Great Employment Numbers: 44% of Fully Employed Make $18,000 a Year or Less

Great Employment Numbers: 44% of Fully Employed Make $18,000 a Year or Less

Beneath the rosy employment report lives a reality of low-paying part-time and temporary work with no benefits or security.

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Audio Engineer: Cameron Granadino
Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery
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40 thoughts on “Great Employment Numbers: 44% of Fully Employed Make $18,000 a Year or Less

  1. Brothers and sisters work for yourself. Use your skills if not talent. Why do we black folks have to keep working for the white mans companies for 40 hours a week and the government demands there cut of your hard earn money. That’s modern day slavery. The rich pay less tax and the poor pay more. The rich get all the fresh food and non toxic food and we the people get food town. Please my people sell your own by using your head, skills, talents, learn to network with black all own companies never be scare to call or knock on the door of opportunity. Let’s break the modern day slave trade with white America.

  2. The title of this video is simply false. Pretty sad for the "Real News" network to falsely state the facts. The 44% number comes from a Brookings Institution study which looked at workers they consider "low wage workers." That group was 44% of workers between the ages of 18 and 64 with a few exclusions like full time students. The median income of that group of low wage workers was $18,000 a year. The median means that half earned less and half earned more. So only 22% of workers earn $18,000 or less. Of all the low wage workers, 57% worked full time year round. 15% don't speak English very well. And 12% are enrolled in school. 26% of the 44% were the sole earner in a family. It doesn't help the argument to miss-state the facts.

  3. Why don’t unions have solidarity? Why don’t they all work together for benefits for all unions? Why don’t they work internationally? Why don’t they have a general strike? Why don’t they work together to get everyone into a union?

  4. Miss me with that noise. A person who make $9.37 an hour working 160 full time hours a month gross $18,000.00 a year. A E1 private in the United States Army earns $20,175.00 a year starting pay and…..gets close to a $200 a month pay raise automatically in six months. If someone doesn't have the educational background or a criminal background that prevents them from earning over $9.37 as hour? Sucks to be them. They should have made better life decisions.

  5. and of course the whores in the main stream media will never address this…even the fake left gives trump the pass on this so called ' great economy'.

  6. I wonder if Trump has any idea what the reality really is? When are they going to turn that helicopter off?
    The criminal global banking cartel just keep printing more money which is used to prop up the stock market. This not only devalues the currency but the private sector you and me have to pay back the principal and interest on this.

  7. Your title is incorrect. The Social Security Ad. report on wages, mentioned below, shows that 50% earn less than $32,838, and 33.6% (about a third) make less than $20,000 a year. And the BLS stats show that 16.4% work part-time and 3.6% are out of work. So 20% are out of work or working part-time, officially. And we can assume the full-time employed year-round are the next 13.6% who earn less than $20,000. Maybe 11% of full-time workers earn less than $18,000 per year, not the 44% of your title. Not a big deal, but let's try for greater accuracy. 41.4% of American live in households with incomes below 200% (or double) the official poverty threshold (which is way too low to be accurate). Scholars say that 140% or 150% of poverty threshold is the real poverty level, some say 200%. The Jobs Quality Index in its report shows that since 2000 some 32 million new jobs were added by private employers, and 5 out of 8 were the low-wage low-hours jobs, that's 62.5% of jobs added in last 20 years are not living wage jobs. The JQI shows that that low wage job employs 30 hours per week, paying $17.40 an hour, or $528 per week, and if all year, and many must be part year jobs, it pays $27,460 a year. I believe this does not match the SSA report, and the SSA is most accurate. As I mentioned below, the combined earnings of the lower-half is just 8.0% of the entire national income, as given by the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, $15.005 trillion. Who receives the other 92% of national income? What we can do is vote for a very progressive into government — Congress, Presidency, state and local government — and increase minimum wage, and increase union power and create millions of Green energy and public housing jobs and infrastructure jobs. my blog:

  8. It's worse. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Dept. Commerce, shows 33 million working part-time or not working, unemployed — and the Social Security wage report shows 33 million earning less than $10,000 a year. Together that is 20% of all who work or want to work. Their average yearly income in 2018 was about $4,116 a year. Incredible. See the SSA report here: — Together the lower-earning half earn 8.0% of the total income the economy generates, or #1.3 trillion out of $15 trillion (the Joint Committee on Taxation, Overview, figure for total income). Half is equal to 83 million workers all earning less than $32,838 a year, and their average income is $14,300, and if one works full-time at $72.5 an hour for a full year, that worker earns $15,080. Half have an average income less than a full-time year-round worker. A report from Saez, Piketty, and Zucman, the Distributional National Accounts, shows that the top 10% earn between 47% to 51% of the total pre-tax income in the economy. Their report also shows that the income of the 1% is 81 times the average income of the lower 50%, per adult. They say it is about like this in places like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, or Central African Republic. Without a doubt, the U.S. economy is very sick. My blog

  9. The job rate is up for serfdom! Wage slaves and Cannon fodder is the new economy for the American poor by the GOP the anti-US Constitution and America party i.e the party for the rich elite and their mega-corporations! GOP is for the criminal Trump rather than America and the US Constitution by their actions yesterday on the vote for impeachment! GOP are lackey's of the rich elite

  10. Meanwhile great paying careers abound. Many of which require no college degree.

    The problem is motivation. Most would rather stay poor than take up a career that is "beneath them"..

    Think I'm full of shit? Go on Craigslist at look a job section other than retail..

  11. When Trump says "JOBS JOBS JOBS!", what he doesn't mention is most are low wage or temp jobs. You thought you were screwed by Reagan and Bush? Just wait after 4-8 years of Trump. No one will be prosecuted, his wall can be climbed easily, there is no plan, Q is not Trump secretly talking to you. Andrew Yang will not save you either, if he even gets the nomination, and if you vote for him you are still stuck in the left/right paradigm.

  12. Though this (44% ) likely include college students , high school students , stay-at-home-parent who might work from the home or work on weekend or during the holidays, retirees and seasonal workers etc, and some workers might pay less rent due to their income and/or receive other benefits , there still are too many workers not making enough as according to the Social Security Wage Statistics for 2017 , 48% of US residents earned less than 30,000.
    And 9.62% made more than 100,000 dollars. In other words, 90.38 percent of US residents made less than 100,000 .

  13. I'm retired… my SS is not quite enough to live on and I have to find work.

    I've been hanging a banner up to do what I did before I retired… my age isn't discussed. I get calls offering me $10-12 less per hour than I made 8 years ago, and the list of responsibilities, skills, and hours required is much longer.

    What interviews I go to end in being ghosted, even if I follow up, I'm put on eternal hold…

    I have skills being utilized by folks who are trying to keep their homes driving Uber. They are grateful, because to hire a pro would cost them triple what I ask, and I think I ask a lot…. I'm glad to cut these kind, hard working folks a break they surely need.

    One couple didn't have heat… I got it going just as their home was getting unbearable. They told me the pros they called wouldn't even show up for what they paid me…

    Shit's getting real…. and from the financial vids I see, a depression is likely after the election… regardless of who gets elected.

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