Former Home Depot employee Vince Quiles recounts his experience organizing to form the home improvement retail chain’s first union.

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By elboriyorker


27 thoughts on “He tried to organize Home Depot’s first union. Then they fired him.”
  1. Home depot doesn't want to unionize. They want to continue to treat their employees like crap. Reason why i won't shop there. I speak from personal experience

  2. I used to work at Home Depot. One of my hobbies is going there now as a customer and leaving union literature around the store. This drives management into a full blown panic!

  3. I don't shop at The Home Dump,even though there is one two blocks away.
    Just like I do not shop at Wally World or shop Amazon.
    And someone will have the standard reply of,well they make millions or billions,so your not hurting there bottom line.
    It's all about principles and that to me is worth a lot.
    I am a union member.

  4. I worked for Home Depot for several years. I remember during onboarding/training the whole "uNiOnS aRe ScArY aNd EviL " talk , and how we were supposed to pretty much run away if we encountered anyone who uttered the word Union

  5. Home Depot is trash.

    Home Depot is trash, trash, trash. Traaaaaaaash.

    I've been to jail a couple of times, I've worked at convenience stores, I've been punched in the face, and I've had a loaded gun pointed at me. I have never been treated with the kind of contempt that I experienced working at Home Depot. Even the sheriff that dumped me into county lockup in Iowa treated me with more respect than Home Depot did. The break room at Home Depot only allowed people to watch Fox News and the Weather Channel, and management kept an authoritarian eye on people that switched the channel to the weather. It was like the way Stalin kept his eye on the cosmatists. They could have at least been a little circumspect about their contempt for their workers, but they refused to do so.

    Greg Palast's Vigilante movie suffers from an incoherence of storytelling, but it paints a picture of old Georgia money trying to resurrect the project of slavery and vote-rigging. Home Depot is at the heart of that old Georgia money, evil, and darkness.

  6. i feel so sorry for Americans having to live in such dark age conditions without any legal protection from exploitation by big corporations

  7. Contrary to manufactured belief Unions ARE communist groups and most definitely anti democratic in the long run … they are there to hobble companies from directing their business as the company envisions in their company vision statement. If you don't like where you work then go find new employment you like, what you don't do is become a 'flea' in your company's side.
    By the way – I am an ex Brotherhood of electrical workers board of directors member … I got very tired of protecting members who were alcoholic drunks, drug addicts, thieves, lazy etc and who I would have fired in my own company .
    Unions once had their place but these days are nothing but forced thorns in a company's side. Too many agreements are used to protect people who are actually a danger in the workplace contrary to making their fellow employees safer.

  8. Good for Home Depot. We really don't need more Marxist infiltration into the workforce under the guise of worker advocacy. If you have worker grievances, you can organize periodically to address those grievances without a dues-based, national syndicate that makes a living off of the workers without producing a damn thing. The workers at the second company I worked for unionized themselves out of great paying steady jobs. The company was sold to a bigger competitor, who absorbed the inventory and dissolved the company.

  9. Pot smoking does influence your ability to think clearly, clean yourself up dress appropriately ie. like a professional, stop dying your hair like a freak clown show, when I walk through depot or walmart and others and I smell the pot smoke just radiating from these employees that tells me the employees don't respect the customers and then they walk around talking to themselves, now these are good employees, bad employees make hard working employees look bad

  10. The UNIONS are not the answer, I've been there done that, and I can tell you first hand they do nothing to protect good hard working employees, if you don't vote for a certain political party they retaliate against you, the unions get in the pockets of the politicians and the politicians get in the pockets of the unions, in fact there needs to be strict legislation that enforces the law to separate politics and the unions, it's legal money Laundering

  11. Here In lloydminster Saskatchewan Canada, they are trying to unionize the apartment turn team. It's not going so well for them.

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