House Anti-BDS Resolution Reveals the Power and Limits of the Israeli Lobby – Everything Law and Order Blog

The defense of Palestinian rights has become more acceptable and accusations of anti-Semitism have become more sparing in the mainstream media, despite the House’s recent resolution against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, says IPS’s Phyllis Bennis

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By phillyfinest369


36 thoughts on “House Anti-BDS Resolution Reveals the Power and Limits of the Israeli Lobby”
  1. Trump was a puppet of Jews (AIPAC)it has always been in front of us but as always blind to it or mostly pretend who controls us

  2. Tulsi has condemned live fire on protestors by Israel, the Israel's illegal settlements and the annexation of Golan Heights, has always been against the Syria war, which Israel lobbied for and actively supported, and has called out Donald Trump for doing Netanyahu's bidding in Iran, saying that "Netanyahu wants to drag US into war with Iran".

    I don't agree with Tulsi Gabbard's vote on HRes246, but it's a nonbinding resolution (NOT a bill) that doesn't affect the BDS movement or the free speech of anyone in any way, affirms the first amendment rights for citizens to boycott, and recognizes the human rights of Palestinians and the right of Palestine to exist as a sovereign nation. Plus, Tulsi was a co-sponsor of Ilhan's HRes496, which affirms the rights of US citizens to join BDS and other movements. No other candidate, including Bernie Sanders, has a better position on this issue.

  3. USA officials who pledge Alliance to Israel (if not already a Citizen of Israel – many are! ) should move to their beloved so called Israel.
    Israel is high jacking/hacking a super power Government! This will go down in history as the Ultimate theft by Ultimate treasonous.

  4. I disagree with Phyllis Bennis on whether it is wise for Congress to still push for a Two-State Solution. I unlike Bennis still think it is. First: It is the International Position. Almost all countries adhere to it. Second: It is much more difficult to find legal means to force Israel to adhere to a One-State Solution with equal rights for palestinians in all the occupied palestinian territories, as all political and judicial organs like the International Court of Justice presuppose that Israel has a right to exist as a state if it wants to, but only within the pre-1967 armistice lines.

    Bennis main point though is that the Two-State Solution is impossible to achieve due to the settlement expansions. This claim is shown to be spurious in Jamie Stern-Weiners et al book Moment of Truth. Most settlers still live in a relatively small area adjacent to Israel, and negotiations with PLO have shown that a territorial swap could incorporate most of them.

    Bennis and all One-Staters have not made a forceful argument as to why it would be easier to sway Israel to comply to annexing all occupied palestinian territories and make jews the minority in a democratic State rather than give up conrol over 21 % of the areas where most of the palestinians live.

  5. How is 1st amendment/free speech & human rights antisemitic? Is it because cash heavy lobbyists say so? This BDS resolution is a peaceful protest. Ro, Ayanna, Tulsi, sorry I disagree. Israeli government plays the victim as usual.

  6. The encouragement to bias. Resolution to punish the oppressed defenceless peoples. Is this agree by your Jesus , ehh Christian Zionist. Did he ever teach to hurt or hit other people. Or was you deviated from good teaching of Jesus. You just make him ashamed for him to call you His true followers!!!!!!

  7. and US complaints about Russia, bunch of fools, it is on your eyes and you don't want to see it, the first letter is I and the last letter is L, just a little hint

  8. I like the fact that politicians in Germany who voted for the ban of BDS in Germany now reveal their parties where paid by Israel… All that anti-Semitism hullabaloo? Horse Manure as usual now… Corruption is the word. Support BDS!! And your free speech rights btw.

  9. "House Anti-BDS Resolution Reveals the Power and Limits of the Israeli Lobby" … as well as the total incompetence and corruption of the US political system and the US constituents. Is that news to you?

  10. The only path to peace in Palestine is to wipe the slate clean and start over with an INDIGENOUS ONE-STATE with equal rights for ALL, including the RIGHT OF RETURN and REPARATIONS for Palestinians, not the fake two-state "solution" that Zionists like Finkelstein, Dershowitz, Ro Khanna, Chomsky, Sanders and Tulsi push – that's just continued slow-motion genocide of Palestinians.

  11. Trump approves the allocation of $38 billion to Israel in 2018. Israel has the largest lobbyist group in the US to continue the US spending millions on them. What Israel is doing to Palestine’s is the same as what Saudi Arabia is doing to Yemen. Why don’t we hear more about this in the news or would that also be anti-Saudi? Perhaps speaker Pelosi its time to stop sucking up to your wealthy donors and call Israel what it is an occupation and Subligation of innocent Palestine’s.

  12. One of the dumbest statements that can be said with regard to BDS movement is calling it anti-semitic! Everyone in Palestine/Israel region IS SEMANTIC!!!

  13. Even the loving God of all gives us choices and allows himself to be put on trial so our NEW EYES can see his plan, Isreal should show themselves knowing him and do the same

  14. The ‘American’ lawmaker here is Mr Lee Zeldin; a known attorney Zionist and AIPAC agent, who served in the Iraqi war and perhaps killed many Iraqis. Does he really serve the US interest?

