Gore Vidal on the Democrats and Religion (5/7)

Gore Vidal on the Democrats and Religion (5/7)

When Julian Assange was arrested in London, he happened to be carrying a copy of our book, Gore Vidal: History of the National Security State

To purchase the book, click here: https://www.amazon.com/Vidal-History-National-Security-State/dp/1494887991/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1

The Democratic Party is a machine to get votes for its people, none of whom should probably be elected to the high offices of state. The Republican Party is fundamentally crooked

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15 thoughts on “Gore Vidal on the Democrats and Religion (5/7)

  1. I've watched this series here to part 5 and can hardly believe the willful ignorance of Mr. Vidal. It is clear he has a limited grasp of anything he has addressed to this point – and a bias that keeps him from exploring topics from more than one side.

  2. Resist replicating the same "Ego Minded Thoughts" – that they use to control the Fundamentalist Right.

    Conscious Application of Thoughts – to evolve to a higher level that allows for empathy and gives validation to the Quantum Physics, Universal Law of Attraction

    Odd that the Religion – ignores the teachings of Jesus – (Quantum Physics validates the very message he taught)

    …prior to edits
    Reference: "The Gospel of Thomas"

  3. Vidal noted his experience with audiences: "Whenever I tell them tax all the religions, I bring down the Goddamn house…" Thank you, Real News Network, for reviewing this classic interview of Gore Vidal. After Julian Assange held the Vidal book when being dragged out of the Ecuadorian Embassy on April 11, 2019, this jam-packed-truth discussion became especially relevant, timely and powerful.

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