Healthcare Workers Punished For Challenging ‘Profit Over People’ Management

Healthcare Workers Punished For Challenging ‘Profit Over People’ Management

The US medical system’s drive to maximize profit has always been at the cost of public health, and amplifies the danger healthcare workers and their patients face from COVID-19.

Director/Video Editor: Will Arenas
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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20 thoughts on “Healthcare Workers Punished For Challenging ‘Profit Over People’ Management

  1. Here’s a tiny question. Do you think capitalism will be around fifty years from now? A hundred? I don’t, at least not as the fundamental organizing principle of the world it is today. I think if it’s the best we’ve got, well, my friends, we’re utterly….toast! I don’t think capitalism is going to survive this century because it’s already making everything more or less self destruct. Capitalism cannot work in a world whose resources are depleted, corroded, burned through, violated (unless by "work" we mean plunge us back into the Stone Age). It is what did all that destruction in the first place, by exploiting everything for profit, without ever really paying its just, true, or full price, always taking, never giving, always preying, never creating ways. The truth of this here is capitalism can’t be the organizing force of the world it destroyed, this is already self-evident if you care to look. Societies that rely on capitalism most will be the first to implode, in fact, they already are: just look at America and Britain. Asking capitalism to be the organizing principle of the world it ruined is like asking the fire that burned down your house to rebuild it. You can ask, sure, but the fire will laugh, and just keep on burning you right down into ashes.

  2. Republicans have destroyed our medical infrastructures . Since Ronald Regan . Wake up America .
    Our medical supplies and medications are being made in China and India . Wake up America.

  3. I would doubt that the management solution is total workers control of these healthcare corporations It’s better for a 50/50 control. First, there are not many examples of successful total workers control in Capitalist countries. And the abject failures is many socialist countries does not inspire much confidence. Secondly and more fundamentally, human beings are greatly susceptible to greed and corruption regardless of their economic, social, educational or political status. We have numerous instances where this phenomenon occurred when the working class takes power,; South Africa being the latest example. In the USA context a 50/50 detente between the workers and the corporate elite is the best solution.

    I already know that the capitalist system as well as the socialist system will eventually collapse because of humanity greed/selfish nature.

  4. @The Real News Network : FINE interview, but Jacqueline, calm down. You went a little overboard. I like the guest, but Jacqueline, calm down. I would've liked to hear more from this guest and maybe he could've said more. Not sure, but it seemed to be going well with him.

  5. Are these cities still running busses and subway system? Getting on public transit would be worse than getting on a plane! They are disease transmission carriers even when there is no pandemic.

  6. The system is designed in such a way that no matter your occupation, if you are willing to speak out you will be replaced. There is always someone who is ready to step in to your position despite the injustice they have seen. General strike, if not now then when?

  7. This poses serious questions about what kind of society we want.

    The message I'm getting from Trump is that they have to be careful that the cure doesn't hurt the economy more than the virus hurts people. Trumps game is being tested here.

  8. The coronavirus pandemic is serious and very dangerous. However, it is not the most serious threat against the United States. The most serious threat facing the United States is Donald Trump.

  9. If our government has policies of depopulation for Africans for many years, it shouldn't be extrange the treatment Puerto Rico received after the Huracan, the catastrophic of Cathrina and what is happening with the Coronavirus.

    It all started in Washington, not in NY. How do we have supplies for Washington and other areas, even New Rochelle, but not NYC.

    Didn't leaders knew of how transportation works in NYC?

    NY is over packed and government Representatives want to keep it that way.

  10. Ireland nationalizes its healthcare. Spain nationalizes its healthcare. France offers Universal Basic Income. Albeit temporarily for the duration of the pandemic, but at least they're doing what needs to be done for their nation's safety.

    Um… America, are you taking notice of this?

  11. "It is the system as a whole that is the problem". Boy, does this physician ever make the point. As a respiratory therapist, I'm tired of hearing the needs of ventilators, but nothing about our population, who operate them. It's cruel and inhuman what is going on.

  12. I worked in a great hospital for 28 years , mostly in he ICU. My hours were cut drastically and many staff were laid off and fired. In all the Units, we are constantly short staffed and severely short staffed on the weekends. The administration cut the staff to bare bones. Now, the charge nurse is making masks out of shoe covers. A nurse in the ER was told he has 1 N95 for 5 days.Why should our brave healthcare workers put their lives and families on the line. Unbelievable and despicable.. actually even worst, they have death on their hands. Thank you Doctor For your honest and insightful talk and our horrible healthcare system.

  13. I recently had the pleasure of a 4 day stay in Hospital there I had one Catscan an MRI a daily visit from a Consultant and a team of Medical Staff I also had all my normal medications plus I was brought to the hospital by Ambulance. By Bill
    € 320:00.
    In comparison to the United states of America according to Google
    1,CatScan $3500:00
    1,MRI $1500:00
    4 Day stay $3500 per Day or part there of. Medication $ 2000 est'
    Irish Citizen and Proud European under lockdown

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