  15. Great interview. My hat's off to Bennis who usually disappoints by being too soft in her critique of Israeli policies. But here she is clarion clear, hopeful and forceful, in advocating the legitimacy of the BDS movement.

  16. she mentions historic palestien. What exactly is she taking about? Does she mean the province under the ottoman? The Romans? Where is she drawing the boarders

  17. My laboring-class is the 50% working poor, due entirely to the upper-half of society hoarding all of the land, wealth, political power and healthcare. For government is nothing more than the organized morality of the more educated upper-half. And so, let a nationwide strike cause sewage to backup in the kitchen sink of everyone with a college degree.

  18. We are told by cowardly bought and paid for lawmakers, that implying Israel has any influence over politicians is a "racist trope". Yet Trump has destroyed the peace process for no other reason than his racial anathema towards Muslims, and his daughter's "conversion" to the religion of money. Note that: you always have to convert to Judaism, even liberal Jews rarely convert to another religion. The proscription of BDS is just part of the wider campaign to outlaw any and all forms of criticism of the crimes against humanity, committed by Israel. We are told that any suggestion of "dual loyalty" is a racist trope, so that no consideration will be given to the fact that Jews are disproportionately represented, in the entertainment industry, and in law making, and have almost full control over the public's perception of Israel. Anything critical is labelled "a trope". Meanwhile Trump, and the entire MSM use tropes and dogwhistles, about any country on earth, about any minority group, without fear of reprisal. If you complain about it your a "snowflake", SJW etc. "exploiting" identity politics. Only Israel is "sacred", only Jews are an "oppressed minority". Which is bullshit, because they are not really "oppressed", they have massive wealth and power. It is not the same experience, since the entire media virtue signal over perceived "anti-semitism", while actually participating in racist, bigoted attacks on oppressed, minority groups.

    How much more of our language will proscribed and prescribed by Israel? The last one I heard was "anti capitalism" is now "anti Semitic" the inference being that since jews are wealthy, to be against a system of gross injustice and cruelty, is now "racist". Force and coercion are behind everything Israel does, Russia can only dream of having the Israel's level of influence, but like terrified fools, we have to pretend that Russia inflicted a "the worst attack on our country in history" (not 9/11 and Pearl Harbour)? What are we gaining from this toxic relationship with apartheid Israel? "They are our only friends…" no they are not. First of all you'd have more friends if you didn't invade or bomb everyone in the middle east. Secondly, they hate Europe and Christianity. They blame the west for the holocaust, they despise Christians as much as Muslims, and they use racist tropes which you don't even know about, unless you speak Yiddish or Hebrew. They see any manipulation of Christians, Europeans, Americans, as entirely justifiable, after all they had worse done to them, so this is payback. They see evangelicals and other fundamentalists as "useful idiots". Schools in Israel teach kids that everyone in the west is a rabid "anti-semite", and the Army teaches them to dehumanise Muslims.

    Why are we held hostage by this tiny country, with less population than London or New York, who openly bribe politicians, or threaten those they can't bribe, why? Why do we have to defend them and treat them differently than any other nation, by allowing them to murder and invade with impunity? Anyone else (Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, every shia country) gets sanctioned for all the things Israel ACTUALLY does on a daily basis. There is very little outrage about racism towards any other ethnic/religious group, but if you say ANYTHING remotely critical of Israel's barbarism, you are deplatformed and censored immediately. You can lose your job and even your life.

    Israel wont allow the UK to have a progressive Prime Minister; it was so predictable that not just Jeremy Corbyn, but every ally of his would be defamed by paid lackeys like Tom Watson*. Even though *Israel is exempt from every norm of international law, it still can't convince people, so it resorts to infiltration, subterfuge, propaganda, and bribery. They have nukes ffs, but its Iran we must be concerned about, even though the IAEA has always stated that Iran is in compliance with its nuclear obligations – and has no nuclear weapons program. When have the IAEA ever been allowed to inspect WMD in "the only democracy in the middle east"? Never. "The only democracy" btw, in which the Head of state occupies several cabinet positions. The only democracy with a giant "concentration camp" in its borders (Gaza). Concentration camps are not death camps, but the distinction has been totally erased by malign hasbara, promulgated by the Israel lobbies globally.

    The US claim that Russia "invaded" democracy, but actual evidence of Israel's bribery of lawmakers is simply ignored. It is essentially a form of subsidised bribery, since US taxpayers pay 4 billion a year, so that Israel can smear anyone who dares to criticise them. Whatever else happened to jews in Europe, the death camp generation are all but gone, the current generation(s) are the perpetrators of crimes, not the victims. They will continue ethnic cleansing and genocide, until we realise that this little country has malign influence of civil and cultural institutions, including entertainment. And they use it very effectively to make people believe that Israel are victims, "besieged" as they are, by kids armed with rocks. They have convinced the public, that the holocaust is some kind of justification for Israel to commit its own crimes against humanity.

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