He Died in Jail From Dehydration. His Family Says a Leaked Video Shows it Was Murder. – Everything Law and Order Blog

On this episode of the Police Accountability Report we examine the case of Shali Tilson, who died after he was jailed during a mental health crisis. But a leaked video shows he was denied water and medical treatment by GA prison authorities for a week–mistreatment his family says was criminal. Please join Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode of The Police Accountability Report!

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By phillyfinest369


35 thoughts on “He Died in Jail From Dehydration. His Family Says a Leaked Video Shows it Was Murder.”
  1. I'm here because I hit a link in a video claiming this to be the death of Damon T berry a philosopher of hidden knowledge on YouTube but I dont think this him if anyone knows if damon t berry passed make a comment

  2. Came From Noli's,This is Not Cool ,,Something Needs to Be Done,,So Sad,OMG Hard to Watch,,That's just Messed up,,Will be writing Letters,May God Bless Family !!

  3. Some policemen are very, very naughty. They tarnish the reputation of those who become police officers in order to "protect and serve". Unacceptable

  4. Another thing absolutely sickening about this is, the police department made a ton of money for this.
    Insurance is carried on every inmate. So there’s one payday for the department. Also, a bond is created on the inmate. It matures upon release or death. So there’s another payday. Lawyers,Judges,DAs,and police departments all get a cut. There’s trillions of dollars being made by the criminal justice system.

  5. Cops are chicken shit pussies, they are so afraid of everything they overreact to everything, If your afraid of people you have no business being a cop.

  6. the play book does not matter because they have been getting away with these demonic procedures for years. Truly this playbook will began to not work all over the country. Thank you for exposing this

  7. That's what happens if you let cops in your life the lawers are just as bad thy know what is going on it's all a lie

  8. that sheriff is the king of the Psychopaths he's letting it all happen it he needs more than just lose his job he needs to go to jail

  9. Mental health how about the thugs they're holding him hurting people with a mental health problem they are the ones with mental health issues

  10. All of them officers in that facility should be on their way to the federal penitentiary and I say all every last one of them are complicit to murder

  11. These prison officials should be prosecuted for murder, or, at the least, negligent homicide. After that, the family is due a large civil judgment for the son’s suffering and theirs as well. How do you not give a man water? This case is absurd. I am a lawyer, a former prosecutor, and I am sickened that this can happen in the USA.

  12. I heard to become a officer you have to have a low IQ, people with low IQ's apparently don't question authority even when they know they are doing wrong.

  13. Oh my goodness…this is so difficult to look at…I am so sorry to the family and this is a human rights incident. Somebody in that jail is evil as hell.

  14. i just want to add that all too often we get angry at the police officers, prison guards, etc., but really the problem is the system and the people running it. The officers and guards are working for someone else who tells them what to do. I don't think it'll solve the problem to just punish a particular guard or officer. We need to look at who runs the prisons and how they run them. Maybe they aren't staffed properly or important resources aren't being provided because someone on power wants to cut corners and save money.

    Also if he was on suicide watch, why wasn't there a counselor/minister/psychologist of some kind visiting him frequently, and why wasn't he provided with some things to make him more comfortable? Why wasn't he sent to a hospital and given treatment? Would all that have cost too much money? Not to excuse the behavior of the guards but the way the prisons are being managed is at the root of the problem, IMO.

  15. Met a guy who was an EMT back in the 70s or 80s I think. He said that back then he frequently was sent to prisons and saw victims–prisoners–who clearly had been beaten to death but was told that, if he wanted to keep his job, he'd better shut up. So he didn't say anything. Hey, he didn't want to end up like Julian Assange… This has been going on for decades! Considering how much surveillance we're all under, how is it that we don't have footage of Jeffrey Epstein, Sandra Bland, etc., committing suicide?

  16. A lot of cases of abuse in this kind of custody really upsets me! But This case particularly really upsets me to the point of tears because he was disabled above everything there needs to be serious repercussions to all responsible on shift and the arresting officer needs to be fired! This is so wrong on many levels! My God, this is horribly cruel 😢😢😡😡

  17. Same thing happened to a young man named Keaton Farris in Whatcom county Washington. Cost the county 4 million dollars. The community had to pay the family because America is a psychotic police state run by bankers.

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