering pole.. I live in Canada and our icebreakers are sick of rescuing those people who listen to these people who bought the line that there's no ice.

  5. Funny how the global warmists who said the science was settled and the debate was over 20 yrs ago, yet they failed to predict whats going on now? So they are just trying to claim now that this was part of it all along? What happened to the science is settled? and all the 122 UN IPCC climate models showed only drastic warming? Al gore and others saying snow would be a thing of the past! Not one of them predicted record snow and cold we are seeing? Not one! And none of them stood up and said, if we keep burning fossil fuels its going to get cold and snowy? Not one ! Every prediction they made over the last 30 years has failed? Not one thing in al gores movie came to pass! Zero! Why would you continue to believe these people? Stop falling for political bullshit! The science is not settled!

  6. Still don't answer what the average for this time of ice age cycle….these are ice age cycles…with ice age cycle conditions… what comes after these conditions in an ice age cycle….the info here is not giving answers just repeating what has happened.

  7. 25 seconds in and climate disaster is equated to money. 100 homes destroyed in a hurricane 200 years ago are worth less than 1 home destroyed today. Using money to compare storms is just more scare tactics.
    I still don't understand where all this cold air came from. We are told the arctic is warmer than ever and then we are told the extreme cold air came from the arctic. When I was a child, 50 years ago, we had -40C weather, so cold is nothing new. But still, if the arctic is warmer then where is the cold air coming from?
    In 30 years we lost half the sea ice in the arctic. I have heard reports that in the last 3 years there is more ice in the arctic and more snow in the antarctic.
    I live in Ontario where there was a 2km thick glacier. Since it melted I am sure there were many changes in the jet stream but human population also incresed exponentially.
    Record colds in Sasquatchewan. Where is the cold coming from if the arctic is so much warmer? The jet stream maybe goes further South, however it has gone to Southern Saskatchewan before, So when the arctic was colder then the record colds should have been observed.
    She used the word "silly" so I guess she is correct.
    Now we get into the climate and weather debate. She is explaining current events and ascribing them to climate change, however when someone says it is cold out there she is saying that is weather and they don't understand.
    They show an animation of April 2017 to September 2017 of ice disappearing in the arctic. I do believe that snow begins to melt in March and heating continues till about September. The problem is if these scientsts want to promote global warming they really need to do a better job. Present proof, not something that is natural.
    Quite frankly I don't care much about sea level rising. There are towns around the world that have been inundated because of glaciers melting for tens of thousands of years. This is nothing new and 95% of people did not go extinct. In fact it allowed for more land to be used for agriculture.
    What has affected the ecosystem is environmental degradation, not climate change. We have seen overfishing and hunting, extinctions, an increase in ADHD, asthma, and senility, more male sterility, insect, bee, and bird loses… These are all environmental degradation, not climate change.

  8. Worst than liars…, I'm not certain what Professor Guy Mcpherson meant…, but if she doesn't mention that you should all be dead before 2030…, see Guy Mcpherson…

  9. Nothing will be done until something dramatic happens. 30 years of inaction since Rio/Kyoto proves that. Unfortunately it's going to take prolonged drought, famine, 120 degree heat waves, category 6 hurricanes, collapse of the marine food chain, or something of that magnitude before humans even start seriously thinking about getting their act together. By then it's too late, if it isn't already.

  10. We can no longer talk about this without discussing what role geo-engineering is playing? Why do we ignore this aspect? This Government is spraying the shit out of our skies. So what affect is that having? To ignore that piece is disgusting.

  11. I only glanced at the 1st 33 seconds of this and as soon as I saw that global warming only fucks up U.S. of America and doesn't fuck up any other part of Earth at all (especially not my home Canada) I moved on. Thank goodness.

  12. I am so glad that she said that the US East coast has been getting cooler as most of the rest of the world has been getting warmer. Not that it means anything in the big picture, it just explains why some people in some places are not seeing the same changes.

  13. Very good interview! Why don't they broadcast it on regular networks? Oh, I understand, they are only interested in short-term sensational events.

  14. I needed this. A real scientist talking about real science. God, it reminds of the old days. Give me science or give me death. well, not really. I don't want to die… anyhow, am I still talking? sorry! ok, well, uhm, that's it.

  15. How much money do you think she makes to promote this bullshit. The SUN controls the climate. Most of the warming of the last century occurred before the industrial age really took off in the 1950's 60's and 70's. John Christy has made it clear that the warming is occurring on the surface , but not in the stratosphere. Professor Valentina Zharkova confirms that a Grand Solar Minimum is imminent. Willie Soon and colleagues have funded their own research for their papers on climate change relative to Sunspots. Christy testified before congress that CO2 increases lag behind warming by no less than 300 years during cyclical warming and cooling.

  16. This academic hack is pathetic beyond words. She literally said, no matter what the weather is, dry, wet hot or cold it's down to global warming. Does anyone apart from me understand how stupid a comment that is?

  17. Damn horrid explanation of the jet stream and how it works. Come on RNN I know you can find better people who can explain these moderately complex concepts to the idiot class in a way where anyone can understand how these systems function and how AGW is fking up atmospheric set-up that has allowed human life (mold) to thrive over the years since Jesus rode over to Betsy Ross' house to sew flags

  18. Prof Francis is an undoubted expert but when she started to explain the interaction between the winter occurring stratospheric Polar Vortex & the year-round tropospheric Jetstream she digressed & ended up just concentrating on the jetstream. The mechanics of the PV vortex interaction does need explaining because it brings much colder Arctic weather down into the Jetstream troughs.

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