Guaidó Out of Gas (1/2 ) – Everything Law and Order Blog

After several failed US-backed coup attempts, Juan Guaidó sent an envoy to Oslo to explore talks with the government. Former Chief of Staff to Nicolás Maduro, Temir Porras, joins Sharmini Peries for analysis

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By phillyfinest369


39 thoughts on “Guaidó Out of Gas (1/2 )”
  1. What a f*****g turd this man Abraham is an out and out w****r and Guiadó that piss poor idiot has been taken on a merry go round by the APP (Abraham, Pence & Pompeo') he should be charged for treason and be hung at one of the highest point in the country the Angel Falls.

  2. Guaido is a back stabbing traitor to his people. The next election should show this very clearly, as long as the US does not come close to anything concerning the election.

  3. I wouldn't be surprised to see him(Guaido) found dead soon.
    His masters found him not so effective for getting the job done and they'll be afraid of slip of his tongue.
    He may be cut off from his paycheck from CIA and that maybe the reason for offering the negotion.
    He probably wants an immunity from getting arrested by Maduro but he's forgetting about even bigger threat, retaliation of Trump.
    Or that, he'll become a missing person and nobody will know it, or care.

  4. Any discussion should be openly discuss in front of the venezuelan people that suffered and continues to suffered the Impact of the Economic Sanctions Imposed with the Agreement of the Do called Opposition. In fact any agreement in my opinion should be Submitted for approval by the Venezuelan people in a Referendum. That leave the arguments that this or that group is a Dictator and the United States Influence out of the Equation. Observers from Different Countries, China, Russia and India Included! Manipulation shoull come to an End! That goes for any covert or overt Meddling/INTERVENTIONS!

  5. How is threat and seige warfare a desire to give people choices when the people already chose Maduro? The Bank has tried every corney c.i.a. trick since the Eisenhower administration. They are becoming so transparent these days they are a cartoon of themselves.

  6. Forgive me for Not Trusting this assassin! I do not Trust his boss, Trump, because they are Both Liars! I support negociations, but that does not means that I believe that the Current Elected Government of Venezuela or its Peoples Should Lower their Guards! Always Foward and Never , But Never BACKWARDS!

  7. I hope Guido gets the punishment he so deserving of for treason just as the TRUMP regime will get the punishment it deserves along with all of it's cohorts and aiders who enabled them in the BETRAYAL to America. How can Trump's corrupt syndicate call for regime change when they themselves are illegal only WE ARE showing how weak OUR so called leaders are and their inability to want to remove these vile evil pieces of shit for fear of loosing the NEXT election? Clean your own front door before you try to clean SOME ONE else's.

  8. the American handlers have cut their puppets strings, the world had and insight of the American meddling campaign which by the way failed

  9. Eliot Abrams confidence that Venezuelan elections will result in victory for the Venezuelan elites and US corporations is based on the flawed premise that Venezuelans will cave to continued economic warfare. But Venezuelans have seen the economic benefits of controlling their own resources, rather than allowing some Guaido-type selling everything off to foreign oligarchs.

  10. God bless the good people of Venezuela, Stay strong and Stay safe, long live Maduro in name of Chavez. Lots of love from an Australian/Croatian.

  11. That's an easier way for the US to infiltrate, set-up and overthrow Maduro once they are in, is that simple. If I was Maduro; I would not trust anything Guiado say as he is a puppet for the US.

  12. maduro does not have to agree to any bullshyt! negotiate with a traitor? dont kiss ass maduro! cuba never kissed any asscrack,and they are doing well!

  13. shut your snouth! maduro is elected u slimeball,what the friggen shyt do they want a election for? what dont U get? MDURO WON,U SLIMEASSESS. maduro is president,u lousy slimedung

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