Former Deputy Defence Minister Costas Isychos says Greek voters punished Alexis Tsipras for betraying his anti-austerity mandate

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By elboriyorker


27 thoughts on “Greece’s Syriza Government Loses Election After Imposing Harsh Austerity (1/2)”
  1. Greece must declare the national debt illegal and immoral. They will be punished like Venezuela, but it will have the dignity of sovereignty. It's a multi polar world. Time to move on.

  2. Politics, like many other aspects of life (e.g. marketing), is just sleaze manipulating morons. Edward Bernay's book, "Propaganda" should be compulsory reading for every student and there should be subjects dedicated to teach the student the subtly of propaganda techniques. This would eventually transform the now dysfunctional mainstream into a democratic tool and disarm the fascists' propaganda machine. There can be no functional democracy with an ignorant population being prayed upon by the plutocrats and when the country has no sovereignty.

    What Costas Isychos doesn't appear to understand is Neoliberalism is a strategy by the plutocrats to extract wealth. The best way I can describe it is they want to privatize the Parthenon. Remember, Neocolonialism has been interwoven with Globalism & Neoliberalism and backed by the US military to extract wealth for the plutocrats by ensuring Western capital has no restrictions.

    So you are wondering about the contradiction of removing markets and youth from Greece and then expecting a recovery. This strategy is intentional and designed to smash Greece and sell off the pieces for profit. Think of Greece as the Venezuela of Europe.

  3. Guys, it is really quite simple. 1. Tsipras buckled under pressure when faced with the option to go down the route of a hard Grexit in 2015 after the referendum, effectively betraying the trust the citizens had bestowed upon him, who probably did not know the repercussions of such a collision with the money masters, but still chose to vote No. 2. After that key capitulation, Tsipras totally acquiescing to Brussels and the Eurocrats with their dictates and fiscal demands (see austerity) was a matter of time (a short one at that). 3. His stay in power paradoxically proved to be a blessing in disguise for the Eurocrats and Brussels, especially with Varoufakis out of the picture, as they had someone who could fool the gullible Greek people with the fantastical, revolutionary, leftist rhetoric, thus keeping the masses generally subdued and under control, while passing the harshest austerity measures ever imaginable. If a so-called right-wing party, say New Democracy, had even attempted to push through half of what SYRIZA had implemented, there would literally be bloodshed in the streets (no exaggeration). In short, Tsipras was a great artist of deception, who now leads a party of over 30%. Brussels could not have hoped for a better partner to get their job done. As far as the conservatives of New Democracy are concerned, they are far from a truly free market party, as there never was such a party in Greece. It is just a pseudo-capitalist party, rife with nepotism and statism to its core. So much for Greece. Over and out

  4. Golden Dawn is not even given a chance to run. Fewer choices for more democracy!
    A sure sign of growing repression: new "anti-semitism" law passed in Greece.
    Vote for neoliberal Right or for neoliberal Left. Left, right, left, right. March, slaves, march.
    Dissident parties will be crushed. For you voting safety.

  5. Golden Dawn is not even given a chance to run. Fewer choices for more democracy!
    A sure sign of growing repression: new "anti-semitism" law passed in Greece.
    Vote for neoliberal Right or for neoliberal Left. Left, right, left, right. March, slaves, march.
    Dissident parties will be crushed. For you voting safety.

  6. Golden Dawn is not even given a chance to run. Fewer choices for more democracy!
    A sure sign of growing repression: new "anti-semitism" law passed in Greece.
    Vote for neoliberal Right or for neoliberal Left. Left, right, left, right. March, slaves, march.
    Dissident parties will be crushed. For you voting safety.

  7. Golden Dawn is not even given a chance to run. Fewer choices for more democracy!
    A sure sign of growing repression: new "anti-semitism" law passed in Greece.
    Vote for neoliberal Right or for neoliberal Left. Left, right, left, right. March, slaves, march.
    Dissident parties will be crushed. For you voting safety.

  8. Elizabeth Taylor. Those white squares on the right going up and down are really irriTating and distracting. Enough to make me go somewhere else and stop watching this. Please stop this. I've come across this before on TRN. PLEASE STOP DOING THIS.

  9. 2008 Greece was taken down due to US banks theft and bail out. Repercussions were felt around the world. End of Obama’s term he visited Greece and the people in Greece rioted in the streets opposing his presence.

  10. All of this started way back during the Greek Civil War. None of this would have happened if the communists had won the war. Instead, the capitalists won and betrayed the people, plunging them into a neoliberal nightmare. Now, once again the people have been betrayed, this time by the left, and Syriza has paid the price. Unfortunately, the people are likely to be betrayed again by the right wing government. Greeks just can't win.

  11. The traditional New Democracy voters all voted for them. Voters who the past years were always between them and the old PASOK mostly voted for them. Many people who don't really pay attention to politics but knew that their pockets were still empty with Syriza voted for them. Plus many of the previous NeoNazi Golden Dawn voters also voted for them that's why they are out of parliament, but that means they believe them to be right wing enough. All that gave them enough votes to govern on their own, because Syriza implemented austerity policies. And the final selling out of the country begins…

  12. If they want to grow, they can't expect profit for the establishment. They must suffer as much as the working class…. or fail… again.

  13. In Portugal the left alliance are in power because they didn't allow austerity. Screw these comprador morons. Syriza is shit

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